Chapter 60 Flashbacks (A recap chapter)
This chapter basically is a review of some things that happened earlier in this fanfic and in the fanfic before it (note some tings were not in ether fanfic but I have a code to tell you which ones happened during the 2 fanfics but weren’t posted in them *&*&*=first fanfic, *@*@*=this fanfic. Well Sara is sitting on the floor of her room Petting Riri.
Sara: Why did Odd do that I still can’t believe that he’s a traitor.(almost crying bur being half Dragon she can’t cry)(a flashback starts)
(Sara’s flashback)
Sara: OW! Note to self never step into a portal on my floor ever again.(suddenly notices Odd standing by the tree)
Sara: Hi
Odd: Um Hi
Sara: can you tell me where I am?
Odd: Um your in the park near Kadic Acadmy.
Sara: where is that.
Odd: Ummmm I don’t know but I do know that Kadic is a French boarding school

Sara: (laughs a little bit) You’re kind of funny.
Odd: Where did you come from?
Sara: You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.
Odd: You’d be surprised at what I’ll believe.
Sara: All right. I’m from another Dimension and I have no idea how to get back to where I came from
Odd: Oh Cool.
(End flashback)
*&*&*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *&*&*
Sara: Grate now my emotions are messing up again.(Has another flashback)
*&*&*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *&*&*
(Sara’s flashback)
Sara: Whoa (falls off overboard while trying to do a trick) Ow That trick is hard.
Odd: Please stop doing that you’ll get hurt.
Sara: No I’m Trying again Sara Draconar Doesn’t give up!!!!
Odd: your last name is Draconar?
Sara: Oops I the part with my last name was in my head. My last name is messed up I know.
Odd: No It’s a cool last name mine is worse.
Sara: Really?
Odd: Yeah my last name is Della Robia .
Sara: ..........That’s not worse?(jumps in te air dose a backflip lands on her overboard then tries the trick again and actually dose it right) Cool (dose a bunch more tricks stuff even Odd can’t do)
Odd: Ok now you’re just showing off.
Sara: So you were earlier!
Odd: I know.
Sara: (staring at Odd and crashes into a rock Oh and she ends up laying on her back) Ok. Now I know how a turtle feels
Odd: (laughs)
Sara: You thought that was funny?
Odd: Yeah.(helps Sara up)
Sara: (Blushing) Ummmmmmm.
(End Flashback)
*&*&*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *&*&*
(Yet Another flashback)
Odd: Hello!... Is any one here?
Sara: Hey Odd!!!
Odd: Who’s there?
Sara: (Jumps down from a tree and lands right in front of Odd) I can’t believe this I’m gone for one hour and you can’t even recognize my voice!!!
Odd: Sara?
Sara: Duh!
Odd: So that means-?
Sara: My mom said that it’s ok for me to go to school in this dimension.
Odd: Really?
Sara: Yes! (Smiles)
Odd: That’s awesome!
Sara: Come on lets go pull a prank on Sissy and her two loser friends!
Odd: One of them moved but we can still mess with Sissy and Her future boyfriend (Hervé)
Sara: Ok.
They both start laughing.
(End flashback)
*&*&*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *&*&*
(Well this chapter is called Flashbacks after all)
Sara: You lost me after Salut, Ca va, and Désolé.
Odd: Come on. We have to keep trying if you can’t understand french by the end of the week Ms. Hertz will get you expelled.
Sara: This is Impossible noone can learn any language in that quickly.
Ulrich: (Mumbles) She just now realized that?
Odd: Ulrich you do realize that she heard that right?
Ulrich: So!
Sara: (Punches Ulrich in the face) Shut up!
Ulrich: Maybe you 2 can continue this some where else I have to pass the test in Geography tomorrow?
Odd: Then Why are you reading a history book?
Ulrich: (looks at the book’s cover) Oops.
Sara: Who’s stupid now?
Ulrich: The person who is going to get expelled.
Odd: (Grabs the book from Ulrich’s hands and hits him with it) Now shut up Sara Isn’t going to get expelled. Ms. Hertz dosn’t have that power, and Delmas can’t expel her for something that ridiculous.
Ulrich: She’ll still get thrown out of school if she dosn’t know enough in 3 months.
Odd: Get out!
Ulrich: This is my Dorm too you cant kick me out!
Sara: (
Ok time for plan B..... I can’t believe Odd actually tried to help me learn french in 1 week. He’s a lot more helpful than his friend that’s for sure.)
