Code Lyoko Evolution


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Message par Sonic Hachelle-Bee » 16 Déc 2012, 11:53

Re: Code Lyoko Evolution

Hello english-speaking friends :)

I apologize that you had little to no attention lately. But I will try to rectify this this time.
The administration team was being significantly reduced, and it's pretty difficult right now. But I'll try to translate all new information when they arrive, and post them on this forum if I can and have the time.

I hope you have a good time on Yumi2004. Code Lyoko Evolution is coming very soon, and it will be amazing! :thumbleft:

Message par DragonGirl » 28 Sep 2012, 01:50

Re: Code Lyoko Evolution

So they released the new trailer. I'm still skeptical about the live action because this trailer fixed none of that. still gonna watch it and I'll have to scrape all the rust off my french speaking knowledge because apparently Moonscoop's overseas distribution plan is to provide the CG animation sequences and let other countries do their own casting, and set design and though the article said nothing about scripts It did not say they would provide translated versions of the original script which makes me more skeptical. Like if a company like oh i don't know 4-kids(like they even have money at this point) Or anyone associated with "cartoon" network were to get a hold of it, it could end horribly and I hope moonscoop reconsiders this route of global distribution. (see article below)



Message par DragonGirl » 13 Juil 2012, 23:34

Re: Code Lyoko Evolution

anyway there doesn't seem to be any new info on the official site at the moment. Hopefuly We'll get more soon. so we have more to discuss

Message par sixthwarrior » 12 Juil 2012, 03:30

Re: Code Lyoko Evolution

DragonGirl a écrit:
sixthwarrior a écrit:I don't really care about the live action.A website said it's probably not gonna air in the us.

Probably not but if an english version airs in the UK then it will end up on youtube or somewhere eventually. if not then I'll wipe the rust of my french and watch the french version to give the show a chance.

Heh.I'm not goingtoworry as long as on youtube or something they put subtitles.I can barely form a sentence in french!

Message par DragonGirl » 11 Juil 2012, 02:53

Re: Code Lyoko Evolution

sixthwarrior a écrit:I don't really care about the live action.A website said it's probably not gonna air in the us.

Probably not but if an english version airs in the UK then it will end up on youtube or somewhere eventually. if not then I'll wipe the rust of my french and watch the french version to give the show a chance.

Message par sixthwarrior » 10 Juil 2012, 15:52

Re: Code Lyoko Evolution

I don't really care about the live action.A website said it's probably not gonna air in the us.

Message par DragonGirl » 10 Juil 2012, 04:43

Code Lyoko Evolution

So there are plenty of threads for this on the french side of the forums but none on this side. I figured that it's about time someone started one.

I'm concerned about the live action. It has a small window of potential to be great if handled correctly. But if handled even just slightly wrong, like if it doesn't have the same feel as the rest of the series, Then it has great potential to fail. The casting video eased some of my worries since it looks like they're trying to make the actors look like the characters from the cartoon version. ... ure=relmfu

I'm kind of wondering how they're going to attempt to replicate Odd's hairstyle. What do you all think?


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