Hard Luck




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Message par DragonGirl » 12 Oct 2007, 01:40

The Gee Man a écrit:
DragonGirl a écrit:Yes but I don't care how manny kankerlats Ulrich destroiyed he's still one of my least favorits on the show it's been that way since the end of season 1

Why is this? He's consistantly been the best on Lyoko, he's not ineffectual in combat like Yumi, unpredictable like Odd, non-present like Jeremie or (sadly) a liability like Aelita. He may be a coward, but at least he's a useful coward.

I have never thought of Ulrich as best at anything espeacally not fighting on Lyoko and his grouchyness not only hides anything that could possibly be good about him and things about him that are good and not hidden by his bad attitude are nutralized by it.

And Odd is usually on Lyoko longer than Ulrich because of his unpredictability.

Message par The Gee Man » 11 Oct 2007, 03:49

DragonGirl a écrit:Yes but I don't care how manny kankerlats Ulrich destroiyed he's still one of my least favorits on the show it's been that way since the end of season 1

Why is this? He's consistantly been the best on Lyoko, he's not ineffectual in combat like Yumi, unpredictable like Odd, non-present like Jeremie or (sadly) a liability like Aelita. He may be a coward, but at least he's a useful coward.

Message par DragonGirl » 11 Oct 2007, 01:28

The Gee Man a écrit:Yeah, they were pretty hard on Odd, but I'd have a hard time not going insane on a daily basis with him around. I wouldn't be angry at Ulrich, he had more kills than the other three combined. The whole Jim thing was kind of silly, but it ellicited a chuckle from me.

Yes but I don't care how manny kankerlats Ulrich destroiyed he's still one of my least favorits on the show it's been that way since the end of season 1

Message par The Gee Man » 10 Oct 2007, 08:47

Yeah, they were pretty hard on Odd, but I'd have a hard time not going insane on a daily basis with him around. I wouldn't be angry at Ulrich, he had more kills than the other three combined. The whole Jim thing was kind of silly, but it ellicited a chuckle from me.

The Gee Man's Unofficial Tactical Report
Aelita: Combat Drops: 1
Kills: 2 (Hornet) Combat Devirtualizations: 0
Odd: Combat Drops: 1
Kills: 2 (Hornet) Combat Devirtualizations: 1
Ulrich: Combat Drops: 1
Kills: 10 (Kankrelat) 1 (Supercomputer) Combat Devirtualizations: 0
Yumi: Combat Drops: 1
Kills: 2 (Kankrelat) 1 (William) Combat Devirtualizations: 0
Kills: 18
Combat Devirtualizations: 1
Primary Objectives:
Destroy Supercomputer: Success
Secondary Objectives:
Destroy all enemy forces: Partial Success
Protect Aelita: Failed
Disable William: Success
Mission Accomplished

(These are fun, I should make a graph or something.)

Message par DragonGirl » 08 Oct 2007, 19:40

Ok one thing the poll was sapposed to have three options. the third was sapposed to be yes but not superstious. I figured out why it didn't come up but I can't fix it. Oh well.

Message par DragonGirl » 06 Oct 2007, 23:34

Hard Luck

I wanted to hit Ulrich Jeremy and Jim in the head with really heavy rocks for some of the suff they said in this episode. (But alot more for Urlich and Jeremy than for Jim {and it was mainly Urlich that I wanted to hit!})

Ok how did everyone else like the eposode.

(Who is more of a wimp Ulrich with his diary and fear of hights or Jim because of his cellphone?)


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