Season 4!


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Message par kagetsu » 16 Aoû 2007, 17:02

garooob a écrit:I'm a wild boar!
Jim has gotten significantly cooler.
Although I miss 5-10 minutes of every episode, I still think season 4 is the best yet/ever. There aren't many episodes left! How's it going to end?
(What's up, kagetsu?)
I still think season two was best for Lyoko and that season one had the best overall story, but I can't deny I really like all the new outfits, both Earth and Lyoko and the Lyoko fighting is absolutely great.

(I've been waiting to see if you were still here. I knew you'd be around sooner or later Now I can post my computer questions) :D

Message par garooob » 15 Aoû 2007, 02:20

I'm a wild boar!
Jim has gotten significantly cooler.
Although I miss 5-10 minutes of every episode, I still think season 4 is the best yet/ever. There aren't many episodes left! How's it going to end?
(What's up, kagetsu?)

Message par kagetsu » 01 Aoû 2007, 23:48

I only look in occasionally to see if anyones around. And more importantly, I wouldn't want to loose any chance of contacting Garooob.

This last epi was cute. Uh-oh, so Jim was a service janitor with delusions. I was really hoping he really tried all that, but that would be reaching I guess.

Any show with a Yumi/William battle is good. I never thought they would go to Jim on purpose But the work out was cute. (watch out for that barbed wire Yumi /lol)

I also noticed

Not only was William out of the blue trying to destroy the Lyoko core, but the entrance was opening and closing (it hasn't done that since Jeremie remade everything, and on top of that, they pushed the shift button, which they haven't needed to do since the reboot?

Message par DragonGirl » 01 Aoû 2007, 03:35

Did anyone else notice that in one of the episodes after 68 but before 70. there was a mix up with scanner clips. when they got into the scanners thei were in their earth outfits from seasons 1-3(except Aelita who should have never gottten a second earthoutfit change after the randome change between seasons 1and 2) well any way during the transfers the outfits were the ones from episode 70 and those that come after.

Message par garooob » 07 Juil 2007, 21:49

Arg. I haven't been here lately because I haven't been able to watch most of the new episodes! They're on right when I get home from work, and my VCR doesn't seem to want to tape cable through this box... Hopefully they'll be replayed at a later time... I don't want to miss anything!

Message par kagetsu » 15 Juin 2007, 00:53

The Gee Man a écrit:That line nearly made me gag. I wonder what it actually said in the French version, as I can't imagine the writers using a line from a Bette Midler song. Sigh.
But she had such a cute expression for saying something so corney. It probably was. They used "Houston, we have a problem" in season one.
kagetsu a écrit:Odds red shirt disappeared at the soda machine giving him a belly shirt, that's not going to help his image. I need to get a better look at his Lyoko outfit, it looked as though he had bigger boobs than Aelita, not gonna help his image either
I noticed that as well, I think that was just an animation screw-up. And yes, Odd's outfit looks pretty dumb.
He had a problem being mistaken as a girls character when it began. I'm sure it's for comic relief. Either that or they ran out of idea for costumes.

Message par The Gee Man » 14 Juin 2007, 21:25

kagetsu a écrit:Aelita's Wind beneath my wings was cute,,, but yoohoo,,, falling Yumi, remember?

That line nearly made me gag. I wonder what it actually said in the French version, as I can't imagine the writers using a line from a Bette Midler song. Sigh.
kagetsu a écrit:Odds red shirt disappeared at the soda machine giving him a belly shirt, that's not going to help his image. I need to get a better look at his Lyoko outfit, it looked as though he had bigger boobs than Aelita, not gonna help his image either

I noticed that as well, I think that was just an animation screw-up. And yes, Odd's outfit looks pretty dumb.

Message par kagetsu » 14 Juin 2007, 18:29


I loved the new outfits and very happy to see Yumi still uses her acrobatics, with some slomo for effect :D William toying with Yumi at the end and Odds rescuing her was great. She didn't seem very impressed with his new look. [/lol] Aelita's Wind beneath my wings was cute,,, but yoohoo,,, falling Yumi, remember? [/lol] The 3D keeps getting better and better.

Jim and Principle Delmas may be getting a touch too stupid for my tastes but I'll overlook that. Jeremie 2 being such a flirt was very funny.

Odds red shirt disappeared at the soda machine giving him a belly shirt, that's not going to help his image. I need to get a better look at his Lyoko outfit, it looked as though he had bigger boobs than Aelita, not gonna help his image either [/lol]

Message par The Gee Man » 14 Juin 2007, 10:40

garooob a écrit:The second episode was today. I tapped it because I'm just getting home from work when it's on, so I didn't want to watch just part of it. Haven't had a chance to watch it yet, though...

I just finished watching it on Youtube. That was the best episode i've seen in a while! The combat obviously had much better motion capture, and the new outfits look great, (I like mine better) but I still want to rip those stupid cat ears off of Odd's head. Aelita kicks some serious ass in Lyoko, too. I'll not go into the plot, but Jeremie's solution to the William problem is interesting, and will make for a good running story.

Message par damenster » 13 Juin 2007, 08:47

not seen in the Netherlands still.
But we have cartoon Network Dutch.
In them guide does not stand them.
It is on ketnet (Belgium) but that is still but 2 or 3 the Season

Message par garooob » 13 Juin 2007, 05:19

The second episode was today. I tapped it because I'm just getting home from work when it's on, so I didn't want to watch just part of it. Haven't had a chance to watch it yet, though...

Message par The Gee Man » 05 Juin 2007, 03:47

Whoa, it just hit me that Season 4 actually starts today! I'll celebrate by tilting my chair.
Too bad I don't have CN, so I am without Season 4 for a while yet.

Edit: Oh damn, it's been pushed back.

Message par X-Verine » 31 Mai 2007, 23:04

Olivier a écrit:
Pete a écrit:We have to wait a few months to see it on France 3

You can also choose to see it right now on YouTube (well, in English of course).

But also in original version subtitled in French on these 3 links (YouTube too) :





Message par garooob » 26 Mai 2007, 18:13

Ok, I answered my own question. CN says (I think it was) Tuesdays at 7est starting June 4th! Watch it!

Message par garooob » 26 Mai 2007, 01:48

Ok, so it looks like that was just the first episode of season 4. When does the rest come?

Message par sam101 » 20 Mai 2007, 21:15

Whoah,Very good episode ! I love it

Message par garooob » 20 Mai 2007, 16:41

Maybe it's just that its been gone for so long, but I think season 4 is a whole lot better visually. The whole world looks a lot more dynamic.
Yeah, no new costumes yet, but I'm sure we'll see them soon if the gang are going to chase down William, who appears not to live in Sector 5...

Message par Olivier » 20 Mai 2007, 11:40

Pete a écrit:We have to wait a few months to see it on France 3

You can also choose to see it right now on YouTube (well, in English of course).

Message par kagetsu » 20 Mai 2007, 06:13

I was mega disappointed that we didn't get the new outfits, but William was really cool with his XANA powers. Aelita begging for her release really pulls heart strings. It was great just having it back, CN has been a little dry of my shows lately and it doesn't look to be improving.

The pics of the new season from this site have been great.

Message par exo » 19 Mai 2007, 21:00

Yeah, it looks good.

Message par Pete » 19 Mai 2007, 10:40

We have to wait few months to see it on France 3 :cry:

Message par garooob » 19 Mai 2007, 03:19

Season 4!

Season 4 has debuted on Cartoon Network!
It is good.
Anyone else watch it?


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