*&*&*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *&*&*
Tired of being a magical being , sick of the entire magical universe, I’m tired of being a fairy so make me a-
Odd comes out of a portal in front of her.
Odd: Don’t finish that spell!!!!!!!
Sara: Whoa (falls back wards) Who................................. What are you doing here?
Odd: Stopping you from getting rid of your magic!
Sara: How did you get here and more importantly...How did you know where I was?
Odd: I used a portal to get here but I don’t know how I knew you were here.
Sara: I..............I.............................I need a better hiding place. (Opens a portal and jumps through it)
Odd: You’re not getting away that easily. (Runs through the portal)
Sara: Oh crud (tries to open another portal but Odd stops her)
Odd: You’re not escaping into another dimension this time.
Sara: Odd why are you doing this.
Odd: Well Ummmm because your magic is part of who you are and you’d be completely différent without it.
Sara: You’re right.
Odd: So you’re not going to get rid of you magic?
Sara: I promise I won’t.
Odd: I’m not so sure that you do.
Sara: Ok fine I swear on my word as a dragon.
*&*&*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *&*&
*&*&*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *&*&*
Melissa(What Aubere was called in the first fanfic): Stupid Cynaclons got my light saber stuck!!!
Odd: No duh miss points out the obvious!
Melissa: Shut up stupid head!
Sara: That’s something I would expect from Darkar the loser who got destroyed by the Winx Club, and sucks at insults.
Odd: So what do we do now?
Sara: I have it covered.
Corina: Before you do any thing else I suggest you un tie us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sara: Shut up Corina! (Pulls out her inter dimensional communicator and presses a strange button)
Icy: Who the heck are you!!!!
Odd: My Name is Odd and I’m not going to let you hurt Sara any more.
Icy: Fine I’ll just lave to eliminate both of you then.
Odd: SHUT UP!!! (blasts Icy)
Icy: Why you little!!!!! (Blasts odd with the came attack she had just used on Sara.)
Odd: (somehow ends up laying on the ground next to Sara.
Sara: Hey Odd est il juste moi ou est ce danser vraiment barbant? (
Hey Odd is it just me or is this dance really boring?)
Odd: Ouais ce danser est barbant! (
Yeah this dance is boring!)
Kikki: (Runs past Sara and Odd) Yay!
Sara: qu'est-ce qui étais qui? (
What was that?)
Odd: Je avoir non idée (
I have no Idea!)
Mirabelle: Hey Kikki wait up!!!! (Runs past Sara and Odd)
Odd: D'accord qui étais definitely un de les Witchlings. (
Ok that was defiantly one of the Witclings.)
Sara: (
I wish there was just some way that I could trust Odd again.)
*&*&*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *&*&*
Odd: Hi Sara!
Sara: (stops walking)......................... Hi
Odd: ......................Do you want to go to the dance with me?(He starts blushing)
Sara: Yes.(starts blushing) (
Oh grate now I have to find a dress. Worse I have to wear one!!![ /i])
Odd: Ok good.
*&*&*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *&*&
Sara: (3 tears leave her eyes but that’s all)
Meanwhile outside
Odd: [i]no I have to find some way to fix this.
Mimi: (shows up Behind Odd) HI!
Odd: (turns around) Who are you?
Mimi: I’m Mimi Who are you?
Odd: I’m Odd
Mimi: ...........................(
He’s cute.......wait Maybe this is the guy Sara was talking about.) Is your last name Della Robia?
Odd: Yes.
Mimi: (slaps Odd across the face)
Odd: I deserved that. (
But not from you!)
Mimi: DARN RIGHT YOU DESERVED THAT AFTER WHAT YOU DID TO HER (point’s through the window at Sara) I MEAN SHE TRUSTED YOU AND YOU BETRAYED HER(continues to talk about how Horrible Odd is)
3 hours later!
Mimi: AND ANOTHER THING!!!!!!......... wait what was I talking about?.
Sara: (the window is now opened and she’s looking out it) Mimi what are you doing.
Mimi: Telling this guy off. (Notices that Odd is gone) hey where’d he go?
Sara: He left.
Mimi: Were you crying?
Sara: Ummmmmmmmmmm.
Mimi: You used to like Odd didn’t you.
Sara: (blushing) Well I.... ummmmmm SHUT UP.
Mimi: You still Like him don’t you?
Sara: (blushing more) I have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about!!!!!
Mimi: Don’t worry I won’t tell anyone.