Hi fandom,
Warned very late of the twitcam with Quentin Merabet (Ulrich), Mélanie Tran (Yumi) and Morgiane Merabet, our loyal reporter
ProjetHopper brought you this video.
You will find almost 1:30 of fun with more or less serious questions, around sushi^^.
If you don't have time to watch the entire video, here is a short selection of interesting information about Code Lyoko Evolution and its actors:
- One of the first questions about the series wore on season 2. Mélanie Tran told us to be pessimistic about a new season because the actors have still no information. However, Quentin Merabet tried to be reassuring evoking the possibility of a second season which would not be filmed this summer but maybe next summer. Budget reductions from France Télévisions would explain that "there would be no room" for CLE this year.
- The actors didn't want to give information about the possibility to see Laura on Lyoko.
- Mélanie revealed that Gulliver (Odd) could audition for Code Lyoko Evolution through his agent, and he would have family in the cinema.
- To the question "Quentin, would you come to a meeting with Lyokofans?", he responded enthusiastically "YES!"
- The actors were paid the minimum legal wage.
- Quentin and Mélanie have lent their voices for the french dub of the "Vampire Diaries" series.
- Quentin has a key role in the second season of the series "Inquisitio".
Finally, as it becomes to be a ritual, here are 2 songs performed by Mélanie, Quentin and Morgiane during the twitcam:
Sushi Song-
Hakuna Matata