Thanks, Guys. I have no doubt you are right. I'm just somewhat preoccupied (obsessed?) with this subject because I constantly marvel at how well the English soundtrack "dubbing" in CL matches the visual activity.
Any other foreign-language films that I have watched that have English dubbing make the viewer uncomfortable from time to time because the lip-action doesn't always match the sound. It's mostly because lips are moving with NO talk, or not moving when there IS talk. And it's so distracting that it pulls you right out of the story when it happens.
If you look at multi-language instruction sheets that come with products, you see that if there is one page of English instructions, there will be a page and a half of French instructions (and about twelve pages of Spanish

) to say exactly the same things. And conversation must be assumed to differ in a similar way.

Anyhoo, my point is that I almost NEVER notice anything like this with CL. The speech always matches the lips very convincingly, and the sound-effects are synchronized very well too. Just one more example of the superb care that is being put into the production of CL. (But I get curious at times how they manage to do it so well....)