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Why doesn't X.A.N.A. just kill them?

MessagePosté: 05 Oct 2006, 22:55
par exo
Maybe there was a reason explained in season 2 that I forgot because it's been so long, but can anyone remember why X.A.N.A. doesn't just make the gang go jump off a cliff by possessing them? I mean, besides there'd be no show left.

MessagePosté: 07 Oct 2006, 04:42
par kagetsu
It tried to posess Odd and Ulrich and couldn't. Then it could with Jeremie to make him take Aelita to Lyoko unprotected. If they went to Lyoko, Xana couldn't possess them, so in the end, Jeremie virtualized and was blasted by Megatanks and never wants to go back. They never showed Virtual Jeremie :?

MessagePosté: 07 Oct 2006, 20:25
par exo
Oh, I thought it had something to do with virtualization. The prequel contradicted it though, because it was implied he went to Lyoko to remember the events affected by return to the past. :|

MessagePosté: 08 Oct 2006, 16:56
par kagetsu
To be technical, he said he was going to scan himself, he didn't say he was going to Lyoko. He has no adventursome spirit whatsoever. :D

MessagePosté: 10 Oct 2006, 03:40
par exo
Glad that's out of the way. Hate plot holes.

MessagePosté: 18 Nov 2006, 22:36
par Yumiko
kagetsu a écrit:It tried to posess Odd and Ulrich and couldn't. Then it could with Jeremie to make him take Aelita to Lyoko unprotected. If they went to Lyoko, Xana couldn't possess them, so in the end, Jeremie virtualized and was blasted by Megatanks and never wants to go back. They never showed Virtual Jeremie :?

What episode was that?