Season 2 / #40-Attack of the Zombies


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Étendre la vue Revue du sujet: Season 2 / #40-Attack of the Zombies

Message par exo » 17 Oct 2006, 23:09

Did I used to like this episode? It's even worse than when the only attack was posessing Nicholas.

Message par kagetsu » 30 Déc 2005, 06:16

:? Hmm, XANA used to be able to ooze around the bulb without removing it. He/it must have gained a few pounds. :lol:

Message par garooob » 30 Déc 2005, 04:02

Attack of the Zombies: I just noticed that when X.A.N.A.'s ghost comes out of the Pixar light at the beginning of the episode, it pops out the bulb, but catches it and sets it down gently! That sneak...

Message par Clem » 05 Oct 2005, 11:06

Well, for one time, I see that you don't very like an episode of Code lyoko but I didn't really understand why.
[spoiler]Everybody is possessed but not Yumi, Ulrich and Aelita?[/spoiler]

Well, we've just seen Saint Valentine Day's!!! Bouuuuuuuuuuh :pleu: I'm so sad: I didn't see a smack!! I knew that but I'm so frustred when I saw this episode!! Well, I didn't know (or I didn't understand) that Ulrich said to Yumi that he had wrotten the poem for her!! Hihi, after I saw that, I was a little happy :langue:

Message par garooob » 05 Oct 2005, 04:44

Not a great episode. There's nothing to say about it.
Although, when Kiwi was posessed, I thought of CS' avatar!
40? That didn't even occur to me until you mentioned it! What's up with that?

Message par Chauve-Souris » 05 Oct 2005, 02:11

exo a écrit:...Besides, of course you're not going to like the episode where Kiwi is attacked.

Actually, I sort of enjoyed seeing Kiwi with the XANA logo. (I was still having fun at that point.) I might just steal that to make a smiley, or something. :sophie:

Message par exo » 05 Oct 2005, 01:15

Well I'm comparing this to say, last week's major overuse of possessing. Odd and Jeremie should have attacked William. I don't know why they didn't. I mean, how hard is it to escape? You're right CS, it probably was sub-par compared to season one's plots, but the whole of season two has been like that. Besides, of course you're not going to like the episode where Kiwi is attacked.

Message par Chauve-Souris » 05 Oct 2005, 00:59

Season 2 / #40-Attack of the Zombies

Why were they showing epi.40? What happened to #38 and #39? Did they show two shows over the weekend? Is CN completely screwed up? Anyway, they've screwed up the order on my #2 DVD disk.
For once, I completely DISagree with M. exo. I thought this episode REEKED! It was a tedious, embarrassing BORE!!!
[spoiler]Tout le monde were possessed:
--numerous students
--numerous townspeople
--Bush? Chirac? Ronald McDonald? Italy and Belgium? Southeast Asia? God? Who knows?
--but not ME -- I was just disgusted.
The zombified characters behaved in a really, really corny way. Just like the worst of the worst old-time horror movies. Staggering around stiff-legged, arms outstretched, growling like rabid dogs. Geez!
Even the combat on Lyoko was below standard, with a tedious telekinesis episode.
Willy got bossy in the lunchroom, and Jer and Odd just took it, instead of ganging up and knocking him silly.
Hervé gets the "smooth move of the day" award (NOT!) by failing to slam the door behind Sissi after letting her into the relative safety of the chowhall. Come on, Herv's a mess, but he isn't stupid!
This whole thing was pathetic. It suggests a production staff that has completely run out of ideas -- which I hope isn't a foreboding of the future!
Aelita did a rotating ascent to the upper level of the tower. Very pretty.
Why can't Jer the genius release the Lyokids a little closer to the ground when virtualizing them?
Phooey! :boum: :boum: :boum:


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