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MessagePosté: 20 Oct 2005, 05:09
par Ulrich_Stern

Season Three has been anounced at MIPCOM in Canne, France only hours ago.

Check out C21's website for the breaking news......



MessagePosté: 20 Oct 2005, 20:41
par Olivier
45 new episodes? For September 2006? Gosh...

MessagePosté: 21 Oct 2005, 04:53
par Chauve-Souris
Olivier a écrit:45 new episodes? For September 2006? Gosh...

Gosh, indeed! And 45 seems like a strange number. I don't think I will put any big money on this one for a while.... Image

MessagePosté: 21 Oct 2005, 05:32
par garooob
45 episodes? Woah!
Also, STUFF! I can't wait for the merchandise! I wonder if you'll be able to live completely in Code Lyoko stuff like you can for Pokemon...


MessagePosté: 22 Oct 2005, 20:12
par exo
Ibj as db sad fm nb fcx A s shAKIJNG AH! WOWWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOW~F F thAT IS SHOCKINN BNG! *CALMS DOWN* *CALMS DOWN* goSH, i JUST HAD A GEEK ORGASM. Caps lock: off. DS GAME?! Yes! It better be good. Toys, backpacks, that is so on the list.

edit(er): Sorry, for got to thank yer.

MessagePosté: 22 Oct 2005, 21:03
par exo
HOLD ON A SECOND, CLOTHES?! AWESOME!!! Today is the greatest day of my life...

MessagePosté: 23 Oct 2005, 03:22
par garooob
You know what I want? A Mr. Puck doll!

MessagePosté: 23 Oct 2005, 05:18
par Chauve-Souris
garooob a écrit:You know what I want? A Mr. Puck doll!

Naw...I wanna Kiwi plushy! And a good wall poster of virtual-Aelita!

MessagePosté: 23 Oct 2005, 18:14
par exo
I want foam weaponry.

MessagePosté: 26 Oct 2005, 00:32
par exo
garooob a écrit:You know what I want? A Mr. Puck doll!
That's not likely, but I would definately buy it. I want a purple Odd shirt.

MessagePosté: 30 Oct 2005, 20:33
par Olivier
Clarification: there are actually 2 new seasons to come. S3 will be made up of 15 episodes, and S4 of 30.
Source of information: Mme S herself :D

MessagePosté: 30 Oct 2005, 21:48
par exo
That's a really short season. Is it like, transitional?

MessagePosté: 30 Oct 2005, 21:57
par Olivier
Yes, this is the feeling that people have on the French forum. Season 4 is supposed to bring important changes...

MessagePosté: 31 Oct 2005, 00:13
par exo

MessagePosté: 31 Oct 2005, 00:14
par Olivier
It's a secret :D

MessagePosté: 31 Oct 2005, 00:19
par exo
Well hanks for the information. I'm off to find internet translating sites.

MessagePosté: 31 Oct 2005, 01:14
par garooob
Those are some strange numbers for season sizes. Usually it's 13 or 26. Hey, we still haven't seen the 45-minute special that explains the beginning of X.A.N.A. and/or how the gang found the Super Calculator...


MessagePosté: 29 Déc 2005, 06:39
par miaame
:D um, hello! That's cool that there will be a third season. Can you buy the first two anywhere besides online? Heh...I'm miaame and I just joined. I really like Code Lyoko...but I've only seen a couple epsodes and get the basic plot. I love the animation. Thank you garooob for helping me!

MessagePosté: 30 Juil 2006, 05:10
par garooob
From the French side:
These are some sneak images from season 3! View them... if you dare!
Season 3 e-cards

MessagePosté: 30 Juil 2006, 23:33
par exo
Huh, I never thought much of the Sissi/Odd thing. Guess I'm naive. Those pictures are loads better than the ones from the trailer. It was hard to even tell those from previous season clips. Polmorph Aelita! I can only hope it turns out as good as X.A.N.A. Jeremie was. Thanks garooob.

MessagePosté: 06 Sep 2006, 21:33
par Invité
This can't be good. Doesn't the third season start Saturday? I haven't seen advertisements at all.

MessagePosté: 08 Sep 2006, 21:24
par Invité
This can't be good. I don't see a listing for it.

MessagePosté: 08 Sep 2006, 21:45
par Sonic Hachelle-Bee
Season 3 starts tomorrow in France, with (probably) the 53rd episode called "Droit au coeur" (or "Right to heart" or something like that :D )

I have to wake up pretty soon... 8 A.M.

MessagePosté: 09 Sep 2006, 04:03
par exo
Lucky you. It looks like none of the season two delays. I think the U.S. gets it this week, but I don't know.

MessagePosté: 09 Sep 2006, 09:32
par Sonic Hachelle-Bee
Episode 53! First of season 3. :p

Very cool episode. I'm not going to write a spoiler here, unless you really want it :p I hope you will be able to see these episodes by yourself pretty soon. ;)

BTW, it's more #53 "Right to the core" if you ask me. ;)