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Message par Agent Johnson » 06 Mai 2012, 07:46

Re: Post-Lyoko

garooob a écrit:What are you doing now that Code Lyoko is over?

I'm waiting for Code Lyoko Evolution. :D

Message par sixthwarrior » 06 Mai 2012, 03:00

Re: Post-Lyoko

L'anonyme a écrit:I attended a preview of the fourth season back in 2007 (I think). I met the staff there.

*Jaw drops and stays like that for an hour*

Message par L'anonyme » 05 Mai 2012, 18:03

Re: Post-Lyoko

I attended a preview of the fourth season back in 2007 (I think). I met the staff there.

Message par sixthwarrior » 05 Mai 2012, 15:45

Re: Post-Lyoko

L'anonyme a écrit:Not at the time. In 2008, the fourth season was intended to be the last. I know because I asked the head writer, Sophie Decroisette. While it is true that Jerome Mouscadet had said that "he hoped they could make a fifth season", Sophie Decroisette was convinced they wouldn't. did you get in contact with her?!!

Message par L'anonyme » 02 Mai 2012, 23:37

Re: Post-Lyoko

Not at the time. In 2008, the fourth season was intended to be the last. I know because I asked the head writer, Sophie Decroisette. While it is true that Jerome Mouscadet had said that "he hoped they could make a fifth season", Sophie Decroisette was convinced they wouldn't.

Message par sixthwarrior » 02 Mai 2012, 23:01

Re: Post-Lyoko

Olivier a écrit:
DragonGirl a écrit:It's not over yet Moonscoop has confirmed that they will be making 3, 70 minute long Code Lyoko Movies.

It's not confirmed yet, only a project. ... 68#9553856

DragonGirl a écrit:they are considering making a 5th season but it hasn't been completely decided yet there is a decent chance of it occurring.

The chance is close to zero as no channel seems to be willing to produce it.

Lier!some french channels said they would!

Message par DragonGirl » 11 Mar 2008, 00:30

garooob a écrit:A 5th season? I haven't seen the end of the 4th season yet, but I thought that they had brought the series to an end.

they were planning on it but (Wait dose this count as a spoiler? oh well) [spoil]they left a few second long hard to notice cliffhanger just in case[/spoil]

Message par garooob » 09 Mar 2008, 17:39

A 5th season? I haven't seen the end of the 4th season yet, but I thought that they had brought the series to an end.

Message par DragonGirl » 01 Mar 2008, 16:58

Re: Post-Lyoko

Olivier a écrit:
DragonGirl a écrit:It's not over yet Moonscoop has confirmed that they will be making 3, 70 minute long Code Lyoko Movies.

It's not confirmed yet, only a project.

Non it has been confirmed by one of the Producers.

Olivier a écrit:
DragonGirl a écrit:they are considering making a 5th season but it hasn't been completely decided yet there is a decent chance of it occurring.

The chance is close to zero as no channel seems to be willing to produce it.
Not if enough people watch it (so only the chances of it airing in America are low). on the TOOWAM part of France3's website there is a pole asking people what their favorite show is. So far Code Lyoko has a strong lead. If I understand correctally you can vote once a day.(And I have been {every chance I get anyway} :D Even though I live in Etats-Unis.) here's a link.

And here's some info I found on Code that combined with what

Message par Olivier » 01 Mar 2008, 12:53

Re: Post-Lyoko

DragonGirl a écrit:It's not over yet Moonscoop has confirmed that they will be making 3, 70 minute long Code Lyoko Movies.

It's not confirmed yet, only a project. ... 68#9553856

DragonGirl a écrit:they are considering making a 5th season but it hasn't been completely decided yet there is a decent chance of it occurring.

The chance is close to zero as no channel seems to be willing to produce it.

Message par DragonGirl » 01 Mar 2008, 02:46

Re: Post-Lyoko

garooob a écrit:What are you doing now that Code Lyoko is over?

It's not over yet Moonscoop has conformed that they will be makeing 3, 70 minute long Code Lyoko Movies. they are cooncidering makeing a 5th season but it hasn't been completely decided yet there is a decent chance of it occuring.

Message par The Gee Man » 29 Fév 2008, 04:48

Sitting here, alone in my study, staring into the fire as my aging manservant brings me another brandy. You?

(Playing the DS game and working on my own little project.)

Message par garooob » 29 Fév 2008, 04:37


What are you doing now that Code Lyoko is over?


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