Dog Day Afternoon/Kiwodd




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Message par DragonGirl » 19 Sep 2007, 02:22

The Gee Man a écrit:I haven't watched this yet, as I'm waiting for Oliver to finish his translated version of the lost episode. I will point out that the English translators got pretty creative with the title, as "Dog Day Afternoon" is an Al Pacino movie too.

You don't need episode 78 to really unerstand this episode but just watching an episode out of order can be a peoblem for some people as for me I try to miss as few episodes as possible out of order or not. (Although I wish I had never seen Killer Music back in season 1 that episode annoys me so bad that I can't even show how much I hate that episode) Oops I ranted about a season 1 episode my bad.

Message par Pete » 17 Sep 2007, 09:26

I 've changed the title of the topic : the french title of this episode is Kiwodd, without i.
I voted yes : Odd is odd, but we already know that ;)

Message par The Gee Man » 17 Sep 2007, 08:44

I haven't watched this yet, as I'm waiting for Oliver to finish his translated version of the lost episode. I will point out that the English translators got pretty creative with the title, as "Dog Day Afternoon" is an Al Pacino movie too.

Message par DragonGirl » 16 Sep 2007, 22:45

Dog Day Afternoon/Kiwodd

Ok I but both the american and french titles because i felt like it

Yet again Moonscop is trying to make Odd look like the idiout of the group when in reality that title belongs to Ulrich[sorry ulrich fans :odd2:] (at the end of season 2 it is maaid clear that ulrich's graids are actually worse than Odd's)

it should have been obvious what would happen if multapul liveing creatures are in the same scanner during a transfer Odd was just being Well Odd.


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