Romance between characters




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Message par Yumiko » 18 Nov 2006, 22:04

I want them to stay together, but after reading a fan fic where XANA uses their relationship for his gain by making one sacrifice for the other, I'm thinking it could be kinda dangerous.

Message par garooob » 17 Nov 2006, 18:35

Well, it did come close to ending in that first episode. Throughout season 3, they don't really act lovey towards each other. Somehow I think they'll stay together in season 4.

Message par Yumiko » 17 Nov 2006, 03:26

Has anyone else been wondering if that's why the whole Yumi and Ulrich thing came to an abrupt end this season? Then again, it could be because Yumi and X.A.N.A. both know that Ulrich would do anything for her, including giving himself up to X.A.N.A., and she knows it would only be worse if they were together.

Message par Tommy4552* » 04 Nov 2006, 04:34

garooob a écrit:Woah, that's some awesome news!
There's not enough romance in CL already. They shouldn't lessen it! Who are these "American Producers" and what do they know, anyay? Take it from us, the FANS, not some suits in an office building.

DO NOT TAKE AWAY THE ROMANCE!!!! It is a cornerstone of the show!!!!

Message par miaame » 06 Juin 2006, 05:49

OK. ^_^ I like stories. I used to write a mess of crappy Soul Calibur fan fiction when I was in high-school. (years ago.)

Message par KageSama » 05 Juin 2006, 23:18

I might consider that.

I'm not much for fanfic (I prefer to get paid for my stories . . . but a small short story might be a good break between other writing). Probably won't have time before July (trying to get a story ready to send to an agent by the end of June), so please remind me!

Message par miaame » 05 Juin 2006, 22:47

Yay! I hope they end up together. KageSama, you could submit a fanfic about that: Aelita listening to Jeremie, or wwatching over him. That could be cute...

unrequitted love before they admit it.

I spent 4 HOURS readin CL episode summaries....I have to know what happens next!! But the new ones aren't out yet...

Message par kagetsu » 05 Juin 2006, 04:57

According to Ghost Channel, Aelita could move outside the system too.

And I've always though she was listening as long as the connection was on. she looked way too happy not to have heard. That was one of my favorite parts of that ep. That and another chance for Yumi to save Sissi.

Message par KageSama » 04 Juin 2006, 23:27

It makes you wonder if Aelita didn't have her own methods of reaching the real world. If she could "hack" in to Jeremie's computer, she could have been keeping an eye on him while he was asleep. For security purposes, of course. . . :oops:

Message par miaame » 02 Juin 2006, 05:24

hahaha. Well, Aelita seemed to talk to Jeremie more. Sure, he didn't get virtualized, but he seemed to stay the most connected...He'd answer her questions and stuff, for example: when she asked, "What's a library?" when Odd and Ulrich were tossing paper back and forth.
And since he seemed so determined to get her in their world. he thought about her a lot, too.

I wonder if Aelita ever heard Ulrich and Jeremie talking about how Jeremie liked her. (When they're in the dorm room, and Jeremie covers Ulrich's mouth saying, "Shhh! She'll hear you!" And Jeremie looks at the computer screen to see if she's there. But the next shot is of Aelita sitting.)

Message par kagetsu » 01 Juin 2006, 04:23

I think Aelita is more ready to be in love than Jeremie. It's always Aelita that kisses Jeremie and she first suggested it while she was still stuck in Lyoko. If it were anyone other than Aelita, her complete nonconcern of being with all three boys in her night shirt would suggest that she feels to much like "family" for a romance to happen. But I'm sure she cares far more for Jeremie than friendship.

Message par miaame » 30 Mai 2006, 17:26

That's good. I'd be sad to see poor Jeremie suffer unrequitted love. ^_^

Message par Pete » 30 Mai 2006, 11:43

miaame a écrit:Or is Jeremie's love one-sided?

It's hard to believe... Aelita and Jérémie are very close in the season 1, and even in the season 2. In Franz Hopper, she is the only one who defends him, whereas the others thrust an unknown guy saying he is Hopper, even though they know that XANA is able to create polymorphic clones. And in XANA's kiss, she is very jealous too. Thus, I think she is in love for Jérémie.

Message par miaame » 30 Mai 2006, 05:50

Want to see Ulrich and Yumi get together....Hey, do Aelita and Jeremie ever admit they like each other? Or is Jeremie's love one-sided?

Message par exo » 21 Avr 2006, 22:54

Yeah, that's why. It was three seconds long and went straight to joking around.

Message par miaame » 21 Avr 2006, 18:11

I wanna see that episode........

Message par garooob » 21 Avr 2006, 04:53

When Yumi is trapped under the tree and he says "I need you." That was so good. Then the meatball joke...

Message par exo » 20 Avr 2006, 23:10

Did I miss that scene or something? I don't recall it being very dramatic. I was actually disappointed by it. It was too short.

Message par garooob » 20 Avr 2006, 07:10

All I have to say about that is "Ulrich at the end of Cold War."

Message par miaame » 19 Avr 2006, 08:39

I think that it's just right. The romance is pretty toned down and subtle, so a lot of kids probably wouldn't even get it if they were really young. Especially in the first and second season...

The episode where XANA sends clones that kiss the characters, I didn't think was highly romantic even. Just a way for XANA to bred jealousy...and cause group turmoil.

Message par Tommy4552* » 18 Avr 2006, 23:49

All the romance in the show makes it HILARIOUS! And its not that adult. Comon the adults are the stupid ones in the show! lol No offence to the characters of the adults. :D

Message par Tommy4552* » 18 Avr 2006, 23:11

COMON TOO MUCH ROMANCE YOU GOTA BE KIDDIN If you watched the last to episodes that should have made an impresion on them! Those were just awsome and when i first watched it was sad (ima boy!) but it was sad so that shoulda made a impresion on them. And season 3 is in September. :D :cry: :x

Message par Chauve-Souris » 22 Déc 2005, 04:19

garooob a écrit:...I know when I was 7-11, I thought girls had cooties....

What? You mean they DON'T ?! Image
Anyhoo, they probably had a sample size of seven kids and a dachshund. Most polls are unscientific and self-serving.

Message par garooob » 22 Déc 2005, 04:01

I bet what they did is polled 7-11 year olds, whom the show is erroniously aimed at. According to this poll, there are very few kids in that age group here at Yumi2004. (Poll conducted among 670 Yumi2004 members, "no answers" omitted, margin of error +/- 100%) Anyway, the bigwigs don't know what they're talking about. Market research is useless if you're researching the wrong market.
I know when I was 7-11, I thought girls had cooties. Of course they're going to say they don't want romance.

Message par Neo Aguni » 21 Déc 2005, 15:19


are they kidding. Romance is what makes shows like this good because it shows elvoving not only as a hero but also as a human. Even though I have heard a rumor a faint rumor but a rumor none the less that Yumi and Ulrich will share their first kiss in season 3


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