Season 4 outfit images? Does anyone stiil have them?


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Étendre la vue Revue du sujet: Season 4 outfit images? Does anyone stiil have them?

Message par garooob » 09 Fév 2008, 20:28

Thanks for the tip, DragonGirl! I found this person who has a lot of season 4 on YouTube: ... rl4Eva&p=r
I realize my absence has been kind of dumb, especially since Cartoon Network isn't even playing CL anymore. I had to come back, though, because I got a DS and the Code Lyoko game for my birthday! It's pretty fun and pretty easy, except for a couple parts. But what I really love is the background artwork! It's like it's actually from the show!

Message par DragonGirl » 08 Fév 2008, 01:10

[quote="kagetsu"]first off, OMGosh your here! [/lol] (I keep telling myself 'if I could post Garooob my computer questions He'd know)


CN has dropped the last season of CL, so I've missed it because they dumped the last episodes to CN video that I can't stream. I wouldn't hold your breath for ever seeing it again. That horse is dead. even the DvD's have stopped at season 2 vol 1.[quote]

Youtube has the end of season 4 so you can calm down alittle Code Lyoko will probably be aired on a different channel if it airs on tv in the united states again because after this and the episode 78 situation cartoonnetworl will probably louse the brodcasting rights. (Which is if Moonscoops decides to make afew specals about the characters' lives outside of kadic like the vacations and that kind of stuff {they said they might do it but it's unconfermed}) Probably a station like Kabillion. (unfortunatly for me it's only available on comcast)

Message par kagetsu » 07 Fév 2008, 06:07

first off, OMGosh your here! [/lol] (I keep telling myself 'if I could post Garooob my computer questions He'd know)


CN has dropped the last season of CL, so I've missed it because they dumped the last episodes to CN video that I can't stream. I wouldn't hold your breath for ever seeing it again. That horse is dead. even the DvD's have stopped at season 2 vol 1.

Ooo yes, those are the ones I wanted. I kept looking through .net but could not locate them for anything. Thanks.

(You are a favorite person of mine, I'd feel the loss to lose you completely.) (But i won't be stalking you,,, for long ;lol: )

Message par garooob » 03 Fév 2008, 17:31
Sorry I haven't been around! I wanted to avoid spoilers on season 4, but I still haven't seen it! I need to watch it.

Message par kagetsu » 23 Jan 2008, 20:43

Season 4 outfit images? Does anyone stiil have them?

I only ever found them on Teklinks, but they wouldn't load to my computer withoou serious colour distortions, so I saved them to Photobucket. They have deleted ever pic I had there, if I can find those images again that would be great. Now I have remake all my images galleries again, only this time I'm adding firewalls between them.


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