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MessagePosté: 23 Nov 2005, 22:26
par exo
Do they have four X.A.N.A. symbols? I've been thinking of building one out of legos, I have the general idea of how in my head already.

Re: Blocks

MessagePosté: 24 Nov 2005, 02:57
par Chauve-Souris
exo a écrit:Do they have four X.A.N.A. symbols? I've been thinking of building one out of legos, I have the general idea of how in my head already.

...Shows you how much I know -- I would have guessed FIVE, on the assumption that there is one on top, but a further look at my "bowing" signature shows just the deep grooves on top. I guess when Ulr stands on top of them he always has to reach down to one of the vertical surfaces for his stab.
So I guess the only question is whether they have one on their "back" surface? My guess is YES, but I am going to watch for a view that verifies that....
(But they DO have udders....) Image

MessagePosté: 24 Nov 2005, 04:08
par garooob
Yes, they do. Remember, their "heads" spin around and I think the idea was that each "face" shoots a different kind of beam, ex. laser, ice, etc.

MessagePosté: 24 Nov 2005, 18:33
par exo
Building it is turning out infinately times harder than expected, but doable. I'll be making it virtually first, so I'll upload that a soon as I get a new graphics card to run the program.

MessagePosté: 24 Nov 2005, 19:40
par ChaoticPesme
Yes, four symbols ! 'Cause if they'd have five, that would by too easy (especialy for Ulrich) to destroy them ! :twisted:

MessagePosté: 04 Nov 2006, 04:52
par Tommy4552*
garooob a écrit:Yes, they do. Remember, their "heads" spin around and I think the idea was that each "face" shoots a different kind of beam, ex. laser, ice, etc.

I wonder if they can shoot lightning and some other thing. Ice rings maybe.
Everyone has seen the top there is only 4 symbols on it one on each side of it no symbol on top.