What character are you the most like?

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Messages: 307

Inscription: 04 Juin 2005, 18:59

Message 26 Oct 2005, 01:36

What character are you the most like?

I'm like Herve. Second rate genius with a lot of acne. Plus I challenge all the people who say they can beat me up.

Batman + Kiwi = Chauve - Souris

Messages: 1203

Inscription: 08 Mai 2004, 07:24

Localisation: Le Arizona ou le désert de Lyoko: Ils sont pareils.

Message 26 Oct 2005, 04:30

I hate to admit it, but I am probably most like Jérémie -- programmer, un-athletic, not much in social situations, etc., etc. I just didn't get grades as good as his.... :sm27:

Démolisseur de Mégatanks

Messages: 1563

Inscription: 01 Juil 2004, 01:55

Message 30 Oct 2005, 06:13

That's a good question. I'd have to say part Jérémie, part Odd. The blonde hair and blue eyes are like J, as well as my mad computer skillz. Maybe not as mad as Jérémie's, but still pretty angry. On the other hand, I'm pretty silly around my friends and enjoy having fun, like Odd. (But I'm not the womanizer that Odd is!) Also, I'm svelt like Odd. Mostly Jérémie, though.

Message 29 Nov 2005, 23:29

I guess I'm like Ulrich because I'm really shy and don't like talking to people except for my friends...And I'm also like Jeremy because of the computer but I'm not too nerdy. I am smart though, or so I'm told.
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Chasseur de Frolions

Messages: 381

Inscription: 28 Juin 2004, 03:08

Message 01 Déc 2005, 05:12

(Except she's a girl) I see many of my traites in Yumi. Not very open with other people. Quiet and unremarkable. When I speak, my vocabulary makes me sound much older than I am, and far better educated than my grades would show. I'm not athletic or competitive enough for team sports, but with an inner aggression that works well for martial arts and long distance bike riding. I also have a fierce temper. My biggest difference is an off the wall sense of humor that catches people attention, no one expects it, so it catches many flatfooted at times.
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Futur Lyokofan

Messages: 18

Inscription: 02 Déc 2005, 22:58

Message 09 Déc 2005, 23:19

I'm seriously a mix of all of them. I'm like Ulrich (except I'm a girl) because I get annoyed by preppy people (Sissi) and when people annoy me I avoid them. I'm like Yumi because I don't talk to people if they aren't my friends and I don't make friends easily, unless we really hit it off. My two best friends I've known since I was two! I'm like Jeremy because I'm smart (except in algebra--I hate algebra). I'm like Aelita because I'm quiet and nice to people. Even though I'm really shy, I'm like Odd because when I get with my friends, I'm suddenly outgoing and make all my friends laugh.
Glory be to God,

Message 04 Fév 2006, 18:12

Well, I am mostly like Ulrich because
1.I hate getting annoyed by preepy friends and I avoid them
2.I look like I am pretty strict to everyone so they can live a happy and disciplined life
3.I am a mature 10 year old boy
4. Because of Star Wars katana(saber)
5.Because he likes Yumi
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Grand Maître du lancer d'éventail

Messages: 2442

Inscription: 09 Oct 2005, 15:54

Localisation: devant le PC, au taf ou dans une quelconque boutique...

Message 04 Fév 2006, 18:28

It can be weird, but I'm both like Jeremie, and Odd... but I'm a girl!
Jeremie because:
I spend a lot of time in my computer (but I'm not a genius like him)
I'm not running after boys, and I'm not always going out,
I'm reasonnable (but it's like Yumi?)
I absolutely don't like sports

Odd because:
I'm a big, annoying chatterbox
I like saying funny things (and weird or upsetting things sometimes :p )
I like laughing (that's obvious...)
I always dedramatize the situation
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Message 16 Avr 2006, 04:27

garooob a écrit:That's a good question. I'd have to say part Jérémie, part Odd. The blonde hair and blue eyes are like J, as well as my mad computer skillz. Maybe not as mad as Jérémie's, but still pretty angry. On the other hand, I'm pretty silly around my friends and enjoy having fun, like Odd. (But I'm not the womanizer that Odd is!) Also, I'm svelt like Odd. Mostly Jérémie, though.

I have to agree with Garooob. Im very smart (not as much as Jeremie) and have very good computer skills. Im like Odd because im funny. Im only 1/2% Odd and 99 1/2 Jeremy. I would like to eleminate Odd from me but i like being funny. But im mostly smart im serious in class unless i finish and get a break with my freinds. :D

Message 22 Mai 2006, 19:13

I make up 65 % of Ulrich and 35% of Jeremy.

I am most like Ulrich because when the younger reminds the older, the older person feels angry;however,Ulrich likes Yumi same as that I like my friend who is a girl.Also I am like Jeremie because I use the computer and I am pretty smart.I even have to learn the new stuff even though I'm polite,persuasive,strict,and smart.

God Bless You All,
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Lyokophile à vie

Messages: 222

Inscription: 29 Déc 2005, 06:32

Localisation: Illinois, USA

Message 30 Mai 2006, 05:49

I'm a cross of all of them. Maybe mostly Yumi...
"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams."

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Messages: 46

Inscription: 15 Avr 2006, 23:16

Localisation: U.S

Message 04 Nov 2006, 04:32

Jeremie because I am super smart and love computers. Other reasons may apply that I will not tell. Hopefully im not second rate but i am still mostly like
Jeremie if I am (which im not hopefully.)

Season 3 has ended. Lyoko is now a virtual blank with Whilliam floting in it. That means season 4 is coming!!!!!!!

Message 07 Oct 2007, 17:20

im a mix

I think im a mix of Jeremie and Odd. Jeremie because i have good grades and sit a lot by my computer, and Odd because im a walking speakmachine and like to tell jokes about someone that anoys me.
I could also be partly Ulrich/Yumi, because i like to be alone, and i can show great responibility.
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P'tit nouveau

Messages: 9

Inscription: 20 Fév 2013, 14:32

Message 24 Fév 2013, 09:05

Re: What character are you the most like?

William. Despite the fact of he was controlled by X.A.N.A. but he was just overexcited at his first time to Lyoko. I like the confindence reside within him. But I think I prefer the "real William" in cartoon more than in any other versons
I Looove drawing! and Syphozoa is really cool!
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P'tit nouveau

Messages: 6

Inscription: 12 Mai 2016, 23:58

Localisation: USA

Message 13 Mai 2016, 16:42

Re: What character are you the most like?

I'm most like Ulrich, or at least I'm becoming more like him everyday.

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