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MessagePosté: 09 Sep 2006, 14:18
par Pete
Moved :

The French a écrit:Hello I' m French
The season 3 is in America ? Who said : I would violence in Code Lyoko and don't love ?

MessagePosté: 09 Sep 2006, 18:05
par Invité
All I want to know is if when right now. I kept hearing September, but it's already nine days in without an exact date. Season one DVD is on tuesday and the toys are out early. There's not even reruns airing here though!

MessagePosté: 10 Sep 2006, 23:15
par kagetsu
:? Well, MoonScoop says September on their site,,, they're usually early,,, or CN drags their feet, I'm not sure which. None of my schedule have it, but I'm hoping for a week or two. CN has absolutely no promo bumpers for it,,, but something odd,,, I found CodeLyoko season 1 rerun (Just in Time) run just before Toonami last Saturday. It's never been anywhere near Toonami (considered a teen action block) so either it's a filler mistake,,, or their about to run season 3 outside of Miguzi first.

All complete guesswork

MessagePosté: 15 Sep 2006, 09:10
par garooob
I heard season 3 starts 9/24... If that's true, only one week left! But the French kids have the advantage this time around.

MessagePosté: 15 Sep 2006, 21:42
par exo
Where's that from? I hear November 4th about.

MessagePosté: 15 Sep 2006, 21:51
par kagetsu
Most general speculation I've been reading says in a week or two, probably before September is over. I dont' think CN will leave a two moonth lag between the US and France, but I could be wrong.

I'm running inot the old, "oh guess what crazy thing is happening" of people popoing in to say they know what is happening in the French shows. My translators seem to be fried as they arn't giveing enough english to make sense and Reverso doesn't seem to be working at all.

I would be gratful to anyone who can give a close translation to what is happening. :oops:

MessagePosté: 19 Sep 2006, 08:46
par garooob
October 2 is what Cartoon Network's website says! Looks like it will run weekdays at 4:30! (Time to set the VCR!)

MessagePosté: 19 Sep 2006, 21:49
par exo
That's a Monday? Thirteen.

MessagePosté: 26 Sep 2006, 14:10
par Sonic Hachelle-Bee
Wiki reports that season 3 will start with the 2 prequel episodes October 2nd. You are damn lucky :p

And BTW, you can read all 15 episodes titles. Quite odd (lol) that this Wiki page contains them while never deserved to have them, even asking Moonscoop for it.

MessagePosté: 27 Sep 2006, 04:54
par garooob
Well, I'll have to tape the first week. Hopefully, miaame will tape the second week for me!

MessagePosté: 27 Sep 2006, 05:02
par kagetsu
Sonic Hachelle-Bee a écrit:
Wiki reports that season 3 will start with the 2 prequel episodes October 2nd. You are damn lucky :p

And BTW, you can read all 15 episodes titles. Quite odd (lol) that this Wiki page contains them while never deserved to have them, even asking Moonscoop for it.

(wait,,, that's not Wikipedia, it's a lookalike)

So the Prequel is a go? :shock:

I wondered what they meant by "surprise".
Dear Code Lyoko Club members,
This week you will see a best of Season II, all the episodes you should not miss before seeing Season III !
Monday 25.09 - 4:30pm : Cold War
Tuesday 26.09- 4:30pm : Franz Hopper
Wednesday 27.09 - 4:30pm : Contact
Thursday 28.09 - 4:30pm : Revelations
Friday 29.09 - 4:30 pm : The Key
As Code Lyoko member, please find enclosed an exclusive ecard, that you can use as wall-paper on your computer !
Share them with your friends !
An be posted : New ecards are coming ! Exclusive news on the episodes of Season III, starting on October 4th !
And news on the big surprise that will happen on October 2nd and October 3rd...
Enjoy !
The Code Lyoko team

MessagePosté: 01 Oct 2006, 18:39
par exo
I always feared the prequel, because after Attack of the Zombies I know the writing team can really screw up. Here's hoping it makes sense scientifically.

MessagePosté: 01 Oct 2006, 20:26
par Sonic Hachelle-Bee
exo a écrit:I always feared the prequel, because after Attack of the Zombies I know the writing team can really screw up. Here's hoping it makes sense scientifically.

