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Étendre la vue Revue du sujet: Odd

Message par Snape » 12 Juil 2008, 22:09

So it seems; lessons in an other language does pay off. I'll be 30 next year.

Message par Tinky » 10 Juil 2008, 16:36

If I was not allergic to hair colorations, I would have the same hair dress than Odd... It is very funny ! How old are you ? My God ! I'm improving my English, here !

Message par Snape » 10 Juil 2008, 16:29

Your english is quite good for someone who studied it a long time ago at school. One of my favorite characters is also "Odd"... (especially for his air of Super Sayiajin Majin Vegeta).

Note: I am a bit younger (but not that much)

Message par Tinky » 10 Juil 2008, 14:28

Hello !
I believe I'm the elder of this forum, in the French one or the English one ! But I love Odd's character, because he's a fun guy, a smart and original one.
Yesterday evening, I've found an English episode on Youtube, and I opened it, by curiosity, because I read on the French forum that Odd's English voice was quite different than the French one... Oh my God ! When I heard this English voice, I was sure I made a nightmare !
In French version, Odd has a high voice, a yong kid voice, but in English, he speaks like a gay ! it vas very surprising ! And shocking ! For me, Odd was just an peculiar young boy, not anything else ! Maybe, for the American staff, an original boy is automatically a gay ? It is very astounding !
And for his name, Odd is a Norvegian first name and in English, odd means original, special, peculiar... Della Robbia is an Italian name. In the story, we know his parents are artists. Maybe the scenarist imagines that artists gives automatically original firts names to their children, and in fact, in the majority cases, it is true...
For me, Odd's family is only Italian at the origine, but, they are artist, so, they are original... And it is the reason why they gave a fruit name to the dog, too...
Sorry for my English, I lurnt it at school a very long time ago...

Message par McTrooper » 29 Mai 2008, 07:06

Snape a écrit:I heard that Odd is a Spaniard (Catalan actually), originally from Barcelona!

That's interesting. I've speculated and heard speculated many things about Odd. Personally I thought maybe he was Jewish, but has the French sounding last name because his great grand parents changed the name during WW2 to avoid persecution.

Still that wouldn't explain his first name. I've heard from someone else that "Odd" is a common Norwegian name (or something like that).

But there are so many other things to wonder about.
Here is a quote from page one:

McTrooper a écrit:
LeDixieme a écrit: . .
And- I was wondering; do we know where Odd comes from? Becuase i've heard many different explanations, ranging from Italy (della Robbia is his last name), America, and from Australia/New Zealand (thus the name of our little bullterrier, Kiwi ;)). People also say that in Holliday in the Fog, Yumi or someone made a reference to Odd living "half a world away," and he was at the airport to get back home.
. .

Don't forget Odd said Aelita was his "cousin from Holland"

Maybe his Mom came from Holland and his Dad came from Italy?

Or maybe his father is Jewish but his great grandfather changed his last name to avoided the Germans in World War 2.

- - -

I've always thought Odd named Kiwi after those little fruits.
You know the ones with the brown skin and are green on the inside and have little black seeds.

= = =

Message par Snape » 28 Mai 2008, 19:28

I heard that Odd is a Spaniard (Catalan actually), originally from Barcelona!

Message par Snape » 28 Mai 2008, 19:27

I heard that Odd is a Spaniard (Catalan actually), originally from Barcelona!

DragonGirl a écrit:Hello.

I like this thread Odd is my favorite charater on the show :D which is the reason I'm typeing in Purple right now

This doesn't show; so does indigo; although Indigo is slightly better, it still is hard to read on this background.

Message par McTrooper » 28 Mai 2008, 15:47

Why does Odd date so much and try to date multiple women?
It's possible he might be lonely. Maybe he didn't have a good example on how to treat women growing up? There is a range of possibilities.

I think he'll eventually settle down. And it seems like he might start seeing Sissy with new eyes. He did fall in love with her on line in the chat room. Maybe beneath both Odd's and Sissy's exterior they are both deep souls longing for understanding.

Message par DragonGirl » 31 Juil 2007, 03:16


I like this thread Odd is my favorite charater on the show which is the reason I'm typeing in Purple right now

That was alittle dark sorry. I need to watch what text colors I use My bad It was Indigo Now it's Blue (Note to self next time hit preview before post :oops: )

Message par DragonGirl » 31 Juil 2007, 03:10


I like this thread Odd is my favorite charater on the show :D which is the reason I'm typeing in Purple right now

Message par Chauve-Souris » 07 Mai 2006, 07:05

The #121 (Mai 2006) issue of AnimeLand Magazine, that is:
Note that all the other programs are simply mentioned by name, but Code lyoko gets a special remark:
"...and especially Code Lyoko (Moonscoop) which met there (in the USA) with a very great success."
Yay, CL! Very encouraging....Image

Message par kagetsu » 03 Fév 2006, 05:50

Hika-Chan a écrit:I don't think like you, Odd has not already found the only one he would truely love, like Ulrich or Jeremie, and he likes girls as he likes his friends... Maybe someday he would find her but he's not really searching.

