Second part:
Jeremy: Transfer.
Odd: Hey Jeremy, please send us the mega-thingy on wheels.
Jeremy: Just a sec.
Jeremy: I have detected some hostile activity around you...
Jeremy: I am sending it right now.
Ulrich: It's moving!
Odd: Well, that was a great start.
Jeremy: Are you okay? Is the Megapod still there?
Odd: It's gonna fall into the digital sea! Jeremy, hurry, transfer me into it!
Jeremy: Just a sec.
Jeremy: Transfer.
Odd: Phew, that was a close call.
Jeremy: Odd, two Megatanks are approaching you.
Odd: Got it. Transfer the others and we'll take care of them.
Laura: Do you see that? It's a quantum supercomputer! No more, no less.
Jeremy: What are you doing, Laura? Are you crazy?!
Aelita: What's going on?
Jeremy: Laura just brought her father over here.
Aelita: What?
Aelita: Code RED, Yumi. There's no time to lose, shoot me, I've got to get back to the lab.
Yumi: huh? Shoot you? No way.
Aelita: didn't you hear me, shoot me!
Laura's father: What's exactly the purpose of this... interface?
Laura's father: How long has it been here for?
Jeremy: Well... Er... It's complicated.
Laura's father: Complicated? My dear Laura, I guess you didn't mention the fact that I was top of class at
Polytechnique school and that I had spent 3 years at the MIT. //why did you add the link.
Yumi: Jeremy, transfer us, quick. The Megatanks are getting closer.
William: Jeremy, hurry up, it's getting pretty bad!
Odd: Jeremy, transfer them!
Aelita: Transfer.
Aelita: Take care of the others and I'll handle the father.
Laura's father: What are you doing here exactly?
Aelita: I was just about to tell you all, Mr. Gauthier.
Aelita: We are working on a school project using this interface, which is connected to a quantum computer we call "the supercomputer".
Aelita: I can show it to you, if you wish.
Laura's father: Sure, I'd be glad, this is very interested.
Aelita: I guess you'd love to see it too?
Jeremy: Odd, do you hear me?
Odd: At last. Look, the Megatanks are chasing us and we still don't know where the tower is.
Jeremy: The location should show up on your radar... now.
Aelita: You see, Mr. Gauthier, this supercomputer is powered by a nuclear battery, which has an excellent lifespan of 21 years.
Aelita: And you wanted to hide this from your dad...
Laura's father: It would have been a pity. I find all this fascinating. I'm amazed...
Laura's father: And Laura can use this technology whenever she wants?
Aelita: Exactly. But I wonder if it was such a good idea after all.
Laura's father: Why did you say that? All this is pretty interesting!
Odd: Will you leave us alone?
Yumi: William, try shooting at them!
William: I can't to it, they're too close.
Ulrich: Jeremy, find something!
Jeremy: give me a minute. I just finished calculating the next shift.
Jeremy: you might be able to take advantage of it.
Jeremy: Where are they?
Aelita: Don't worry, case closed. Just focus on the others.
Odd: Jeremy...
Jeremy: Got it. Next shift is in two minutes.
Ulrich: We don't have time. We won't be able to hold them off till then.
Aelita: Okay, forget it. Odd, at the next block, turn left.
Odd: You sure?
Aelita: Just do it, Now!
Odd: One down!
Odd: Well done, Aelita!
William: And what about the second one?
Odd: Yeah!
Jeremy: Odd... Still there?
Odd: We're fine, Jeremy. But it was a close call.
Jeremy: Hurry up and deactivate the tower before the next shift.
Jeremy: Transfer.
Delmas: This is a miracle! Jim, a miracle!
Yumi: I can't believe it.
Odd: Why did he come here?
Ulrich: we should ask Laura.
Aelita: She probably just wanted to show off, that's all. As simple as that.
William: Aelita may be right, but we still have a problem with the father.
Jeremy: We have no choice I guess.
Yumi: A return to the past?
Jeremy: Yep. But not for Laura of course.
Odd: It drives me crazy that the return to the past has no effect on her.
Aelita: As for Laura, we will talk about her later, it's another problem.
Jeremy: Okay, so do we agree?
Jeremy: I'll launch it?
Jeremy: Return to the past now.
Hertz: Della Robbia. worst of the class.
Odd: Are you sure?
Hertz: Jeremy Belpois. You're at the top, that's good.
Hertz: Laura. Second. That's good too.
Aelita: For me she definitely went too far. She should be kicked out.
William: Well, Aelita, it's not that simple.
William: We can't kick her out like that just because her father put pressure on her.
William: Besides, she already knows too much about us and Lyoko.
Jeremy: He's right. Laura might bring us many more troubles if we rejected her.
Ulrich: What's up with you, William? You are acting so much wiser lately.
Jeremy: Seriously. We'd better keep her, but under strict surveillance.
Aelita: I dunno.
Jeremy: You may come in.
Jeremy: So, listen. We thought it over and decided to keep you in the group.
Jeremy: But you'll have only a limited access to the supercomputer.
Jeremy: One of us will accompany you every time.
Jeremy: I hope you'll understand, after all that has happened.
Laura: Yes I will, but...
Laura: Alright, fine.
Jim: Ah, Della Robbia! I was sure to find you here.
Jim: You need to go and see the Headmaster. Pronto.
Odd: Really? Why?
Jim: Your parents are here.
Jim: and by the looks of it, I think they got your report grade...
Odd: noo...
a few things were changed becasue of tense and ect. why did you add the link about what he studied.