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Fan sites

MessagePosté: 18 Aoû 2005, 05:40
par garooob
Here's a cool site I added to the links section of my CL site:
Creativ Outlet
There's some really good fanart there! Seriously! Go look at it now!

MessagePosté: 18 Aoû 2005, 07:41
par Chauve-Souris
Thanks -- looks good to me! I Ctrl+D'd it and will go back for a better look.

MessagePosté: 18 Aoû 2005, 18:54
par McTrooper
That fan art looks great.

I wonder what the deal is with the "X" on the face?
Is he / she protecting the images from being stolen or something?

MessagePosté: 18 Aoû 2005, 21:19
par manson
yes i think the X is a kind of anti-steal protection :D and it must be a signature :D

and it is understandable ! look at this fan art !!!

Yumi's clothes O_O are beautiful ( excepted her choose :( ) and Jeremy appears totally different ! more adult ! ... Or maybe i have this feeling thanks to his baggy shirt
aelita is too cute here ! with this short clothes ^^ :D very ... summer :D

tahnk you garooob for the adress !

MessagePosté: 19 Aoû 2005, 05:33
par garooob
I was wondering about the X myself. I agree with manson. The X isn't just on the faces, but the website address, too. It serves double duty!
I'd easily have to say this is the best Lyoko fanart I've seen!

MessagePosté: 19 Aoû 2005, 06:22
par Chauve-Souris
Geez! That is sumthin' else! Wallpaper-grade, at least!!
Manson, I hope you will put it somehwere in the French forum too, so the rest of the gang will see it.... :moku:

MessagePosté: 19 Aoû 2005, 11:37
par ChaoticPesme
I've already check this fan site once, but I've missed a BIG part ! :shock:
What an amazing work ! :shock: :shock:

MessagePosté: 19 Aoû 2005, 12:17
par manson
chauve souris a écrit:Manson, I hope you will put it somehwere in the French forum too, so the rest of the gang will see it....

i did it on this morning
i didn't dare do it cause the author may do not want me to show his fan art on another site .... but i don't think i did a kind of plagia ... :?

MessagePosté: 20 Aoû 2005, 01:38
par garooob
I'm sure as long as you put her website address in your post it's ok.

MessagePosté: 20 Aoû 2005, 05:02
par Chauve-Souris
Crikey, it's overwhelming! Distracting! Unforgettable! Hypnotic! The way each ones personality is reflected in the face is awesome!
I have even forgiven her(?) for leaving out Kiwi....

MessagePosté: 20 Aoû 2005, 09:12
par garooob
Don't forget she takes requests, too! Chauvre-Souris, you could ask her to draw Kiwi.
Creativ Outlet requests

MessagePosté: 20 Aoû 2005, 10:05
par ChaoticPesme
I've made a request ! For a summer styled Sissi ! :D

MessagePosté: 17 Avr 2006, 06:57
par garooob
Want to run a DnD game with Code Lyoko characters? Code Lyoko D20 Modern

MessagePosté: 17 Avr 2006, 07:22
par miaame
GREAT, garooob! I wonder if they'll do a Forgotten Realms RPG next, haha.

MessagePosté: 29 Mai 2006, 22:29
par Tommy4552*
Hey garoob and everyone else long time no see!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D