Chracter Weeks


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Message par sixthwarrior » 29 Mai 2013, 23:18

Re: Chracter Weeks

cl_xana a écrit:Are you talking about the background of the website, or this forum?

Either one.But I would like it on the forum.Your decision.

cl_xana a écrit:Too frequent changes

No, what I meant was, once every two months, as in one January, then one in March or April.I agree that it shouldn't be like every month, that's just too much.

cl_xana a écrit:Too difficult to read

For the backgrounds, I wasn't thinking of super bright colors like white or light pink or turquoise.

cl_xana a écrit:Changing user interface

That's a good idea!

Message par cl_xana » 29 Mai 2013, 18:41

Re: Chracter Weeks

Are you talking about the background of the website, or this forum?

For the forum I think it would be wrong to impose too frequent changes of the interface. Visitors are accustomed to this style, and too radical changes could disrupt.
In addition, we chose a plain background and dark colors to ensure a good readability for this forum. When we changed the theme for the april, 1st joke it was difficult to read the forum.

Anyway, we can also imagine new themes with each character, but in my opinion these interfaces should not be imposed, but available as a choice in the user control panel. Good idea for drawing contests!

Message par sixthwarrior » 28 Mai 2013, 02:51

Chracter Weeks

Wouldn't it be cool if characters could have their own spotlight week?What I mean is, the background is changed to a picture of that character and their could be a drawing contest?


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