Blah-blah of the Anglophones


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Étendre la vue Revue du sujet: Blah-blah of the Anglophones

Message par Sonic Hachelle-Bee » 18 Aoû 2007, 13:57

Volfor a écrit:All right, it's midnight, I'm fed up with this day, so I'm flooding ... yes ...

Nah, it's not midnight :p

I'm pretty sure that once you posted this one, it was only early evening there in the US :p

Message par Volfor Death poil » 17 Aoû 2007, 23:32

Hellow !

How are you today ?

All right, it's midnight, I'm fed up with this day, so I'm flooding ... yes ...

Message par miaame » 20 Déc 2006, 07:25

Hahahaa! I KNEW you'd be happy here! (Whining and pouting aside!) I found your confession! So what else have you said since I've been gone?? Just kidding.

But really...What have I missed? I've missed you guys. :oops:

Message par garooob » 18 Oct 2006, 17:54

Yeah, I like it better here than in Phoenix. I was born in Michigan and grew up in New York. I like the green, the twisty roads, having seasons and weather... The west/southwest just isn't the same.

Message par kagetsu » 15 Oct 2006, 21:59

Ah, I'm slow I completely missed the Lyoko connection.

While I know nothing of Illinois, you're getting close to some of my favorite places in the country.

The EAA flyin/airshow - Oshkosh Wisconsin
Henry Ford Museum - Dearborn Michigan
US Airforce Museum - Dayton Ohio

I rather miss Ohio

Message par garooob » 13 Oct 2006, 18:47

OK, so there aren't that many forests. It's the closest thing though, because Lyoko doesn't have a cornfield region.

Message par kagetsu » 07 Oct 2006, 04:49

There are forests in Illinois?

I know we past near Chicago on the way to OshKosh, but can't remember much other than the Sears Tower and the El

Message par garooob » 27 Sep 2006, 04:57

Yeah, so I'm moving to Illinois. Sorry, Chauve-Souris, wherever you are! No more desert for me. Now I'm going to the forest!
I hope people start coming back to this site soon!

Message par garooob » 16 Sep 2006, 07:55

RSOE HAVARIA - Disaster and Emergancy Information Service
This site is kind of like what Jérémie was making to detect potential X.A.N.A. attacks. It's interesting and a bit sobering.

Message par garooob » 25 Juil 2006, 05:34

I did some research - it's Pointe du Raz.

Message par Liquid Funk » 24 Juil 2006, 12:54

Ushant? (Ouessant in French) It's da westernmost-north point of European France.

Message par garooob » 24 Juil 2006, 00:28

Um, something with an island and a lighthouse... Maybe she'll bring her pictures in to work tomorrow and I'll be able to tell you more. Man, I'd like to go to France someday.

Message par Sonic Hachelle-Bee » 23 Juil 2006, 23:11

garooob a écrit:Paris, Loire Valley, the westernmost point (I forgot the name), maybe some other places. Oh, she also spent some time in London, too.

Pretty nice! The westernmost point, something like "Bretagne" or "Finisterre" maybe? ;)

Message par garooob » 23 Juil 2006, 02:45

Liquid Funk a écrit:Any way, Italian are always excited, even when there is nothing exciting

Sonic Hachelle-Bee a écrit:Vacation in France. Do you know where?

Paris, Loire Valley, the westernmost point (I forgot the name), maybe some other places. Oh, she also spent some time in London, too.

Message par Liquid Funk » 23 Juil 2006, 00:15

Sonic Hachelle-Bee a écrit:
She said after the World Cup finals, some fights broke out between natives and some Italians.

A few Italians were rather excited in the streets

Any way, Italian are always excited, even when there is nothing exciting :D

Message par Sonic Hachelle-Bee » 22 Juil 2006, 22:46

She said after the World Cup finals, some fights broke out between natives and some Italians.

That's possible. Actually, I never eared about huge problems. The night after the World Cup, this is when I came back from Paris to Lyon by train at midnight. A few Italians were rather excited in the streets, going full throttle with their cars carrying all their Italian flags out. Else, all was strangely calm.

Vacation in France. Do you know where? ;)

Message par garooob » 21 Juil 2006, 04:53

One of my coworkers just got back from a 2.5 week vacation in France! I hope she brings in some pictures! She said after the World Cup finals, some fights broke out between natives and some Italians.

Message par miaame » 19 Juil 2006, 21:37

Maybe. That's a good idea...I used to write fan fiction for Soul calibur, the video game. Since haracters were pretty undeveloped, I could do whatever.

Message par KageSama » 19 Juil 2006, 00:35

Hmm, sounds like you'd be inspired to do that Aelita fan fic. :p

Message par miaame » 17 Juil 2006, 05:08

I hope so. NOw I know what Aelita feels like waiting.... ^__^

Message par garooob » 15 Juil 2006, 05:25

Just wait until Code Lyoko is back on TV. Then they'll return.

Message par miaame » 15 Juil 2006, 04:16

I wonder where everyone went...

Message par miaame » 13 Juil 2006, 21:24

OUCH. That must not be good...And even better, garooob's dad owes him 2 tacos for betting on the game!

Message par garooob » 09 Juil 2006, 23:02

Yes, it was too bad, because it was his last game... They didn't even let him come out for the medals. Unfortunately, he may be remembered for that and not his skills...

Message par Olivier » 09 Juil 2006, 22:58

Sometimes Zidane "pète un plomb" as we say in French (gets suddenly mad). It's his main weakness. Too bad it happened today...


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