One of those interesting, absorbing-even, episodes.
Hooray, Aelita foiled the Medusa, if only temporarily. I was cheering....
For the first time, I noticed that the Megatanks pivot realistically, like an Earth tank, by counter-rotating the hemispheres. Very cool.
Willy really is an egotistical ass.
A minor change keeps Aelita out of the towers, but other Lyokids have been inside the towers. Surely XANA didn't code the towers to admit Yumi, etc. specifically and exclude other strangers?
Sissi is being helpful again.
Geez, no safety harnesses in Jim's gym! Broken necks, anyone?
Mantas have explosive excrement! Crikey, what is the schrapnel made of?
I guess it is necessary for the story, but the wolves' behavior is rather unrealistic. You don't outrun or confront a cranky pooch -- they charge straight at you, very rapidly, and immediately ingest some portion of your epidermis.
I gotta get myself virtualized, so I'll be really cool. Ulrich obviously has not suffered from vertigo while at Lyoko, only on Terra. They can do all kinds of neat things on Lyoko. And besides, while virtualized you can consort with foxy, elfin creatures like virtual-Aelita. Sigh....
Nice to get new episodes again, eh? I'm looking forward to patching up that nasty hole at #s 38 and 39 now.