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MessagePosté: 12 Fév 2006, 14:10
par Chauve-Souris
Well, here I go again. I feel funny about dragging stuff up here, but you gotta see what our amie has been up to!
Hika-Chan a écrit:wahou ^^ c'est superbe ^^

bon ben je m'y suis remise, ca fait un moment que j'en ai plus posté
que dire... une tenue inventée. J'ai plus axé sur la tenue que sur le reste mais ya quand meme un semblant de décor.
désolée encore une feuille a carreaux je pense jamais à mettre des feuilles blanches dans mon sac.

et un spécial Saint Valentin. Hé oui c'est dans 2 jours, ca méritait bien un ptit dessin ^^
meme remarque pour les carreaux. 8)
Cette fois, j'ai bien failli piquer une crise de nerfs en essayant de faire les mains!

Be sure to get out your magic clicker and expand these dessins, because they contain a lot of cool details! Image
(Her last remark, about "les mains", refers to the difficulty of drawing hands. Most of the Lyokokids who draw consider them to be the most difficult part. Geez, the first one's hands are perfect, and the second one is even better!)

MessagePosté: 13 Fév 2006, 04:13
par miaame
How cool! There are so many talented people on this forum! Great artwork!

MessagePosté: 18 Fév 2006, 06:26
par garooob
Ok, check this out!
Print these coloring pages out and relive your childhood! Hmm. I don't have a printer, but I can use the one at work. However, I don't have any coloring supplies...

MessagePosté: 18 Fév 2006, 07:10
par miaame
So you don't deny it, garooob? Didn't think you would. Cute coloring pages though.

MessagePosté: 26 Fév 2006, 17:50
par kagetsu
garooob a écrit:Ok, check this out!
Print these coloring pages out and relive your childhood! Hmm. I don't have a printer, but I can use the one at work. However, I don't have any coloring supplies...

I've not tried this program out much yet, but it may be a great for for this. It allows you to use your mouse to simulate different art mediums including crayons, and you can tranfer the tracing outlines onto the "canvas".

MessagePosté: 10 Mar 2006, 06:15
par Chauve-Souris
Hika-Chan a écrit:Image
un ptit entrainement (enfin petit, bobo le poignet à la fin :roll: ) pour les bras croisés et une expression un peu différente

les cheveux sont encore pareil, mais que voulez-vous j'adore faire les cheveux longs au vent!

Another Hika-goody!

MessagePosté: 10 Mar 2006, 06:16
par miaame
How cute! kawaii!
Hika-chan is so talented. I wonder if she'll be entering the cosplay contest...

MessagePosté: 10 Mar 2006, 08:18
par garooob
Nice! It looks like a character out of an anime, but I can't put my finger on who...

MessagePosté: 10 Mar 2006, 22:57
par Hika-Chan
:oops: Thanx, minna-san ^^
She is not based on a character, I drew her without model. But maybe it reminds you some Sailor-Moon character, because I have learn how to draw mangas with this. In the beginning, that was my-self portrait but I am not as pretty as her :oops: and she's not like me.

I won't enter in the cosplay contest, i'm sorry to say that, because I don't know in what character i would cosplay (don't know if that's correct to write this...), and I have no clothes like Code Lyoko characters (I wish i had Odd's wardrobe ... =^o^=)

MessagePosté: 11 Mar 2006, 06:09
par miaame
Hika-chan, you are probably beautiful!
Sailor Moon was the first manga I ever read and I love it. :oops: I have never cosplayed as a Sailor Scout though...

MessagePosté: 13 Mar 2006, 02:42
par garooob
Remember our friend Creativ?
I requested a picture of Ulrich and Yumi's wedding a while back. Well, here it is! You can leave a comment for her here: ~|~Creativ Outlet


MessagePosté: 13 Mar 2006, 05:50
par Chauve-Souris
garooob a écrit:...a picture of Ulrich and Yumi's wedding....

Crikey -- that's just plain weird.
Weddings acutely depress me. Image When you and miaame tie the knot, don't even tell me about it....

