Multi-Lingual Conversations




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Message par elfos » 22 Juil 2012, 19:20

Re: Multi-Lingual Conversations

sixthwarrior a écrit:Does anyone speak japanese?

Chotto. Watashi wa elfos desu. Furansunjin desu. Nihongo ga amari wakarimasen, demo nihongo o benkyou shimasu. Anata wa nihongo ga wakarimasuka?

Well, I am more at ease in english or french anyway; my japanese is really basic, can't really say much :) But I can write and read kanas at least :p

Message par sixthwarrior » 17 Mai 2012, 01:14

Re: Multi-Lingual Conversations

sixthwarrior a écrit:Does anyone speak japanese?

Konnichi wa, namae wa dai roku senshi.

Either no one does,or I need to find another website.

Message par Agent Johnson » 06 Mai 2012, 07:47

Re: Multi-Lingual Conversations

DragonGirl a écrit:I've seen threads asking the french Lyoko fans questions and talking about learning a second language (well that depends on how many languages you know) but no thread for just actually useing the lauguage.

(I'm not sure exactally how to explain this) there are things that can't be learned in a calss room or from a language disk like slang. (And profanity but I don't think that belongs here ether)

well I hope there's more languages used then just French and English otherwise this will only be a bi-lingual thread. (sorry for my spelling I've been trying to fix that since second grade)

Salut! Je m'apelle DragonGirl. (Yeah it's obvious I know)
Hola (By the way.. Je ne Parle pas l'espanol)

Ich spreche Deutsch und Spanisch.

Message par sixthwarrior » 02 Mai 2012, 22:56

Re: Multi-Lingual Conversations

Does anyone speak japanese?

Konnichi wa, namae wa dai roku senshi.

Message par DragonGirl » 19 Aoû 2009, 05:22

Volfor Death poil a écrit:FucK off (speak fuckin' English dude !).

Uh you should look at the title ot the thread before cussing someone out just for speaking a language you don't understand.

Message par julyan » 15 Aoû 2009, 10:00

This patch is very Disappointing becose the t8 are free loot: you loot in very héro the insigne. I play a chaman and I see lot of différence, wow have lost in game play, in the raid and héro we musn't sheep, mc ( for contrôl the a new add or trash).

For ice crom, we must wait a new pacth, in 1 or 2 month we must kill arthas, but for now we can down ulduar ( with yogg saron) naxxramas and a nex instance a coliser ( a dont know the english name^^)

si you must more précission, go to the french forum^^

Message par Volfor Death poil » 14 Aoû 2009, 23:19

FucK off (speak fuckin' English dude !).

Really, I stoped to play since May (before 1.1 patch), but when I will come back at my fuckin' home, on September, I will restart.

Is it a good patch ? What are the fuckin' new feats ? And what's happened with 1.1, and the tournament on the Ice Crown ?
Can you explain me please, or I will be fuckin' lost with my fuckin' priest !

Message par julyan » 14 Aoû 2009, 17:45


pour ta question sur le patch de wow, le patch est deja sorti depuis mercredi dernier^^

Message par Volfor Death poil » 14 Aoû 2009, 14:53

Hello !

I play World of Warcraft, but I'm on holidays. Can you tell my when the 3.2 patch will come out please ?
Thank dude !


Message par Snape » 27 Mai 2008, 10:30

Brazil? As there is quite a large community there.

NB: Aramean is also among the old languages spoken in the Levantine region. Today, if memory doesn't fail me a few people stil speak it.

Message par The Gee Man » 27 Mai 2008, 00:55

Snape a écrit:NB: Syriac is considered an old language spoken in some parts of Northern or Western Syria (by a group of people form Christian decent), if I am not mistaken.

Yes, it's the language of the Maronites, who are Christians converted after the Crusades by the French. There's an area near where I live where a large number Lebanese Maronites immigrated to, it's pretty interesting.

Message par Snape » 26 Mai 2008, 11:57

Arabic, Yes. But unfortunately, not Syriac.

NB: Syriac is considered an old language spoken in some parts of Northern or Western Syria (by a group of people form Christian decent), if I am not mistaken.

Message par The Gee Man » 18 Mai 2008, 21:49

Snape a écrit:(but in fact Lebanon)

I'm assuming that since you speak fluent French you live in Beirut? Have you picked up any Arabic or Syriac?

Message par Snape » 18 Mai 2008, 14:23

Like Yoda's Speeches, Latin sounds.

