Season 4 / #77-Lost at Sea




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Message par DragonGirl » 07 Sep 2007, 02:35

DragonGirl a écrit:Eh The episode was ok but Ulrich is one of the last people you should ask for romance advise since he can't get his one romance under controle(same with Yumi)

the other people on thar list are.... Odd, Jeremy, Aelita, Sissy(Never ask her for advice no matter what), Nicoles Hervé, Xana(Unless you're evil never ask him or William for any advice), Jim(He's more unsucessful than Odd No offence to Odd fans {including myself} also no offence to Jim fans)

Wll now that I think about it Asking Odd for this kind of advice would be helpful but the only reason is because with the number of ex-girlfriends he's had he could write a book on what not to do (if he wasn't so lazy{Oo that's a good line I think I'll use it in a fanfic})

Message par DragonGirl » 02 Sep 2007, 22:54

Eh The episode was ok but Ulrich is one of the last people you should ask for romance advise since he can't get his one romance under controle(same with Yumi)

the other people on thar list are.... Odd, Jeremy, Aelita, Sissy(Never ask her for advice no matter what), Nicoles Hervé, Xana(Unless you're evil never ask him or William for any advice), Jim(He's more unsucessful than Odd No offence to Odd fans {including myself} also no offence to Jim fans)

I hope they don't get the so called "Real William" back and if they do they find away to keep him from rememboring Lyoko. I have this feeling that a large part of him eas always evil but it was dorment. plus the Ulrich and Yumi romance thing will be messed up again.(I don't like them that much but they are the only Interestin Romance on the show)

Message par kagetsu » 01 Sep 2007, 05:14

Season 4 / #77-Lost at Sea

hmm, the gang are back in their new outfits again. And Hiroki has a bigger part. He's asking Ulrich's advice on girls. First Johnny, now Hiroki. Ulrichs's gotten the reputation for advise for the love lorn. [/lol] Hiroki has his sights set on the Tall seventh grader" Milly. She and Tamia also have new outfits, though they show only briefly, Milly is very colourful. She also looked taller, and has a bit of a figure. Though to Ulrich, she's still "Little Milly" [/lol] Hiroki must be at least two years younger that her, from the discription about Hiroki skipping a grade.

We again have missing diary issues. Though this time it's between Yumi and Hiroki. The sibling anger and the making up between Yumi and Hiroki, with some secret help from Ulrich, was really cute. It has also restarted Ulrich's wondering about just how Yumi really thinks about their relationship. Hiroki's fault again. He just can't keep from causing trouble in this episode.

The Konga Eels are back and they are definitely with William. I wasn't sure about that till now. William has finally appeared in his own little skid fighter. Seems a bit odd to me since he seems to enter Lyoko fine without one.

This was a very cute "Yumi in danger" episode. Haven't really had one of those for a while. Though the action was lacking, the character angst made it all work.


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