Episode #96 - XANA 2.0


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Message par sixthwarrior » 22 Déc 2012, 20:58

Re: Episode #96 - XANA 2.0

Olivier a écrit:Obviously you missed this.


Message par Olivier » 22 Déc 2012, 14:45

Re: Episode #96 - XANA 2.0

Obviously you missed this.

Message par sixthwarrior » 22 Déc 2012, 14:43

Re: Episode #96 - XANA 2.0

Olivier a écrit:English subtitles are available (as you can see here).

First, download the video file, then the subtitle file.

Put them into the same directory and rename them so that they have exactly the same name.

Open the video with VLC and subtitles will automatically show.

Wait, A website i went on said it wasn't (the episode) coming out till january 5th.how do you have access to this?

Message par Olivier » 22 Déc 2012, 12:39

Episode #96 - XANA 2.0

English subtitles are available (as you can see here).

First, download the video file, then the subtitle file.

Put them into the same directory and rename them so that they have exactly the same name.

Open the video with VLC and subtitles will automatically show.


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