Musics (theme song and others)


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Message par Invité » 26 Jan 2006, 15:09


Message par Chauve-Souris » 26 Jan 2006, 05:29

Neo Aguni a écrit:they usually are hey does anyone know where I can get an mp3 of that new music in season 2 of code Lyoko. you know the one that plays in franz hopper when X-franz realizes that Jeremie out smarted him.

I'll take a shot Image at it, but don't hold your breath.... (Don't let me discourage others, if you want to do it....)

Message par Neo Aguni » 26 Jan 2006, 04:13

they usually are hey does anyone know where I can get an mp3 of that new music in season 2 of code Lyoko. you know the one that plays in franz hopper when X-franz realizes that Jeremie out smarted him.

Message par kystrelchandler_Lyoko » 10 Oct 2005, 05:05

I don't know if it is or not, Scrat. I'll find out for you, though, if you want me to. ^_^ Or at least try to..........

CS: Is that one we've already seen? Or is it another new one?

Message par Chauve-Souris » 10 Oct 2005, 01:05

Scrat a écrit:...Is it really a piece of the true group Subsonics or is it another music ?....

Beats me, Scrat. But I am an absolute square, and don't listen to any music newer than 40 years old. I'm sure one of the hipper guys on here can help.
(And, yes, you're completely understandable.) :moku:

Message par Scrat » 10 Oct 2005, 00:20

I come here to try to have an answer to a question about the end music of the season's two episodes.
In an episode (St Valentin) Sissi made Ulrich listen to a cd of the Subsonics and the music we heard is the same that one of the end music.
Is it really a piece of the true group Subsonics or is it another music ?
At first I thought that it was a track of the French group Kyo, but there's still a doubt...
As the Subsonics are american i thought someone here would know better their music than frenchs members...
So if anyone could help me to answer this question it would be great !!!
And sorry for the likely faults but i'm too lazy to think about my english grammar at 00h12. ;) i hope it's still understable !

Message par Clem » 04 Sep 2005, 11:10

But during the episode, music is new ;)

Message par Olivier » 04 Sep 2005, 10:59

garooob a écrit:Is there a new theme song?


garooob a écrit:I'd like to see the new opening sequence. (DivX 5.2)

Message par garooob » 03 Sep 2005, 23:41

Yeah, theme song. exo asked if the new theme was by Noam. Is there a new theme song?
I'd like to see the new opening sequence.

Message par Clem » 03 Sep 2005, 08:04

Well, it's a new sequence, with images from the season 1 and some from season 2. Really good. Quentin is trying to put it on the site.
The song is the same.

garooob: a new theme? Do you mean the same song? because I don't really understand, sorry

Message par garooob » 03 Sep 2005, 04:40

There's a new theme?

Message par exo » 03 Sep 2005, 02:47

Is the new theme by Noam? Or is it just a new sequence with the same song?

Message par kagetsu » 13 Juin 2005, 21:55

LeDixième a écrit:you're right. hearing Un Monde in English was nostalgic. it was really cool, i don't even remember seeing the theme ever with lyrics in the past, but i might've forgotten. i've never been able to find that particular version of the theme online, but maybe i haven't looked hard enough.

Shadowbot a écrit:The unfolding banner during the shows first few minutes was for 'Juniper Lee', which makes it even more annoying!
That one was terrible. Not only did it take up like at least the entire bottom fourth of the screen, but it wouldn't go away. It's like, I know you're now starting to show Juniper Lee and you want me to watch it and all, but let me focus on the one i'm watching right now !

8) I have the tv English theme, the quality isn't the best but it's not bad. I can send it by email or if a few people want it I can give you my yahoo site name and password I have both tv themes stored on. Just don't change my password please.

I hate the adds, but I like Juniper Lee, it's very funny.

Message par LeDixième » 13 Juin 2005, 03:47

you're right. hearing Un Monde in English was nostalgic. it was really cool, i don't even remember seeing the theme ever with lyrics in the past, but i might've forgotten. i've never been able to find that particular version of the theme online, but maybe i haven't looked hard enough.

Shadowbot a écrit:The unfolding banner during the shows first few minutes was for 'Juniper Lee', which makes it even more annoying!
That one was terrible. Not only did it take up like at least the entire bottom fourth of the screen, but it wouldn't go away. It's like, I know you're now starting to show Juniper Lee and you want me to watch it and all, but let me focus on the one i'm watching right now !

Message par garooob » 13 Juin 2005, 01:35

Oh my. Hearing Un Monde Sans Danger on TV again was like meeting an old friend. I haven't heard it in English since it was last on CN. Natsukashii! (Nostalgic!) It was so good!


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