(Garage Kids) Questions about Lyoko For the French


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Message par McTrooper » 01 Mai 2007, 02:14

That's interesting. Especially since it might tie in with an article "The answers to Nicolas Atlan's interview are here! March '07"

In question number 1 it asks:

1. How did you come up with the Code Lyoko idea? Chrissemble (note: the question's author)

By discovering a short by two young students from the Gobelins school (Tania Palumbo and Thomas Romain).
We loved the design style and we met them. Following this meeting, we developed the story for Code Lyoko.

Note: the rest of the Q n A is viewable by clicking on this pic.
http://img402.imageshack.us/img402/2619 ... opyzb4.jpg

So the short may in fact be Garage Kids.

Edit: Hey I got some answers on the US Lyoko forum:

xiaozanghou a écrit:It's an online portfolio for a 3D and graphic artist, Olivier Dannhauer. Go to http://m.ol.free.fr/pages/cg/index.htm and click on the tiny "CV" underneath OL3D at the top(get it? Olivier Dannhauer 3D).

Also, take a look at http://m.ol.free.fr/pages/cg/creatures/ULRICH/index.htm. It's Xanadu Ulrich, down to his little wireframe toenails.

= = =

I still want to know much more about the development, but I'm very excited to see more information.

Message par Sonic Hachelle-Bee » 29 Avr 2007, 13:32

That's pretty interesting. I remember that I visited this site a while back, but I can't remember these early shots of Xanadu, I have never saw them.

EDIT: Shame on me, they are on codelyoko.net 8)

McTrooper a écrit:Does anyone know much about what these pages are saying?
Who made the pages? Was he or she involved in Garage Kids?

They are saying that their Intranet portal "BigBrother" or "KidsBrother" helped them a lot to develop Garage Kids. Day to day, they can access every up to date information about its developement, anywhere and on any machine: Silicon Graphics hosted their project disks, while some PCs on Win2k/NT were used for calculations and post-animation work.

Message par McTrooper » 29 Avr 2007, 03:00

(Garage Kids) Questions about Lyoko For the French

On thing I've always been interested in is about how Code Lyoko was developed.

I'd like to know what the French Speaking folk know about this site:


These pages seem to document part of the development of the original Garage Kid's pilot that led to the making of Code Lyoko.

Does anyone know much about what these pages are saying?
Who made the pages? Was he or she involved in Garage Kids?

Does anyone have files from when this development page was on line?:

Also . . has there ever been a special thing on TV or in magazines about how Code Lyoko started?

If your curious as to how much the US fan base knows about Garage Kids You can look here:
http://www.codelyoko.com/forum/forumen/ ... hp?t=17421
Note: It needs some updating since some of the links are dead and some new information hasn't been added yet.


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