MessagePosté: 18 Mar 2006, 04:56
par Chauve-Souris
ChaoticPesme a écrit:Image
Ce montage de lovewitch n'a beau être qu'un petit montage de débutant, franchement, pour quelqu'un qui ne connait pas la série, on pourrait y croire.
Il y aurait de quoi hésiter :roll:

I don't quite get what Pesme is saying about this, or why he posted it in a subject about Odd, but it's an irresistible piece of artwork, and judging by its style, somehow CL related.ImageI hope someone (Hika? Pete? Pesme?) will tell us what it's all about....
Well, I just found this poste...
lovewitch a écrit:Salut, moi C'est lovewitch(pas mon vrai nom mais bon)
mon vrai nom est Laetitia Poiré
Je vit au Canada et je Déménage rejoindre l'Erope dans 5 sermaine en Islande.Mes dessin animées préférée sont codelyoko et WITCH.mes livre préférée sont WITCH et code lyoko.
J'ai 11 ans.
pi c pomal sa! which Lovewitch is a new member of yumi'04 and she confesses to being a Canadienne, and 11 years old. And I think she is saying that she is moving back to Europe (Iceland) in five weeks??? But I still pige pas the stuff in Pesme's poste....

MessagePosté: 18 Mar 2006, 05:19
par Pete
Pesme posted there because this is Odd, with Sissi’hair, and because someone asked several post before if Odd is a boy or a girl.

Pesme said : "Despite this is only a little assembly made by a begginer, I franckly think someone who don’t know the anime might believe it, [that Odd is a girl] or at least hesitate...

MessagePosté: 18 Mar 2006, 05:31
par Chauve-Souris
Pete a écrit:Pesme posted there because this is Odd, with Sissi’hair, and because someone asked several post before if Odd is a boy or a girl.
Pesme said : "Despite this is only a little assembly made by a begginer, I franckly think someone who don’t know the anime might believe it, [that Odd is a girl] or at least hesitate...

Geez, you snuck up on me, Pete. Thanks -- I just didn't take the word "montage" literally enough, and didn't recognize Odd under that hair (although I DID catch the sweater color.) (Everyone else probably did recognize him -- sigh!)
So, anyway, is little Lovewitch the "débutant" who produced the montage itself? Or someone else entirely? Where did Pesme get it? I'm still at sea about that part of it.

MessagePosté: 18 Mar 2006, 06:07
par garooob
CS, if you check out, you'll find that there's a whole collection of image modifications by the French kids! If you subscribe to the RSS feed, you'll get the updates automatically.

MessagePosté: 20 Mar 2006, 03:13
par Chauve-Souris
garooob a écrit:CS, if you check out, you'll find that there's a whole collection of image modifications by the French kids! If you subscribe to the RSS feed, you'll get the updates automatically.

Ah, thanks, that's what I needed, Rooobers!Image
Image One of these days when I am feeling rilly, rilly patient, I might go in there and take a look. I had the RSS feed for a while, but never used it -- for all the same reasons.

MessagePosté: 25 Mar 2006, 07:19
par Chauve-Souris
Hika-Chan a écrit:t'inquiète, je vais trouver ^^

nouvelle fournée!
titre: moi, un ange?
commentaire: un petit délire parce que certaines personnes trouvent que je suis un ange ^^"

titre: Usagi en robe
commentaires: C'est Usagi (Bunny) de Sailor Moon. Je suis completement partie en live sur le drapé, et j'ai pas regardé, elle a les jambes trop courtes. Je suis bien loin de Lyanne pour les robes ;)

Titre: Luna Lovegood
commentaires: Luna, la fille loufoque des livres Harry Potter, la description dans le livre n'est pas tres flatteuse mais je l'ai dessinée plutot jolie.

Titre: I Love Music !
commentaires: je l'ai fait tout betement pendant que j'écoutais de la musique...

Garshk, Hika is totally cool!Image

MessagePosté: 25 Mar 2006, 14:54
par Hika-Chan
Thanks :oops:
If you want to see my gallery, click on "mes dessins" :D

MessagePosté: 25 Mar 2006, 15:37
par Sonic Hachelle-Bee
Chauve-Souris a écrit:Garshk, Hika is totally cool!

That's so true! She draws very well. I like "her as an angel".

MessagePosté: 25 Mar 2006, 21:18
par miaame
I agree! They're great! I like the picture of Usagi. ;)

MessagePosté: 26 Mar 2006, 00:03
par garooob
Wow, this one is almost exactly like the actual artwork! Awesome!
Hika's Sailor Moon!

MessagePosté: 26 Mar 2006, 20:11
par miaame
How awesome! I love it. ^_^

MessagePosté: 26 Mar 2006, 20:13
par Hika-Chan
Thank you all ^^

MessagePosté: 29 Mar 2006, 07:37
par Chauve-Souris
Hika-Chan a écrit:Jolie avec des tites fleurs ^^

Donc, voila j'ai enfin fini la mienne ^^

version noir et blanc et coloriée a l'ordinateur:
Image Image
je me suis inspirée de la robe de Sailor Saturne (en princesse) qui se trouve completement a gauche de cette page(surtout pour le bas (qu'on ne voit pas bien)

Yay! Hika for self-defense!