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Message par Yumiko » 18 Nov 2006, 22:02

I don't know about that. I think Jeremie and Aelita are too much alike for them to be happy together. ha, imagine if they got married. Their kids would have such huge expectations to live up to! Being raised by to geniuses! Anyway, I think Aelita's so attached to Jeremie because he was her first contact in the human world. And because he was so attached to his computer, he got to talk to her all the time when she was still in Lyoko. Now that she's out, though, he's still attached to that computer while she wants to go out and live life. She wants to be a normal human being, not just another freaky genius girl, and she can be with Odd.

Message par garooob » 17 Nov 2006, 18:49

Yumiko a écrit:Umm, anyone want to clue me in as to which one that was? I'd like to go see it, since as much as I like Jeremie, I like the idea of Aelita and Odd better. Notice that at the end of season 2 when they're all in a circle holding hands, Odd is the one next to her. ;)

This is that wallpaper. Notice Odd's tail? I think Aelita will still end up with Jérémie, though. Aelita acts differently when she's with Odd than when she's with Jérémie. She cares more for J, but she'd like to go out and party with Odd.

Message par Yumiko » 17 Nov 2006, 03:39

garooob a écrit:I know it was mentioned before, but that wallpaper with everyone on Lyoko where Odd has his tail around Aelita's ankle...

Umm, anyone want to clue me in as to which one that was? I'd like to go see it, since as much as I like Jeremie, I like the idea of Aelita and Odd better. Notice that at the end of season 2 when they're all in a circle holding hands, Odd is the one next to her. ;)

Message par Yumiko » 17 Nov 2006, 03:09

Oops, sorry, that last one was me, I thought I was logged in.

But anyway, someone said something about the site when it was translated into english, and I just have to ask why the forum isn't translated too. It'd be a little easier to answer those Anti-BOT questions.....but I will admit, it's helping introduce me to french, and keeping me up on Spanish since they're slightly similar. Like notre and nosotros.....*rambles on*

:edit: boy have I been idiotic today.......major blonde moment for me. I really ought to look more closely at the profile options and see that you can translate the forum into english sometime. Whaddaya know!

Message par Invité » 17 Nov 2006, 03:04

Yumi and Ulrich seem to be made for each other, I know that there are a bunch of diehard YxU fans out there, and I guess I am one of them. Now, here's a question think beyond graduation day. Who would they end up marrying? I mean, Xana and Lyoko are a big part of their lives and who they are, and they couldn't keep that from a spouse. But who would believe them? Well, plus, would they live that long?

Message par Tommy4552* » 04 Nov 2006, 04:36

Chauve-Souris a écrit:-
I'm tellin' ya -- Jer is dead meat....


Hey thats just cruel. Jeremie will get Aelita in the end.

Message par Neo Aguni » 26 Jan 2006, 18:00

yeah I noticed that. And when Aelita blushed when she and jeremie where talking about that necklace in Saint Valentines Day and even Ulrich made the following comment.

U: You didn't give it to her did you?

J: Was it that Obvious?

U: Yeah but lucky for you Love has made Aelita blind.

Message par Chauve-Souris » 14 Jan 2006, 05:21

In this scene, when they were leaving for the scanner room, Aelita gave a cute, if somewhat furtive, wave goodbye to Jérémie as the big door slid closed:

Message par Hayze » 04 Jan 2006, 04:48

Odd doesn't seem like the type to, for lack of a better term, "settle down". But I think, deep down, he's lonely. But like I've said previously (sp), he needs to respect girls before he gets one. Going out with every girl does not classify as "respect". Sorry.

Message par Neo Aguni » 10 Déc 2005, 14:12

And when she said that he was acting as if he had never seen her before he said not in this light or something along those lines

Message par garooob » 10 Déc 2005, 08:15

But did you see the look in Odd's eyes when he found out that Sissi was his anonymous internet girlfriend? I think he likes that side of her.

Message par exo » 10 Déc 2005, 02:30

Sissi? She has been acting nice, but she's never given up on, it was never explained, her actions...Moonscoop better do some explaining in the third season! Sam, no, she's out of the picture. Nowhere to be found in season two, only one episode in season one, Odd's trying to get girls in season two. As much as I'd like it, no.

