I'd rather not talk about it.




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Message par The Gee Man » 14 Sep 2007, 09:38

Re: I'd rather not talk about it.

Pete a écrit:If they use the return to the past, they loose all body changes.

Good point, I guess that's why they're able to take so many beatings by clones and such without permenant damage.

Message par DragonGirl » 14 Sep 2007, 02:08

Re: I'd rather not talk about it.

Pete a écrit:Jeremy should rather use the "jeremification". Since XANA left Lyoko, the risk is low.
No not really back in the episode double take Xana was still able to take controle of the tower that Jeremy had activated and the last thing we need is a repeat of what happened the 2 times he did that in season 2 espesially the first time where Odd almost died.

Message par Pete » 12 Sep 2007, 09:28

Re: I'd rather not talk about it.

The Gee Man a écrit:Plus, you'd think that all that running between the factory and school would be a pretty substantial workout.

If they use the return to the past, they loose all body changes.

DragonGirl a écrit:I doubt you will ever see anyone useing Knives (Unless Xana possesed someone that already has them) anyway electricity based weapons will work better it stuns the clones longer (that's why I gave a character I created power over electricity{well to some point})

Jeremy should rather use the "jeremification". Since XANA left Lyoko, the risk is low.

Message par The Gee Man » 07 Sep 2007, 05:43

Re: I'd rather not talk about it.

DragonGirl a écrit:I doubt you will ever see anyone useing Knives (Unless Xana possesed someone that already has them) anyway electricity based weapons will work better it stuns the clones longer (that's why I gave a character I created power over electricity{well to some point})

Of course, I'm just speculating. Xana did pass up an opportunity in "Common Interest" to possess one of the two soldiers bothh armed with FAMAS rifles, but then again I'm thinking about this too hard.

Message par DragonGirl » 07 Sep 2007, 02:27

Re: I'd rather not talk about it.

The Gee Man a écrit:
DragonGirl a écrit:Second of all why did they even need to edo any training on earth? Aside form Jeremy they all fight Xana on Lyoko and no amount of training will help against a Xanified person/animal, or a Polymorfic Specter.

Good point. Plus, you'd think that all that running between the factory and school would be a pretty substantial workout. Realistically, I'd be investing in some concealable knives, as attacking Polymorphs and Possessed seems to make them phase out for a short while, and it's better than their usual strategy of "send Odd or Ulrich after it and get pummeled for a while"

I doubt you will ever see anyone useing Knives (Unless Xana possesed someone that already has them) anyway electricity based weapons will work better it stuns the clones longer (that's why I gave a character I created power over electricity{well to some point})

Message par The Gee Man » 06 Sep 2007, 06:12

Re: I'd rather not talk about it.

DragonGirl a écrit:Second of all why did they even need to edo any training on earth? Aside form Jeremy they all fight Xana on Lyoko and no amount of training will help against a Xanified person/animal, or a Polymorfic Specter.

Good point. Plus, you'd think that all that running between the factory and school would be a pretty substantial workout. Realistically, I'd be investing in some concealable knives, as attacking Polymorphs and Possessed seems to make them phase out for a short while, and it's better than their usual strategy of "send Odd or Ulrich after it and get pummeled for a while"

Message par DragonGirl » 06 Sep 2007, 00:54

I'd rather not talk about it.

Three things about this episode bug me. I don't like the eopisode but it wasn't horrible like some stuff in season 3.

First of all it seemed alittle more like a Jeremy Episode than a Jim episode (It might have been both but it's hard to tell)

Second of all why did they even need to edo any training on earth? Aside form Jeremy they all fight Xana on Lyoko and no amount of training will help against a Xanified person/animal, or a Polymorfic Specter.

Finally Since when dose Jeremy have time for anything like training?


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