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MessagePosté: 02 Mar 2006, 16:09
par Chauve-Souris
miaame a écrit:If there's a problem, I can just post a picture and not enter. I don't really care. ^_^ Nor do I mind. I don't want anyone to be upset over it.

No one was upset. It's just that some Lyokophiles simply assumed that separate forums would have separate entry lists. No reason, just bureaucracy.
Gosh, I'm sorry I mentioned it now. The francophones really like you, and your photos, and they will be delighted to have you mixed in with the other contestants.
[Rooob! HELP! Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhh!] Image

MessagePosté: 02 Mar 2006, 23:15
par kagetsu
I don't think everyone should get hung up on the word contest. I just want to see everyone who will try. I would if I could. Everyone will look wonderful. one of the reasons I'm here is because there are French Lyoko fans and I hope they want to share their feelings and ideas with me. I would feel sad if they think of us as seperate forums even if we don't always understand each other.

MessagePosté: 03 Mar 2006, 03:32
par Chauve-Souris
kagetsu a écrit:I don't think everyone should get hung up on the word contest. I just want to see everyone who will try. I would if I could. Everyone will look wonderful. one of the reasons I'm here is because there are French Lyoko fans and I hope they want to share their feelings and ideas with me. I would feel sad if they think of us as seperate forums even if we don't always understand each other.

Beautifully stated, Kagetsoooo! Image

MessagePosté: 03 Mar 2006, 03:45
par garooob
Chauve-Souris a écrit:[Rooob! HELP! Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhh!]

How about this?
"See? I told you they'd want to see your costume!"
(Maybe that's not exactly helping...)

MessagePosté: 03 Mar 2006, 07:27
par miaame
I'm not hung up on a contest, I just don't want to cause any trouble! ;)

MessagePosté: 03 Mar 2006, 20:18
par Tchoucky
Hello, here there are the firts photos

Tchoucky, in Aelita

Pesme, in XANA

And Miaame, if you don't enter, lot of french will be desappointed. We are impatient to see your costume

MessagePosté: 03 Mar 2006, 20:20
par Tchoucky
Hello, here there are the firts photos

Tchoucky, in Aelita

Pesme, in XANA

And Miaame, if you don't enter, lot of french will be desappointed. We are impatient to see your costume

MessagePosté: 03 Mar 2006, 20:30
par Clem
I think that Chauve-Souris has not really understood what French said (sorry).
It wasn't a contest: it was just a question because French members wanted to know if they will have to consult this post in order to see your photos or if your photos will be post in French subject.

It's just a question of organization, if I can say that.

We are really happy to see that you'll participate.
And, we are a complete forum: it's not separated between french and english! We do things together.

It's also not a competition: we do that in order to have fun!!

I hope that this post rassure you because our volontee wasn't to offense you: we'll happy to see your costum

MessagePosté: 03 Mar 2006, 20:41
par Tchoucky
That's right. In fact, the idea of vote, and present to the winner, is only modo's idea. There is no real competition between frenchs fans. They all say, like you "I just want to have fun, and post my photo. I don't think I will win and I don't care".
Some were very exited when then learned that you will post a photo, too. Lyanne said to me : "She's a japanese. She will be so beautifull ! I'm glad to know that she come".
I assure you are welcome, and hoped

MessagePosté: 04 Mar 2006, 02:46
par Chauve-Souris
Tchoucky a écrit:..."I just want to have fun, and post my photo....

Merci, Modos, for your kind words. Image
And we are having fun déjà, with those first two Image photos! Très cool!

MessagePosté: 04 Mar 2006, 03:58
par garooob
Those are cool pictures! Who else is making costumes?

MessagePosté: 04 Mar 2006, 08:10
par Tchoucky
Hum... Lyanne want to do Yumi in Lyko. Volfor, Xana. Lulu, Sissi. L'Anonyme... You will be surprise, if he success^^. Who else ? Chloé in Yumi too, I think, and lot of Jérémies. I don't know if we already have a Odd. Do you want to do him ?

MessagePosté: 04 Mar 2006, 08:14
par garooob
Well, I could be Jérémie, but I don't have any purple clothes, so I can't be Odd...

MessagePosté: 05 Mar 2006, 06:38
par miaame
Oh my gosh! Tchoucky and Pesme look so cool! :oops:
Aelita is so cute. ^_^
I haven't even started yet, but I'll have it done by April 19th. That's my deadline for sure. I want to see everyone's pictures! I should photoshop everyone onto one picture in a big group, that would be cool!

MessagePosté: 05 Mar 2006, 11:19
par Tchoucky
Good Idea, but it will be very difficult. I'll ask my favourite photoshoper (Pesme) if he want to try. Somedy want to do it ?

MessagePosté: 06 Mar 2006, 00:21
par Chauve-Souris
Has Tchoucky always had long ears like that, and I just never noticed before? Image

MessagePosté: 07 Mar 2006, 06:00
par miaame
Every time I go to start my costume something happens! Today I got called in to work. The other day, I got called in to teach...
How frustrating. I don't care what it is tomorrow, I'm starting!
I'll start on the kimono first. ;)

MessagePosté: 08 Mar 2006, 03:42
par Chauve-Souris
miaame a écrit:I'll start on the kimono first. ;)

That brings up the age-old question, "Kimono how to sew?" Image (All right, that's a little far-fetched, I guess. Désolé....)

MessagePosté: 09 Mar 2006, 00:31
par miaame
Hahaha, C-S!
Actually, I finished the kimono, I just have to stencil on it. And I started quilting the yellow obi fabric. They don't make yellow quited fabric around here, so I'm making it myself...

MessagePosté: 09 Mar 2006, 03:58
par Chauve-Souris
miaame a écrit:Hahaha, C-S!
Actually, I finished the kimono, I just have to stencil on it. And I started quilting the yellow obi fabric. They don't make yellow quited fabric around here, so I'm making it myself...

Image Garshk, this sounds neat! I c'n hardly wait!

MessagePosté: 13 Mar 2006, 02:10
par garooob
I hear you got your scanner working, miaame! Do you need that for your cosplay pictures or teaching pictures?

MessagePosté: 13 Mar 2006, 06:48
par miaame
PS I'm almost done with the obi for Yumi's costume!

MessagePosté: 15 Mar 2006, 05:20
par exo
Any new entrants?

MessagePosté: 15 Mar 2006, 08:11
par garooob
Maybe I'll go to Goodwill and get some glasses and a blue turtleneck and I can be Jérémie.

MessagePosté: 15 Mar 2006, 18:05
par miaame
You should, garooob!!!!!