Message par Neo Aguni » 09 Déc 2005, 06:22

well who knows he might wind up with Sissi, or even Sam from season 1

Message par garooob » 09 Déc 2005, 05:41

I do agree, Neo, that Jérémie and Aelita WILL be together. So then who will Odd end up with?

Message par Neo Aguni » 09 Déc 2005, 01:40

maybe but Aelita owes way more to Jeremie than she does him and there are several cases where you can see there feelings for each other. Such as Frontier in which Aelita practically told him she loved him(Jeremie) and did you see the look on her face when she contemplated losing Jeremie.

Besides in the episode Cruel Delima(sp?) she said and I quote.

"We can be face to face in the same room, we can touch each other, even kiss."

Then there is Killer Music where several online as well as real friends concur that Aelita did seem to be smiling after Ulrich's rant about what Jeremie said in his sleep.

Not to mention Xana's kiss, and what about Franz Hopper huh did you see the way she defended him against the others and even left to go after him.

And what about when Sissi called Aelita Mrs. Einstein huh?

Hardcore J/A through and through am i.

Message par garooob » 03 Déc 2005, 09:41

Yeah, Frontier. It was just on the other day. I think Odd spends more time with Aelita than Jérémie does.

Message par Chauve-Souris » 03 Déc 2005, 09:11

exo a écrit:Yes, definately official. THey had that episode, was it Frontier? The one where Jer trid to meet her on Lyoko.

Oh yeah, I had just about forgotten about their meeting in space where they may or may not have touched fingertips. Très cool moment! Image

Message par kagetsu » 03 Déc 2005, 05:20

by the end of Season 1, I wasn't sure about Jeremie and Aelita being a couple. She only kissed his cheek, and the way she talked was like a close friend. Even now I'm not sure. She did get very furious in XANA's Kiss and Odd can make her blush by casually mention her feelings and Jeremie in the same sentence. :oops:

Odd and Aelita on Lyoko are always cute. You can tell he's her favorite protector. She's most concerned when he's hit, and he's always the one who helps her up when she falls.

Message par exo » 03 Déc 2005, 04:55

Yes, definately official. THey had that episode, was it Frontier? The one where Jer trid to meet her on Lyoko.

Message par Chauve-Souris » 03 Déc 2005, 02:51

Neo Aguni a écrit:Afterreading the entire recap of Xana's Kiss from did anyone else get the impression that Jer/Aelita where somewhat of an unofficial couple I mean she did kiss him and when she thought he kissed Heidi she did get angry at him and walked off.

Heck, most Lyokophiles have considered them an OFFICIAL couple since way back in season-1. Image They are definitely "an item".

Message par Neo Aguni » 02 Déc 2005, 17:26

Afterreading the entire recap of Xana's Kiss from did anyone else get the impression that Jer/Aelita where somewhat of an unofficial couple I mean she did kiss him and when she thought he kissed Heidi she did get angry at him and walked off.

Message par Chauve-Souris » 01 Déc 2005, 03:43

I guess a lot of people want to see this event:
Both: Episode#43: "XANA'S KISS"

Message par Chauve-Souris » 30 Nov 2005, 05:35

Odd and Aelita are so great together. ...Especially on Lyoko. They always have a very friendly greeting and smile for each other when they join up, and they work together like a pair of twins.
And that tandem 'board ride at the beginning of Ep.50 was like a ballet.
On Terra they just look "right" together, to me. Image

Message par exo » 30 Nov 2005, 05:01

You got something against cousin loving? Mind you, my hot cousin lives in Maryland, real close to West Virginia. :lol:

That would lead to complications though, but I still think JerxAelita's the best couple.

Message par garooob » 30 Nov 2005, 03:49

Hayze a écrit:Aelita and Odd- They're cute together but they're supposed to be cousins...Awkward moments and long explanations...

I never thought of that before... I guess that one's out. Unless they can change their story or wait till they're away from Kadic. I still think they're cute!


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