Marabounta Swimsuits




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Message par Jukara » 04 Fév 2006, 11:07

I know, but Sissi is too detailed for me...

Message par Jukara » 04 Fév 2006, 09:27

oh... I see... but I think that the animators went too far in the Marabounta scene when Sissi appears in her bikini... the show is actually made for kids, but Sissi is drawn too sexily and you can almost see some details on her... i personally rated this episode "PG-13"...

Message par garooob » 04 Fév 2006, 03:07

Something is "controversial" if people have differing opinions on it. The reason the swimsuits are controversial is that some people think they shouldn't have shown the characters in such skimpy clothes.
In French: Controverse controversée

Message par Jukara » 03 Fév 2006, 17:32

Re: Marabounta Swimsuits

Daremokamen a écrit:Comparing Yumi in her one piece and Sissi in her bikini in the pool scene of "Marabounta" to their controversial* underwear scenes in season one, It is clear that both have grown and physically matured more. Congrats to the artists for not freezing them in time, as happens in too many animated series.

*IMHO the controversy said more about the people who were upset than it did about the show.

what does controversial mean?

Message par exo » 04 Nov 2005, 22:32

I think I'll go compare me some pictures...

Message par garooob » 04 Nov 2005, 06:20

Wow, that's actually really neat. I hadn't noticed that myself, but I'll take your word for it. I applaud the artists, too!

Message par Daremokamen » 04 Nov 2005, 05:56

Marabounta Swimsuits

Comparing Yumi in her one piece and Sissi in her bikini in the pool scene of "Marabounta" to their controversial* underwear scenes in season one, It is clear that both have grown and physically matured more. Congrats to the artists for not freezing them in time, as happens in too many animated series.

*IMHO the controversy said more about the people who were upset than it did about the show.


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