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MessagePosté: 08 Fév 2006, 09:43
par Chauve-Souris
KALLISTO DOES IT AGAIN! Welllllll, that's "News", ain't it?
Anyhoo, here's her latest (reproduced without permission):
For discussion (en français) of the exotic medium, "gouache", used:

MessagePosté: 09 Fév 2006, 08:35
par garooob
Woah, that's really cool!

MessagePosté: 09 Fév 2006, 19:52
par miaame
Wow, that's a really cool picture someone drew. They're really talented! :oops:

MessagePosté: 10 Fév 2006, 04:10
par Chauve-Souris
miaame a écrit:Wow, that's a really cool picture someone drew. They're really talented! :oops:

miaame-chan: There are more of Kalli's chefs-d'œuvres here: .
She really is "sumthin' else"! :amour:

MessagePosté: 10 Fév 2006, 05:59
par miaame
WOOOW, kalli-chan, you're super talented! :shock: It's so pretty!