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23 Mai 2005, 16:29
par McTrooper
Question . .
In the French version of the episode Code Earth . . .
What lyrics did Odd sing for his video?
In English it was "Break Break Break Dance".
23 Mai 2005, 19:24
par Clem
well in France, his song calls "Break Dance avec les relous"
relous= lourds (heavy I think)
24 Mai 2005, 02:35
par LeDixième
cool, i always was wondering what he said in the breakdance movie in French.
McTrooper - i'm from England originally, but i've moved here and have lived here for a few years now
i have one question - in the French episode, when Mrs. Hertz confiscates their cellphones, is it true that they chant "libérez nos portables" ?
24 Mai 2005, 02:41
par MacIntoc
Yes, it's true. Why ?
25 Mai 2005, 00:01
par McTrooper
Thank you
The English-speaking voice actor gave me the impression that he made the whole song up, but apparently he had some help with it.
Google translated "Break Dance avec les relous" as "Dance Station-wagon with the relous". That can't be right.
What does "relous" mean?
LeDixieme you might enjoy the fan fic I was telling you about.
Iron Lyoko - (A Code Lyoko Fan Fiction Story)
25 Mai 2005, 04:40
par LeDixième
that story was brilliant!
truely hillarious.
I loved these lines, they made me laugh out loud:
"Today, class, we are going to learn about Avocados as part of our science of food lesson. The avocado looks like a vegetable; the avocado actually a fruit. It usually has rough, green skin and a large, hard pit. One of the common uses of the avocado is as the main ingredient in guacamole. Guacamole usually used as dip for chips. . . ."
The lecture continued. Mrs. Hertz even shared her favorite recipe for guacamole.
"No, it can't be!" Odd exclaimed. "It's . . . it's . . . it's Kitchen Stadium!" Odd said. . . .
. . . "This is Iron Chef Lyoko," the Chairman said.
25 Mai 2005, 07:04
par Chauve-Souris
McTrooper a écrit:Google translated "Break Dance avec les relous" as "Dance Station-wagon with the relous". That can't be right.
What does "relous" mean?
My marvelous Oxford-Hachette rejected "relous" too.
As for "station-wagon", Brits call them "breaks", I believe....
25 Mai 2005, 19:52
par McTrooper
I'm glad you liked it
And thank you for sharing what you particularly liked.
Not everyone does, but I think it's important to learn that kind of stuff.
- -
Chauve-Souris Thank you for explaining how station wagon ended up in the translation.
I didn't even know that Brits had Station Wagons.
Maybe "relous" is some kind of slang word?
Can you thesaurus it?
Or figure it out from a Google Search results?
= = =
These are maps of the college that Kadic is based on.
Based on the maps, where are the Dorms rooms for the real college
Where are the dorm rooms located for Code Lyoko
Is there any obvious map differences between the cartoon Kadic and the real college
25 Mai 2005, 19:57
par Olivier
You certainly won't find "relou" in any dictionary ;-) It's a word from spoken language. It comes from "lourd" (literally "heavy", but used here in another meaning (something like "annoying", but I don't know the exact translation)).
The method to transform "lourd" to "relou" is called "verlan", and is mainly used by young people. It consists in swapping the sounds of a word (the word "verlan" is itself the reversed version of "l'envers").
More details here:
25 Mai 2005, 20:32
par Invité
Thank you Olivier
That's really interesting.
I'm guessing that heavy might be the song's use, but maybe it's a cleaver way of saying the song is annoying.
The English version was funny, but understandably annoying at the same time.
28 Mai 2005, 16:13
par Olivier
McTrooper a écrit:Where are the dorm rooms located for Code Lyoko
According to the text from the upper right corner:
"Chambres au 2ème" (rooms on second floor)
McTrooper a écrit:Is there any obvious map differences between the cartoon Kadic and the real college?
The map of the real Lakanal school is here:
The main difference is that Lakanal has students for collège, lycée and CPGE (classes préparatoires aux grandes écoles), whereas Kadik is only a collège. The dorm rooms are reserved for students of CPGE, not the others.
29 Mai 2005, 03:00
par Chauve-Souris
Golly, Olivier, you are just full of great info!
Thanks for all your helpfulness!!! :sm39:
30 Mai 2005, 02:13
par McTrooper
Olivier a écrit:McTrooper a écrit:Where are the dorm rooms located for Code Lyoko
According to the text from the upper right corner:
"Chambres au 2ème" (rooms on second floor)
McTrooper a écrit:Is there any obvious map differences between the cartoon Kadic and the real college?
