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MessagePosté: 30 Nov 2005, 05:30
par garooob
Well, if you check out our Characters forum, Chauve-Souris has posted scores of screencaps from season 2.

Why don't you register and give yourself a name? In case you can't read the French, click on the link that says "S'enregistrer."

MessagePosté: 30 Nov 2005, 06:18
par Chauve-Souris
garooob a écrit:Well, if you check out our Characters forum, Chauve-Souris has posted scores of screencaps from season 2.
Why don't you register and give yourself a name? In case you can't read the French, click on the link that says "S'enregistrer."

Yeah, if you were registered as one of us addicts, I could click you by MP (private message) a nice set of thirty-some screenshots of any season-2 episode, with my own (English) captions that give some idea of what is going on. (Well, there aren't any captions on the first ten or so episodes, so kill me....) But even if I could, I wouldn't send them if you aren't registered here. In return, you'd have to get me a date with Yolande....
I'm pretty sure my series has EVERY smooch from XANA's Kiss, including two shots of the final, delicious smooch.
Failing that, take a wander through our "site":, where our leaders are posting a lot of these screenshots. Image
(For the record, I couldn't understand your original question either.)

MessagePosté: 02 Déc 2005, 03:48
par Chauve-Souris
In anticipation of your first registerted posting, this is to let you know that we now have two screenshots of the great A+J smooch, here:
Take a peek at that, and then let me know if you want more stuff from that episode. Image (And WELCOME to yumi2004!)

MessagePosté: 02 Déc 2005, 17:01
par Invité
Thanks Jeremie and Aelita are truly the best couple because they are so cute together. Not to mention all the eps where you can see that they have feelings for each other.

I have never seen Xana's kiss but I have read a recap at Did anyone else get the idea that they where kind of an unofficial couple?

MessagePosté: 04 Déc 2005, 02:47
par garooob
So Neo, have you seen any of seson 2?

MessagePosté: 04 Déc 2005, 03:25
par garooob
And by the way, CS, did you see this?

MessagePosté: 04 Déc 2005, 03:38
par Neo Aguni
the only part of season 2 that Ive seen is the episode marabounta

MessagePosté: 04 Déc 2005, 03:51
par Chauve-Souris
garooob a écrit:And by the way, CS, did you see this?

Crikey -- very cool (or it will be when my dial-up finishes soaking it up. (1.3 Mo))
So someone else is nutzo about that action too.... Image Cute wink. Thanks, Rooobs!

MessagePosté: 04 Déc 2005, 22:05
par kagetsu
Neo Aguni a écrit:the only part of season 2 that Ive seen is the episode marabounta

You've seen one of the three best, the other two being A Bad turn, Malaise Conduite (or somthing like that I really shouldn't try French from memory) and Ultimatum

That should be a cool clip,,, when it finishes loading, is it jerky for you or dose it play smooth?

MessagePosté: 05 Déc 2005, 00:28
par Neo Aguni
maybe that is true but as far the only episode I'm dying to see. Is Xana's kiss although Im extremly grateful for the pics that Chauve-Souris sent me I would still like to watch the episode.

MessagePosté: 09 Déc 2005, 03:56
par Chauve-Souris
Egad, this is it! Tomorrow (Friday, assuming CN hasn't changed everything) it's "Revelation" and "The Key" -- very promising titles.
Image It's exciting, but also a bit sad because it's the end of S-2. (sob, snif)

MessagePosté: 09 Déc 2005, 06:08
par garooob
I know! I'm setting my VCR to tape it tonight!

MessagePosté: 09 Déc 2005, 06:16
par Neo Aguni
and as for me I shall eagerly await the posting of the episode at

MessagePosté: 09 Déc 2005, 18:53
par exo
Oh wow, I forgot with this snow! "Joy to the world" If I can make it to karate, I'll have to make it back too, so that means I'll miss the first ten minutes of Revelation.

MessagePosté: 11 Déc 2005, 02:29
par Neo Aguni

Is there any chance that you could turn ur taping of Code Lyoko's revelation and the key into WMV and send them to me I have to see these they sound so cool and I have no clue when or if ever my dad is going to have the cable hooked up again

MessagePosté: 11 Déc 2005, 03:09
par Neo Aguni
tell me about it all I want is to see Code Lyoko season 2

MessagePosté: 11 Déc 2005, 04:17
par Chauve-Souris
Geez, I have WMV's of all of them, of course, as part of my screenshot-ing, but we would go crazy trying to get them out through my dial-up. Another disadvantage I face is that I have to forego looking at most of the drawings and photos that are posted on yumi2004, because it takes too long to load them in.
I guess I ought to drag myself into the 21st century and get DSL, but it just doesn't appeal to me. Anyway, they can't supply it to my address yet. And I don't want to even think about wireless....
But, although it's barely better than nothing, I'll slip you copies of my "official" screenshots for 51 and 52, so check your MPs. Image

MessagePosté: 11 Déc 2005, 04:25
par Neo Aguni

u have an wmv of Xana's kiss??

