On the topic of missing posts


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Étendre la vue Revue du sujet: On the topic of missing posts

Message par Benjeremie » 26 Mai 2006, 14:01

Chauve-Souris a écrit:-
Well, gosh, I'm now up to a total of 189 postes deleted. That's 12.7% of all the postes I have ever entered. Hmmmmmmm.....
As I have mentioned, I have copies of every poste I've ever created in yumi'04, including the following:
exo a écrit:
...I don't think it was a good choice to make her Hopper's daughter.

Exo: The contradiction here is that you obviously (see avatar) used to like her as an earthly infant in Franz's family, as do we all. And you seem to have lost it for Mr. Puck, too.
I think you are suffering from the between-seasons blues,a common affliction.
Message 20 Mai 2006 06:53 Aelita /4/ *1439
This message was in a Sujet named "Aelita". It makes two points:
(1) Why his attitude toward Aelita is contradictory, and
(2) A suggestion of a cause for his attitude change towards Aelita.
My question is: in what way is this poste Hors Sujet in this Sujet?

I have no idéa About How do Thats
I look from the Db and the size and number of posts are same that really strange.
I looking for saw what he doing
++ Benjeremie

Message par Chauve-Souris » 26 Mai 2006, 10:05

Well, gosh, I'm now up to a total of 189 postes deleted. That's 12.7% of all the postes I have ever entered. Hmmmmmmm.....
As I have mentioned, I have copies of every poste I've ever created in yumi'04, including the following:
exo a écrit:
...I don't think it was a good choice to make her Hopper's daughter.

Exo: The contradiction here is that you obviously (see avatar) used to like her as an earthly infant in Franz's family, as do we all. And you seem to have lost it for Mr. Puck, too.
I think you are suffering from the between-seasons blues,a common affliction.
Message 20 Mai 2006 06:53 Aelita /4/ *1439
This message was in a Sujet named "Aelita". It makes two points:
(1) Why his attitude toward Aelita is contradictory, and
(2) A suggestion of a cause for his attitude change towards Aelita.
My question is: in what way is this poste Hors Sujet in this Sujet?

Message par Benjeremie » 23 Mai 2006, 13:07

For the Moments when cleaning some section, but i not sure is only that , who do this count downgrade.,
I try somethink
wait and see ^^
++ Benjeremie

Message par garooob » 23 Mai 2006, 06:31

Maybe Benjeremie or someone can enlighten us as to why the cull is necessary. The forum is only about 40 megs. That's small (I think). Personally, I would rather leave it all up.

Message par Chauve-Souris » 23 Mai 2006, 05:52

garooob a écrit:Oh, yeah. I think another reason why new posts disappear is because sometimes the maintenance they do rolls back the board to a version that was from a few minutes/hours before.

Thanks, Rooobs. I was worried that it was something obnoxiousImage (more than usual) that I was doing....
EDIT: Say! It happened again! Another 45 postes down the drain. There must be a major purge going on....
EDIT-2: And eleven more yet....

Message par garooob » 22 Mai 2006, 07:54

Oh, yeah. I think another reason why new posts disappear is because sometimes the maintenance they do rolls back the board to a version that was from a few minutes/hours before.

Message par Chauve-Souris » 22 Mai 2006, 06:20

Re: On the topic of missing posts

garooob a écrit:Someone can correct me if I'm wrong....

The Rooob? Ever wrong? Never!
Yeah, I'm about twenty-five short. No big deal....Image
(But are we worthy of such a caring and hard-working staff? I doubt it....)
garooob a écrit:Idunno. It's kind of that way anyway, because she's been in there for so long. Also, CS had a point: You like baby Aelita, don't you?

I assumed that the weeding out of postes was by entire subjects, but I find, much to my curiosity, that my poste to which Garooob is referring (sujet: Aelita) was selectively removed. "Curiosity" meaning I'm wondering if there was a reason I should know about in regard to some problem with my posting style/methods -- or just a random occurrence?

Message par kagetsu » 22 Mai 2006, 03:26

Wondering??? hmm well maybe a little :?

I just noticed two gone that on a strict board could have been considered off topic a tiny eensy bit :?

Some places would have followed up with a nasty pm, but here it would most likely would be done quietly, but it would mean I'd not talk as openly. But I'd seen sections vanish before so I thought it was most likely that again Image

Message par garooob » 22 Mai 2006, 02:11

On the topic of missing posts

Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but if you notice that your post count has gone down, it's because they do maintenance on the forum sometimes and they delete old topics/messages. Just wanted to let everyone know in case they were wondering.


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