NB: Now to reply DragonGirl's question:

DragonGirl a écrit:Vous êtes d'où

Hogwarts [spoil](but in fact Lebanon)[/spoil]

Message par The Gee Man » 16 Mai 2008, 09:05

DragonGirl a écrit:Wow that's long? And I thought learning french was hard (I was just saying that because it fit the situation I'm makeing a 100 in the class Im takeing but then again I'm also useing learn to speak french disks and it's only beginning french)

It's a very cumbersome language, as you essentially have to hear the whole sentence to make sense of it, since verbs come at the end of sentences and word order doesn't matter. Plus, it's grammar structure has lots of weird rules to remember and can have ambiguous construction.
Despite this, reading ancient Latin passages occasionally turns up some interesting gems. The famous poet Ovid's Ars Amatoria is essentially an instruction manual (in poetry of course) on how to seduce married women.

Message par DragonGirl » 16 Mai 2008, 00:40

The Gee Man a écrit:Latin is an interesting language, after taking classes in it I can actually read some Spanish, French, and especially Italian, since they are all based on Latin and even share words. Latin itself takes somewhere like 8 years to learn how to speak and understand spoken Latin.

Wow that's long? And I thought learning french was hard (I was just saying that because it fit the situation I'm makeing a 100 in the class Im takeing but then again I'm also useing learn to speak french disks and it's only beginning french)

Message par The Gee Man » 15 Mai 2008, 01:29

Latin is an interesting language, after taking classes in it I can actually read some Spanish, French, and especially Italian, since they are all based on Latin and even share words. Latin itself takes somewhere like 8 years to learn how to speak and understand spoken Latin.

Message par DragonGirl » 02 Mai 2008, 03:02

Snape a écrit:For 1st year friench, you dis quite well, mistakes included.

I spotted some errors you have made in English, but hey, if we don't do mistakes, then there really something wrong; as perfect doesn't exist, so there you have it:

Good luck and keep it up!

Well I'm also useing 2 different "learn to speak french" Disks so that might explain it (3 if you count le CD) {Maybe typeing in French and English at the same time is a bad idea.} Oh and Merci.

As for the English I already warned everyone about my spelling but if you mean grammer errors.... well I don't care about those.

Ok with that done I repeat my questin from earlier (Only the correct way this time (I never got any ansers. all you have to say is the contry{Or even the continent I ust want to beable to use the little french I currently know and maybe pick up afew other languages from this thread})

Vous êtes d'où

Message par Snape » 29 Avr 2008, 11:43

For 1st year friench, you dis quite well, mistakes included.

I spotted some errors you have made in English, but hey, if we don't do mistakes, then there really something wrong; as perfect doesn't exist, so there you have it:

Good luck and keep it up!

NB: Firefox (Mozilla) has an automated (and integrated) spell checker. It is a very powerful tool! (especially to correct my mistakes before posting the message on the web.

Message par DragonGirl » 29 Avr 2008, 00:10

Olivier a écrit:
DragonGirl a écrit:Je suis de Etats Unis. Tu es d'ou? (I think there's supposed to be either an accending or decending accent somewhere in there but I don't know how to make those yet.)

The correct spelling is:

"Je suis des Etats-Unis. Tu es d'où ?"

Or "Vous êtes d'où ?" if you're asking everyone.

Well I'm only in first year french so I expected to make mystakes. (Thanks for telling me what I did wrong)

Message par Snape » 27 Avr 2008, 17:53

Oops, sorry! I don't pretend being an expert in German, in fact I am not even a novice...

Message par Olivier » 27 Avr 2008, 17:45

DragonGirl a écrit:Je suis de Etats Unis. Tu es d'ou? (I think there's supposed to be either an accending or decending accent somewhere in there but I don't know how to make those yet.)

The correct spelling is:

"Je suis des Etats-Unis. Tu es d'où ?"

Or "Vous êtes d'où ?" if you're asking everyone.

Snape a écrit:Dat is zehr komisch

Correct spelling:

"Das ist sehr komisch"

Message par Snape » 27 Avr 2008, 17:09

In German Little Miss = Fraulein not frauline.

Dat is zehr komisch = it is very funny (in german) as far as I know.

Message par DragonGirl » 27 Avr 2008, 16:56

Snape a écrit:Dat ist Zehr Komisch !

It is german but she spelled "fraulein" wrongly. Well For starters I understand german without speaking it, therefore I'm not the person to confirm if it is right or wrong.

:arrow: But from the little I know, it is was spelled erroneously.

NB: For some people at least; Spelling ain't their forte...

I didn't understand that first line.

Message par Snape » 25 Avr 2008, 16:41

Dat ist Zehr Komisch !

It is german but she spelled "fraulein" wrongly. Well For starters I understand german without speaking it, therefore I'm not the person to confirm if it is right or wrong.

:arrow: But from the little I know, it is was spelled erroneously.

NB: For some people at least; Spelling ain't their forte...


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