Tueur de Blocks
Messages: 459
Inscription: 31 Juil 2007, 02:49
Localisation: United States Central Time Zone
Reverse Dimension Panic
Also just a quick warning. there may be spoilers to things that aren't Code Lyoko in this story. I will not be hiding them using the spoiler tool because they are important to one of the sub-plots and it messes up the flow of reading if you have to stop and highlight something in order to see it. I'd just prefer to just list the video games that might be spoiled ahead of time. I may add to this list later If I notice more spoilers as i'm writing and I may remove things too if I notice that I didn't actually spoil anything for that game. the list at this time it, Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts II, Tales of the Abyss, Portal, Half Life, Portal 2, Final Fantasy X, Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days.
Sara and Aubere stand in Mrs. Hertz’s classroom. Aubere is glaring at Sara. Sara leans against a desk smirking. Mrs. Hertz stands behind her desk with her arms crossed frowning at the two girls disapprovingly.
Aubere: Great! What did you do this time Sara?
Sara: I didn’t do anything. Besides If I did why would you be here?
Aubere: (Mumbles) Probably because this is a trap.
Mrs. Hertz: What was that?
Aubere: N-nothing . (I need to be more careful. This could be a trap but if it’s not we can’t have Mrs. Hertz finding out anything especially that we’re not from this dimension.)
Mrs. Hertz: Anyway neither of you are in trouble. At the moment.
Aubere: Then what’s this about?
Mrs. Hertz: I’m a bit curious about why the two of you as well as Jeremy, Aelita, Odd, Ulrich, and Yumi are all skipping class so often?
Aubere: (Oh crap she’s on to us!)
Sara: I already told you about that the last time you asked.
Aubere: There was a last time? (Oh this should be good.)
Mrs. Hertz: Yes I remember you’re from a different dimension. You don’t have the ability to get home by yourself so they’re helping you.
Sara: Yes and sometimes something goes wrong and we have to shut down our tools that we’re using to try to send me home and fast before it goes out of control and someone gets hurt.
Aubere: (What the hell Sara! You’re saying too much!)
Mrs. Hertz: It’s just that something about that doesn’t add up. If they’ve been helping you since you came to this dimension then why were they always disappearing before that?
Sara: Wait what? They skipped class frequently before? I didn’t know anything about that.
Mrs: Hertz: I am not as easy to fool as you seem to think. I know that you’re part of what they’re up to and you’re going to tell me.
Sara: And I thought that Jim was the conspiracy theorist. I don’t know anything. And if you try to pseudo-threaten me to give you information that I don’t have again I will start trying to get you fired again. Same goes with Aubere. Well that or we could just have our dimension invade this one. Is that what you want? To be single handedly responsible for causing an invasion?
Aubere: (She’s insane! Convincing as usual but insane!)
Mrs. Hertz: I. I understand. I’ll leave you alone from now on.
Sara: That’s good. (leave the room dragging Aubere with her)
Sara and Aubere walk down the hall.
Aubere: That was reckless.
Sara: What? You mean Mrs. Hertz knowing about where we’re really from? She figured that out about a month after I got here.
Aubere: All of it. It was too risky. You’re not as smart as you want everyone in this dimension to think you are.
Sara: I know that.
Aubere: I’m done helping you make yourself seem smarter.
Sara: Is this really the place for this Aubere?
Aubere: No but there is no place for this conversation.
Sara: Ok fine make your point but hurry it up I have to be in detention in ten minutes.
Aubere: I’m not going to use the magic Hologram projectors to switch places with you. I’m not going to let you cheat off my tests I’m going to start failing them on purpose so you won’t be able to copy me because I still Don’t know how you’re doing that. And I’m not going to pretend that I’m an idiot in front of our friends anymore in order to make you look smarter.
Sara: Alright. Anything else?
Aubere: Just one more thing. You’ve been in this dimension long enough for your body to stop overcompensating for the amount of InterDimensional Energy. How’s that reduced strength handling you?
Sara: Part of that is the near death experience.
Aubere: How weak are you right now?
Sara: (Whispers) The fairy thing all the other weird transformations are gone. I can’t use any of those powers anymore.
Aubere: So only your natural abilities are left?
Sara: Pretty much. (Whispers again) But because of the near death experience I don’t have the strength to open a portal if I needed to… if I could even remember how.
Aubere: (whispers in response) Again? Dang it. I’m sick of having to re-teach you that spell all the time. You’re the InterDimensional Guardian for crying out loud on a stick. What! Should I just teach Odd the spell so you don’t have to be bothered with remembering it? Damn it Sara learn to do your job right.