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Étendre la vue Revue du sujet: Monsters

Message par kagetsu » 19 Oct 2006, 05:07

Just speculation of course.

I'd say they are strictly digital. On Lyoko they spark 1's and 0's. When the Kankralots and Krabs came real, they whired and clanked like machines. But they clearly have a semi autonimous program of self preservation.

Message par garooob » 18 Oct 2006, 18:16

Well, you know when they kill the crawlers? It looks like "digital" guts spray all over. Maybe they are half and half.

Message par exo » 17 Oct 2006, 23:14


Are they alive? They look somewhat organic, and if they get materialized on earth they must have organs or gears within their interal structure to function. I think they might be half and half.


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