MessagePosté: 11 Déc 2005, 05:26
par garooob
Neo: Sorry, my VCR and computer aren't connected. Thus, Code Lyoko is stuck on a VHS tape. What type of internet access do you have?

MessagePosté: 11 Déc 2005, 15:35
par Neo Aguni
I have code lyoko season one and two at my fingertips but my computer is being a ****** to the tenth power. I tell u its a conspiracy

MessagePosté: 14 Déc 2005, 06:56
par garooob
What are your overall thoughts on season 2?

MessagePosté: 14 Déc 2005, 15:12
par Neo Aguni
from everything I read at it was a kick ass season and Im kinda pissed I missed it

MessagePosté: 15 Déc 2005, 03:24
par kagetsu
garooob a écrit:What are your overall thoughts on season 2?

If that was ,as I believe, a general question,,,,

Season 2 was an unexpected delight. Season 1 was so good and from the little clues and rumors I'd heard about season 2, I was afraid they would loose at least some of the charater story in favor of more action on Lyoko, and I wasn't really in favor of including an adult Franz Hopper.

The addition of Yumi's little brother changed her family dynamic in a direction I didn't, and don't, like. It was a pointless character that disrupted Yumi's character base.

William on the other hand, while I didn't like him from the getgo as Ulrich's rival for Yumi, did add a dimension to the U/Y relationship that I liked, and was at it's best in "Wrong Turn".

"Real" Aelita staying at the school with the others was handled well in the stories and was something I wanted this season.

Sissi slight character tempering and her inclusion in the actual Lyoko story was a real treat, especially in "Ultimatum"

The new Lyoko vehicles, which really bothered me when I first heard about them, turned out to be great action to watch,,, especially when Aelita used them herself as she began showing a more independant character as she uesd their mobility to delite in showing off new tricks and openly defying monsters.

The 3D Lyoko animation was much improved and showed more character expressions and physical action,,, particularly Yumi with her double fans

:oops: and I like that they kept the fanservice and added new clothes for many character situations,,, including swimsuits. I was disapointed that season1 "Log Book" they never got to the pool :?

The last two shows were real "nailbiters", full of emotion.

Overall, a really good season for a great show. ;)

MessagePosté: 15 Déc 2005, 06:35
par garooob
kagetsu a écrit:If that was ,as I believe, a general question,,,,

Yeah, it was. I should have been more clear.

I enjoyed seeing Aelita in the real world. She had a lot of character development this season, which was entertaining. I think she had higher highs and lower lows than any of the other characters. At the risk of sounding cliché, that makes her seem more human than other characters. As a result, it's easier to identify with her.
Also, Aelita Hopper was the logical conclusion, but still pretty exciting!

There were a lot of really high quality episodes in seaon 2, but there were also some rather weak ones. The last two episodes continued in the tradition of the first season, but kicked it up a notch. They kept me on the edge of my seat and got my psyched up for season 3!

William came out kind of bland, I think. Maybe I expected too much out of "the new character in season 2," but I thought he would make more waves than he did. He provided some tension between Yumi and Ulrich in the first couple episodes, then kinda fizzed out. Though it was interesting how he confirmed/solidified Yumi's and Ulrich's relationship in A Bad Turn.

I agree with kagetsu; Hiroki was an awkward and rather worthless character. I don't really like how he just appeared in season 2 without having shown so much as his shadow in the first season.

Sissi had some great parts in season 2; I just wish that she'd continue to be cool. Her impersonation of Yumi in Missing Link was a completely selfless act! She didn't get anything in return! We know she's good, I just wish she'd stop being so spoiled... Maybe I'll never get my wish.

Some more things I agree with kagetsu on, but don't realy have anything else to say about them:
I, too, was skeptical of the vehicals, but they turned out pretty cool.
The 3D animation WAS better.

In conclusion, apart from some bombs, season 2 was great!

MessagePosté: 15 Déc 2005, 07:03
par Chauve-Souris
garooob a écrit:What are your overall thoughts on season 2?

How could anything that included Aelita driving Uber-vehicles, and the debut of Tarantulas, be anything but sensational? Image
All seriousness aside, though, it was one of those rare sequels that was able to make major innovations but still maintain consistency with the original. And the artwork was simply dazzling!
(I agree with Kags and Rooobs that Yumi's frère was a low point.) Image
Incidentally, it looks like CN is going to start with "New Order" (again) soon and possibly run straight through S-2 in numerical order. I need another shot at #51, to get that first two minutes that I missed the first time, so I hope they run it , one way or the other. Image