The map of the real Lakanal school is here: main difference is that Lakanal has students for collège, lycée and CPGE (classes préparatoires aux grandes écoles), whereas Kadik is only a collège. The dorm rooms are reserved for students of CPGE, not the others.
I guess I thought the dorm rooms were on the 1st floor.
I guess I was wrong.
= = = =
I know the old Renault factory is gone, but did anyone ever visit it back before it was destroyed?
30 Mai 2005, 03:54
par LeDixième
cool map of lycée Lakanal. they reproduced it's layout pretty accurately in Code Lyoko.
McTrooper - nice to have you as a registered member
30 Mai 2005, 09:21
par Clem
McTrooper a écrit:I know the old Renault factory is gone, but did anyone ever visit it back before it was destroyed?
Kizuna I think but I'm not sure. but it's her who have taken photos
30 Mai 2005, 20:54
par kagetsu
- Le montage du premier épisode (qui s'intitule "Nouvelle donne") est presque terminé
- "Révélation 1 & 2" sont les deux DERNIERS épisodes de la saison 2 (double épisode de fin)
- La saison 2 est semi-feuilletonnante. C'est à dire qu'il y a une évolution narrative entre le début et la fin de la saison! Du coup, les épisodes seront numérotés.
This is a little confusing. Does this mean the french voice acting is also happening now? "Nouvelle donne" "New Gives" doesn't really work as an English title. "semi-feuilletonnante" has me completely lost. And what do you think they mean by "Narrative evolution", that they are going to narrate through the show?
30 Mai 2005, 21:28
par Clem
well I don't know the english title for the episode which call "Nouvelle donne" in french.
But I can explain to you what "narrative evolution" mean. I think "semi-feuilletonnante" mean the same thing but I'm not sure. It means that you coudn't watch the episode in any order like in the saison 1.
You'll have to watch the episodes in a particular order because like TV series, the story evolute... (for example: after the future kiss between Yumi and ulrich, there were no news in the future episodes in the first season. Now, in season 2, you'll know what happen just after)
it wasn't easy to explain. Have you understand because I can explain with a dictionnary the next time
30 Mai 2005, 21:51
par Olivier
The original meaning of "donne" comes from playing cards. It means the cards that you distribute to players (don't know how you say it in English).
In the common language, "nouvelle donne" means "new conditions".
For "évolution narrative" and "semi-feuilletonnate", I think Clem gave the correct explanation.
31 Mai 2005, 04:58
par Chauve-Souris
"Deal". It sounds like the English equivalent is "New Deal", which can mean new cards, a new contract, or just new conditions -- undoubtedly the latter.
You've done it again, Olivier....
31 Mai 2005, 22:08
par kagetsu
Ah yes thanks all, that does make sense. "New Deal" would fit the changes to XANA's tactics. Sort of like "it is a new game with new rules"
And as "Evolving Narrative" would be a continuing story. That also explains the meaning of "numbered episodes", when Yumi is mad at Ulrich in one show, she's most likely still mad at him in the next.
31 Mai 2005, 22:14
par Clem
yes you've understand
01 Juin 2005, 04:32
par LeDixième
that's so cool!
thank-yous to Olivier & Clem for the info
03 Juin 2005, 16:25
par McTrooper
"New Deal" . . . it works, but it's funny because that phrase describes a historical US plan by the government.
= = =
So has anyone visited Lakanal college?
- -
Does it snow in France?
How much?
Do snow plows go around to clear the roads?
03 Juin 2005, 18:30
par Clem
Well, McTrooper: A young man calls "Nicoluve" in this forum is in school in Lakanal. And he sleeps also inside!!
Sometimes, schools in France make "open door" we say so everybody can go inside: it's in september. Maybe, somebody will go inside next year.
But last year, when some of us meat, we tried to enter but they didn't want! So, it's very limitated. We can't visit the schools as we want.
In lakanal, so in the near of Paris, it doesn't snow very often or, it's juste for one day and tomorrow, everything has disappeared.
But, in moutains, in France, in "the Alpes", it snows all winter!!
04 Juin 2005, 05:34
par Chauve-Souris
Holy mackerel, Clem! I knew Nico knows a lot about Lakanal, but I didn't know he actually resides inside. That must be weird!
I wonder if the dormitory interiors are anything like the way they picture them in CL?