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Foreshadowing in ''William Returns''

MessagePosté: 31 Mai 2007, 00:33
par The Gee Man
The credit sequence for Episode 1 of Season 4, "William Returns", caught my eye. For those of you who haven't seen it yet (I can't imagine who here hasn't) there aren't any real spoilers here.

The ending shows someone going through a government file on Franz Hopper, including pictures taken from his tenure at Kadic, photos of the Project Carthage team, and some clandestinely taken photos of him and his wife. Also note the signature on the top sheet of paper, the signature kind of looks like it says Sarkozy, the current President of France (They could have added this at the last minute, as the episode was aired two days after Sarkozy took office, who knows). I think that this all points to the fact that the French Secret Service is still keeping tabs on him (hell, I wouldn't be surprised if the CIA and MI5 were too), and this may be foreshadowing further government involvement in the upcoming Season 4. I have included the shots for reference, so what does everyone else think? Also, if anyone can recognise the emblem on the front of the folder as a real one, that could be really interesting, but it's more than likely the Project Carthage emblem.
Image Image

MessagePosté: 31 Mai 2007, 20:02
par Olivier
This ending existed already in seasons 2 and 3 (at least this is the one we had here in France).

P.S. Sarkozy is the new President, not the Prime minister ;)

MessagePosté: 31 Mai 2007, 20:21
par The Gee Man
Olivier a écrit:This ending existed already in seasons 2 and 3 (at least this is the one we had here in France).

You're right, the episodes in the US don't have that credit sequence.
Olivier a écrit:P.S. Sarkozy is the new President, not the Prime minister ;)

D'oh. My bad, I get these things mixed up.

MessagePosté: 31 Mai 2007, 22:55
par X-Verine
And then, in the years of the Carthage project, 1994 and before thus, Sarkozy was deputy/mayor and Minister for the budget thus not really of relation to an unspecified project of the army for the moment ....

(And one clearly sees a "R" and not "Z" at the end of the signature, before the "Y"...)

MessagePosté: 01 Juin 2007, 00:26
par The Gee Man
X-Verine a écrit:And then, in the years of the Carthage project, 1994 and before thus, Sarkozy was deputy/mayor and Minister for the budget thus not really of relation to an unspecified project of the army for the moment ....

(And one clearly sees a "R" and not "Z" at the end of the signature, before the "Y"...)

I was referring to the fact that a new President would most likely be brought up to speed on an ongoing probe into Hopper. Maybe this is his authorization, I don't know. It's all speculation. The signature may also just be sloppy:
We'll have to wait for Season 4 to be sure.

MessagePosté: 01 Juin 2007, 10:01
par Pete
Here is the true signature of Sarkozy : ... he091.html :p

MessagePosté: 01 Juin 2007, 19:04
par X-Verine
Yeah ... thus nothing to see

(And then, which there is of writing resembles more "Souory" that "Sarkozy".... )

MessagePosté: 02 Juin 2007, 19:28
par The Gee Man
Pete a écrit:Here is the true signature of Sarkozy : ... he091.html :p

Wow, nice find. As I said, it was just speculation.

MessagePosté: 02 Juin 2007, 22:26
par X-Verine
But as in all good secret governmental projects which are respected, there are always members of the governments in place which form part of it ...