New Season 4 outfits


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Message par McTrooper » 03 Jan 2007, 20:42

exo a écrit:I knew it! Ah, but then I thought not when Lyoko was gone. I was too thick to think they'd be on the internet. Oh man, they'd better make this one explainable. Looks like the heads in the new 3-D version are ripped from the old ones.

I was trying to figure out how our hero's could actually get into the net.
The net isn't exactly a virtual 3d environment after all it's computers and electronic signals.
But if Xana (or maybe Jeremie) recreated Lyoko (or something like it) on the net to get the kind of powers that Xana (or maybe Jeremie) had . . then I can understand how they could get into the net.
They would transfer into an environment that's created on the net.
That's my fan theory anyway.
- -
Yumiko a écrit:Why the 2D outfits, anyway? I could just be missing something really obvious, but does that mean that Xana's monsters are materialized and they have to fight them in the real world?

When they make character sheets they make 2d drawings too.
For example you can find 2d art of Ulrich in his virtual outfit for the Garage Kids. It's just one of those things they do.

Message par Yumiko » 22 Déc 2006, 04:19

Anonymous a écrit:I think there really going to look like that because on they show a picture of Aelita in her "Internet" form so I guess the outfits will change. It will be exiting, yet at the same time dissapointing because the old outfits are going bye bye, but there getting new ones and they look cool too.

What picture are you talking about?

Message par miaame » 20 Déc 2006, 07:17

Yumi looks so cool! ^_^ So does Aelita!

Message par Tommy4552* » 08 Déc 2006, 01:05

exo a écrit:
Yumiko a écrit:I know about those episodes, but if Lyoko is destroyed, does that mean that the monsters are all 'dead', or that they're permanently materialized? Or something else altogether? I mean, William was the only thing left where Lyoko was. No monsters. Aw, if they are gone, then I'm going to miss the monsters! :cry:

Aw man, no crabs.

Guys I think XANA wouldnt be stupid enough just to have William as a minion . lol He probably has enough giga bites to make more or some kind of material to make them.

Message par exo » 23 Nov 2006, 19:41

Yumiko a écrit:I know about those episodes, but if Lyoko is destroyed, does that mean that the monsters are all 'dead', or that they're permanently materialized? Or something else altogether? I mean, William was the only thing left where Lyoko was. No monsters. Aw, if they are gone, then I'm going to miss the monsters! :cry:

Aw man, no crabs.

Message par Tommy4552* » 22 Nov 2006, 17:59

That was me sry.

Message par Invité » 22 Nov 2006, 17:56

I think there really going to look like that because on they show a picture of Aelita in her "Internet" form so I guess the outfits will change. It will be exiting, yet at the same time dissapointing because the old outfits are going bye bye, but there getting new ones and they look cool too.

Message par Yumiko » 18 Nov 2006, 23:54

I know about those episodes, but if Lyoko is destroyed, does that mean that the monsters are all 'dead', or that they're permanently materialized? Or something else altogether? I mean, William was the only thing left where Lyoko was. No monsters. Aw, if they are gone, then I'm going to miss the monsters! :cry:

Message par exo » 18 Nov 2006, 23:45

They've been materialized in two episodes. It's probably just concept art. Not saying that wouldn't be great though.

Message par Yumiko » 18 Nov 2006, 22:34

Why the 2D outfits, anyway? I could just be missing something really obvious, but does that mean that Xana's monsters are materialized and they have to fight them in the real world?

Message par exo » 06 Nov 2006, 22:35

I knew it! Ah, but then I thought not when Lyoko was gone. I was too thick to think they'd be on the internet. Oh man, they'd better make this one explainable. Looks like the heads in the new 3-D version are ripped from the old ones.

Message par Tommy4552* » 03 Nov 2006, 00:37

garooob a écrit:It looks like older versions of them. Cool!

Yea im all for the older costumes sorta, but is this what there going to look like on the internet. William is fine because we saw him at the end of season 3 but sticking with the old costumes might have been better because they look like there in there 20's, but they do look kind of better. (Including the ladies lol :lol: ) But the new costumes do look better and they only look that way because of the internet. I guess lyoko and the internet work differntly on working their apperances. The older costumes are cool but i think those look better. Sry garooob but you have to admit it they do look better a little bit.

Message par garooob » 31 Oct 2006, 03:29

It looks like older versions of them. Cool!

Message par kagetsu » 30 Oct 2006, 03:59

It appears to be from a house, but there are several figures reflected. Where could that be from :shock:

Also, they do Yumi's and Aelita's hips very well. The animation is very precise and one one of the reasons the show stands out. The 3D seems a bit drab, but the 2D renditions are more colourful. The formfit is going to be a nice addition for the show , oo and Urich has two swords. 8)

Message par McTrooper » 29 Oct 2006, 21:02

New Season 4 outfits

Wow it doesn't seem like this thread has been posted here.

Check this out.

someguy3084 a écrit:Look at the new outfits for the fourth season, taken from ... itsdw1.jpg

I'm at a loss for words.


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