Odd is my fav character, he's unique, and ... and Purple is my fav colour!

About colour, did you know these meanings:
purple is the colour of madness
yellow, the sun, the happiness
and pink, ... well, in French we say "voir la vie en rose" (to see the life in pink), i don't know if you say thin in English, it means: to be happy, optimist.

I think we would say "looking through rose colored glasses"

Odds mistake seems to be dating more than one girl at the same time. I was thinking Odd has received many slaps for that,,, but technically, Yumi got two of them :lol:

Message par Hika-Chan » 02 Fév 2006, 19:58

I don't think like you, Odd has not already found the only one he would truely love, like Ulrich or Jeremie, and he likes girls as he likes his friends... Maybe someday he would find her but he's not really searching.

Odd is my fav character, he's unique, and ... and Purple is my fav colour!

About colour, did you know these meanings:
purple is the colour of madness
yellow, the sun, the happiness
and pink, ... well, in French we say "voir la vie en rose" (to see the life in pink), i don't know if you say thin in English, it means: to be happy, optimist.

Message par Invité » 08 Jan 2006, 04:00

Odd rules

Message par Hayze » 04 Jan 2006, 04:31

When he talks about girls, he doesn't talk about them as people he genuinly (sp) likes, except for Sam. It seems like he's, I don't know, searching. Yet not finding. Sure, he finds a bunch of girls, but he has to learn to like ONE girl, not twenty. Trust me, I know a guy who is like that, and he's never happy with one girl. So Odd will have to respect girls before he gets one.
Sorry, I'm kind of venting. Odd's really cool.

Message par Hayze » 04 Jan 2006, 04:30

When he talks about girls, he doesn't talk about them as people he genuinly (sp) likes, except for Sam. It seems like he's, I don't know, searching. Yet not finding. Sure, he finds a bunch of girls, but he has to learn to like ONE girl, not twenty. Trust me, I know a guy who is like that, and he's never happy with one girl. So Odd will have to respect girls before he gets one.
Sorry, I'm kind of venting.

Message par Pete » 27 Déc 2005, 11:17

Except that Jérémie, Aelita, Yumi and Ulrich don't really have a boy/girlfriend...

Message par garooob » 27 Déc 2005, 09:13

kagetsu a écrit:Desperate and lonely have never been words I'd use for Odd.

You can hide it pretty well, if you put your mind to it. I say that because I've been in similar situations in school. When all your friends have girl/boyfriends, it's hard. But you want to cover it up and appear happy. I don't exactly know why. Inside, however, it hurts. You want someone, too. When it was me, I just bottled it all up. Perhaps Odd reacts differently to that feeling.

Message par exo » 27 Déc 2005, 05:29

I agree with rooobs, all an act.

Message par kagetsu » 18 Déc 2005, 17:26

Desperate and lonely have never been words I'd use for Odd. He never seems to take anything serious, rules, tests, even danger. Flirting comes natural to him,,, he even flirted with Ulrich when he was stuck in Yumi's body. That had to be the wierdest idea ever. :lol:

Message par garooob » 18 Déc 2005, 07:46

I think Odd dating multiple girls at once is a result of him being desperate. Maybe he puts forth his clowning act because he's really lonely.

Message par kagetsu » 17 Déc 2005, 20:04

exo a écrit:From the TvTome Forums:

"Is Odd gay?" one asks.

He's the only one without a canon relationship, and seems to fail with every girl in the grade, is true.

Wow, TvTome, that's going back a ways :shock:
I think it was post like that, and there was a lot of discussion about it, that changed Odds dating habits so drastically in Season 2. He looked very unsure when he kissed Sam in Season 1. Now, Odd likes to have fun. That makes it easy for him to get girls. I don't think he can dump them, so he he ends up dating more than one at a time. This has to be the only reason girls are mad at him.

Message par garooob » 15 Déc 2005, 07:06

If Odd's season 1 image lead some to question his sexual orientation, his womanizing in season 2 should have put a stop to it! Wasn't there a line or two about how he dated almost all the girls in school?

Message par Chauve-Souris » 15 Déc 2005, 06:21

Isn't it the early season-1 voices that have messed up Odd's image? The French one, especially, was awfully girly, and thankfully was replaced fairly early (I think). His name didn't help anything either.
Odd does two things that I really admire (and emulate):
1) He doesn't bother to be macho-manly, and
2) He likes to kid around about everything.
So, the rare girl that doesn't find the Superman-type a necessity should be able to have a wonderful time with Odd. (and Kiwi....) Image

Message par Chauve-Souris » 11 Déc 2005, 03:12

Odd invites Karla to go with him to the dance:
"You are DellaRobbia? Well, sorry, I'm already seeing someone else!
Both: Episode#52:"THE KEY"


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