Power Rangers Lyoko Galaxy (Summery/Download)

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Inscription: 18 Mar 2009, 18:51

Message 18 Mar 2009, 20:43

Power Rangers Lyoko Galaxy (Summery/Download)

From the Fanfiction.net author lyokoman (Formerly)
A Code Lyoko Tri-Crossover (Code Lyoko/Power Rangers/Gundam SEED)
Power Rangers Lyoko Force
Project Link: http://savefile.com/projects/808752093
Full Download Link: Coming Soon
Summery Download: Coming Soon
Chapter 1:Coming Soon
Chapter 2: Coming Soon
Release Date: April 2009

Summery: In Year 2050 our heroes have grown old and died...not XANA has returned and this time its for keeps. In the year 2028 a Mad Scientist named Luke"Blackstar"Dunbar has re-activated the super computer and reset XANA to his original programming before Jeremy destroyed him and has built the Ultimate Weapon. In a Lyoko Military Instillation Jeremy Belpois discovered activity in the old factory but did not expect XANA to return to the real world and with one of the sons of William (Ironic isn't it).

However it didn't last once XANA learned of Jeremy's attempt to resist him using Power Rangers Technology he ordered the activation of the Ultimate Weapon (Accessing Lyoko Military Database File Folder XANAodite Technology File Ultimate Weapon aka Children Brainwashing antenna "What better way to destroy an enemy then with his own children" used to control child over the age of 7 and under the age of 14) the "tyrant aka XANA" used the Lyoko Warriors own children to destroy them.

However a Lyoko Military Agent "Eclipse" using his own time travel technology traveled to the Year 2008 to recruit the Lyoko Warriors after the big finale. Assembling the final movement to end "World War III: The XANA Menace" once and fore all as the Power Rangers Lyoko Force.

OC's Bios:
Luke "Blackfire" Dunbar-Delmas
Cami "Witch" Belpois-Hopper
Lucus "Silencer" Dunbar-Delmas
Sami "Blackclaw" Della Robbia
Zander "Fox" Stern

OC LM Agent Profiles:
Agent "eclipse"
Guardian of the Alpha Super Computer
Friend of our heroes Savior to all who have not fallen to XANA's will protector of what good their is in the world and God over Space and Time.
Agent "Viper"
Guardian of the Beta Super Computer
Not much is known about this own expect he is known for his ability to "Blend in" to the surroundings, right-hand man to Eclipse "When Eclipse is away the Viper will play (and Kick-A**)

Agent "Cybrx" (Computer AI)
Guardian of the Omega Super Computer (Lyoko Galaxy's Carthage 2.0)
THis AI System controls the Lyoko Galaxy Defense System created by Eclipse for his secret assignments his personal AI on his V-Visor (Accessing Lyoko Galaxy Military Database V-Visor: Sort of like the Zeo Morpher it has Digital Clock, Insta-Invisibility, Wireless Terminal Access System (Eclipse only), Mission Alert System, Time Travel Communicator, and Automatic Teleporter (for emergency escapes).

Distribution: ANAXKing Distribution (Savefile)
Rated: T-M for Violence and Romance (But mainly Violence)
ANAXKing Distribution, Eclipse, Summery, XANAodites (Technology, OC's), Agents of LGDN/LGDS, are owned by Lyoko Alliance Project Partners unless noted.

Gundam SEED, GUNDAMS, GUNDAM Complex, etc, are Copyrights of Sunrise Inc. and Bandai Entertainment. No Copyright Infringement Intended.

Code Lyoko, Odd, Ulrich, Sissi, Yumi, Jeremy, Aelita, William, XANA
other charaters from the Show are Copyrights of Moonscoop Studios.
No Copyright Infringement Intended.

Now playing: Rhapsody - The Magic Of The Wizard's Dream
via FoxyTunes

Message 22 Avr 2009, 16:33


:D :D :D

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