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MessagePosté: 20 Mar 2006, 03:38
par Chauve-Souris
garooob a écrit:You know what annoys me about the episode Vertigo? How the school all the sudden has a forest and mountains on campus. Oh, and a roving pack of wolves. Where did that come from?

My rotten memory precludes being sure of any details, but I guess I have been assuming that all that wolf-stuff occurred in that woodsy parc where they have had all those other adventures.
Of course, there are packs of loups in every parc in Europe. But, all seriousness aside, what gets me is how anyone can outrun a pooch of any type (includingImagechihuahuas) for more than four and a half steps. It just ain't done!

MessagePosté: 20 Mar 2006, 05:16
par Neo Aguni
no doubt CHihuahua's a fast little devil's

MessagePosté: 21 Mar 2006, 06:02
par garooob
Well, you have to just believe it to a certain extent, but the wolf thing was a stretch.
I saw a chihuahua today. It was running around chasing its leash (of course being supervised by its owners).

MessagePosté: 26 Mar 2006, 00:11
par garooob
Hmm, it looks like Code Lyoko is moving again. Up through March 31, it'll still be at 5:30 EST, but the next Monday, April 3, will see Code Lyoko moving to 4:00 EST. I guess that's still Miguzi, but I'll still be at work while it's on... However CL will still be around, as March 31st sees season 1 start over.

MessagePosté: 28 Mar 2006, 08:58
par garooob
Ok, season 2. Aelita's been materialized. She should be able to be devirtualized, right? They kept acting like she would disappear if she lost all her life points. Not that that would be a good thing anyway. (Who would deactivate the tower?)

MessagePosté: 29 Mar 2006, 00:04
par exo
Season two got sloppy. You all just mentioned small inconsistancies, but the enitre episode "Attack of the Zombies" was a loss of scientific explanation.

MessagePosté: 12 Avr 2006, 15:12
par Tommy4552
I have watched season 2 because its already came out and i wana see season 3 wich only has 15 episodes probably looking for Franz Hopper youll found out who he is in season 2 there are actually 41 towers because of one more in i guess i can tell you sector 5 yes 41 towers. The last 2 episodes of the season were awsome but it was soo sad on the last one. French get it better because they get a ending but do we get an ending nooooooo lol thats really all I have to say if you havnt seen season 2

MessagePosté: 11 Mai 2006, 05:12
par garooob
Well, it looks like Code Lyoko will once again be absent from Miguzi (and all of CN, for that matter). Starting Monday the 15th, there will be no Code Lyoko...

MessagePosté: 11 Mai 2006, 12:24
par Neo Aguni
well its a good thing I got both seasons on my computer huh

MessagePosté: 12 Mai 2006, 04:46
par Chauve-Souris
garooob a écrit:Well, it looks like Code Lyoko will once again be absent from Miguzi (and all of CN, for that matter). Starting Monday the 15th, there will be no Code Lyoko...

ImageArghhh! And I enjoyed Mr. Puck so much today.

MessagePosté: 10 Juin 2006, 20:33
par garooob
So after Oban, I flipped back to Cartoon Network and Code Lyoko was on! Saturdays at 11:30am! Also, the 24th from 5-6:30pm!

MessagePosté: 12 Juin 2006, 02:33
par miaame
Yay! The new series or re-runs?

MessagePosté: 12 Juin 2006, 02:39
par KageSama

However, I can't complain. It was TeddyGodzilla.

What aggravates me is apparently there are several shows per season that aren't being shown in America. They're also not going to be available on the American DVDs either.

Highly disappointing. . . :cry: :x

MessagePosté: 25 Juin 2006, 01:49
par garooob
Three episodes coming up in about 10 minutes... But no one's on the forum to see this!

MessagePosté: 25 Juin 2006, 05:45
par garooob
It was Mr. Puck, Cold War and Contact! Good ones!

MessagePosté: 25 Juin 2006, 18:59
par exo
I missed Puck.

MessagePosté: 26 Juin 2006, 03:13
par miaame
o_O I want to see...