I believe you will see that tomorrow, haha ;)

MessagePosté: 02 Oct 2006, 23:13
par exo
Just ended. While it succeeds in explaining some things we didn't know (My biggest fear was the appearance of costumes would be unexplained, it was), the characters seem either annoying or mean. Jimbo was the only character they did right. The voice acting and the animation is even off! It's like the character's arm teleports from position a to far off b in a second because there wasn't enough time to create more cells. Jeremie starts off sounding like a girl in the beginning. The whole Sissi/Odd thing makes no sense and is being thrown at us too fast. There was like no indication they would become a couple in season one, but this takes place before and it's way too obvious to be enjoyable. Is this the same guy who wrote the Zombie episode? They should fire him, or at least take him off the project. I really can't wait for season three to start, because this was like the second to worst episode of the show I've seen, the first being Attack of the Zombies. Hopefully the the new season will be better, if the food episode isn't as lousy as people say.

MessagePosté: 03 Oct 2006, 00:24
par kagetsu
I would start a new talk back about the episode,but since iot's started here, here I'll stay.

Wow, did anyone else think the 2D animation went down hill? I'm hoping the rest of season 3 doesn't follow suit. I felt as though I could see each frame as they moved.

I liked how Jeremie found the factory and was attack by Xana with his own stuff, and they came sO close to a virtual Sissi that it was shear torture. Odd falling into Sissi was cute, and since he hasn't found out what she's like, it's believable that he thinks she's cute now but changes his mind.

Aelita was done well. "Mya", was bit of a shock and I wonder how they get that strait.

I can't believe Ulrich and Yumi are taking martial arts from Jim. They've built him up as being rather incompetant at just about everything, how'd they get so good later? dissing Yumi like that was awful. If he had any prior training he'd have been called on that. How they get her into the group now is beyond me. I also didn't really like their virtual personas being automatic, and with weapons. That just felt wrong.

I realise I had expectations, but 50% felt very weak.

MessagePosté: 03 Oct 2006, 00:29
par exo
I was dissapointed when they changed the forest sector animation, but the animation in the prequel is so much worse. Voice acting too. All my hopes just got killed today.

Okay, the first part was terrible. The second part was great. Not Mr. Puck or Ghost Channel, but great still. Twice as great perhaps. I wonder if it was made in two parts on purpose and the staff was just having a bad day during production.

Edit: Oh, wow, Straight to Heart just ended and it was much better than the prequel. New music and cinematic camera effects. The only thing that bugs me is Jermie's explanation of Aelita getting force orbs. I think I'd like to assume he didn't want to give the lengthy code explanation of it.

MessagePosté: 05 Oct 2006, 04:46
par garooob
I can't believe I've missed all of it! I'm in the process of moving and Code Lyoko is on while I'm still at work! NOOOOOOOO!
Luckily, has the prequal episodes on their site to view (at least for now). That was awesome! But I won't be able to watch any new episodes until Thursday of next week... I don't know if I should spoil it or wait until it's played again.

MessagePosté: 24 Oct 2006, 01:48
par garooob
Season 3 starts over on Thursday! So if you're like me and missed it the first time around, now's the chance to catch up!

MessagePosté: 26 Oct 2006, 23:27
par garooob
So far so good! Season 3 looks nice. Except for Yumi and Ulrich! Also, "Air" Aelita should join Jim's basketball team, based on that move she pulled off in Sector 5 to push the switch!

MessagePosté: 28 Oct 2006, 08:38
par garooob
"Jérémie! Odd and Aelita are going out!" I knew it! A pretty decent episode. What will they do now that Lyoko is minus one?

MessagePosté: 17 Nov 2006, 18:56
par garooob
End of season 3 spoilers:
[spoil]Ahh, William! He reminded me of Zak from Final Fantasy 7 for a moment there. Black hair, Buster Sword...
The return of Sam and Ulrich's dad! Supporting characters we never see.
So now what will season 4 be? Lyoko's supposedly destroyed, but X.A.N.A. is loose. Can they save William and Franz?

MessagePosté: 18 Nov 2006, 22:34
par Tommy4552*
garooob a écrit:End of season 3 spoilers:
[spoil]Ahh, William! He reminded me of Zak from Final Fantasy 7 for a moment there. Black hair, Buster Sword...
The return of Sam and Ulrich's dad! Supporting characters we never see.
So now what will season 4 be? Lyoko's supposedly destroyed, but X.A.N.A. is loose. Can they save William and Franz?

I dont think no one wants to save william lol. He caused lyoko to get destroyed because he treated it like a game. Also now that williams gone everyone will think he has dissapeared. Ulrichs going to get the beating of his lifetime and Sam and Odd are going to fight and she is going to get suspisious. Thats what i think. I wonder if they will have to tell about lyoko and xana.