Code Lyoko Remixed: Super Nova

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Futur Lyokofan

Messages: 12

Inscription: 23 Avr 2008, 02:21

Message 23 Avr 2008, 02:23

Code Lyoko Remixed: Super Nova

Code Lyoko Remixed Project: Supernova

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After fully watching the entire Code Lyoko series, and not one soundtrack being released yet, I decided that we should create our own collection of Code Lyoko remixes! Lyoko Geniuses is proud to present the very first ever Code Lyoko Remixed Album, Code Lyoko Remixed Project: Supernova!

Après tout, en regardant l'ensemble de la série Code Lyoko, et non pas une bande-son d'être libéré encore, j'ai décidé que nous devions créer notre propre collection de remixes Code Lyoko! Lyoko Génies est fier de présenter la toute première jamais Code Lyoko Remixed album, Code Lyoko Remixed Project: Supernova !

Po zapozananiu się z całą serią Code Lyoko, niejeden soundtrack ujrzał światło dzienne. Zdecydowałem by stworzyć naszą własną kolekcję remiksów CL ! Lyoko Geniuses jest dumne z możliwości zaprezentowania pierwszej wersji Albumu Code Lyoko: Supernova.


Lycoris Server (ZIP Compression)
Lycoris Server (RAR Compression)
Lycoris Server (7z Compression)
Lycoris Server (Individual Songs)

[English Track Listing]
1. S'Envoler / Break Away by Rhys Davies
2. The Carthage Spot by ccbtimewiz
3. A World Without Danger Techno English Mix by CodeLyokoDreamer
4. A World Without Danger English/French Mix by QuinSeperable
5. Aelita's Beat by ccbtimewiz
6. Memories of the Fallen by Astro-XANA
7. Emergency ripped by ccbtimewiz
8. Transfer! Scanner! Virtualization! by ccbtimewiz
9. Valentines Day by YHChaosBdon
10. XANA's Theme by psion
11. To The Factory! ripped by ccbtimewiz
12. Remembrance of Tech Links *
13. Memory Feat; Yumi Ishiyama by The Pop-Rock Progressives
14. A World Without Danger Polish Version contributed by Omasz
15. Generique Fin Techno Remix by Kikou
16. A World Without Danger Instrumental (Herman and Serge)
17. A World Without Danger Trance Mix by YHChaosBdon
18. A World Without Danger Piano Mix performed by Mylinda Antoinette
19. The Hermitage ripped by ccbtimewiz
20. Happy Kadic Mix ripped by ccbtimewiz
21. Generique Fin (Herman and Serge)

* = This song was in memory of Tech Links, a Code Lyoko community built in 2005 by Lyoko Computer, nhjm449, Comex, Lotho and Wartonchan. The forum became inactive about 3 months ago due to the end of Code Lyoko and the staff decided to close shop. The song's origins was a short demo in Lyoko Computer's forum signature, which he has had for as long as I can remember. Whenever this song is played, I think of him and TL. This is reason to why I decided to put the full version for you all to listen to.

[French Track Listing]
1. S'Envoler / Break Away par Rhys Davies
2. Spot de Carthage par ccbtimewiz
3. Un monde sans danger Anglais Techno Mix par CodeLyokoDreamer
4. Un monde sans danger Anglais / français Mix par QuinSeperable
5. Aelita's Beat par ccbtimewiz
6. Memories of the Fallen par Astro-XANA
7. Urgence déchirés par ccbtimewiz
8. Transfert! Scanner! Virtualisation! Par ccbtimewiz
9. Valentines Day par YHChaosBdon
10. XANA's Theme par psion
11. À l'usine! Déchirés par ccbtimewiz
12. Liens souvenir de Tech *
13. Mémoire feat; Yumi Ishiyama par le pop-rock progressistes
14. Un monde sans danger version polonaise contribué par Omasz
15. Generique fin remix techno par kikou
16. Un monde sans danger instrumental (Herman et Serge)
17. Un monde sans danger Trance Mix by YHChaosBdon
18. Un monde sans danger piano mix effectué par Mylinda Antoinette
19. L'Ermitage déchirés par ccbtimewiz
20. Happy Mix Kadic déchirés par ccbtimewiz
21. Fin generique (Herman et Serge)

* = Cette chanson a été à la mémoire de Tech Links, une communauté Code Lyoko construite en 2005 par Lyoko Computer, nhjm449, Lotho et Wartonchan. Le forum est devenu inactif il ya environ 3 mois en raison de la fin de Code Lyoko, et le personnel a décidé de fermer boutique. Les origines de la chanson est une courte démo en Lyoko Computer signature du forum, dont il a eu tant et aussi longtemps que je me souvienne. Chaque fois que cette chanson est jouée, je pense à lui et TL. C'est une raison pour expliquer pourquoi j'ai décidé de mettre la version complète pour vous tous à l'écoute.

[Polish Track Listing]
1. S'Envoler / Break Away przez Rhys Davies
2. Czo³ówka Kartaginy przez ccbtimewiz
3. Œwiat bez niebezpieczeñstw Techno Angielski Mix przez CodeLyokoDreamer
4. Œwiat bez niebezpieczeñstw Angielski/Francuski Mix dzieki QuinSeperable
5. Bit Aelity dzieki ccbtimewiz
6. Memories of the Fallen by Astro-XANA
7. Na Ratunek zripowane przez ccbtimewiz
8. Transfer! Skan! Wirtualizacja! przez ccbtimewiz
9. Walentynki przez YHChaosBdon
10. XANA's motyw przez psion
11. Do Fabryki! zripowane przez ccbtimewiz
12. Ku pamieci Tech Links *
13. Memory Feat; Yumi Ishiyama i przerobka pop rock ...
14. A World Without Danger Polish Version contributed przez Omasz
15. Generique Fin Techno Remix przez Kikou
16. Œwiat bez niebezpieczeñstw wersja instrumentalna (Herman and Serge)
17. Œwiat bez niebezpieczeñstw Trance Mix dzieki YHChaosBdon
18. Œwiat bez niebezpieczeñstw mix na pianinie wykonany przez Mylinda Antoinette
19. The Hermitage ripped przez ccbtimewiz
20. Weso³e Kadix Mix ripped przez ccbtimewiz
21. Generique Fin (Herman i Serge)

* = Ta piosenka została napisana ku pamieci Tech Links , przez spolecznosc Code Lyoko w 2005 przez Lyoko Computer,nhjm449, Lotho i Wartonchan'a. Forum przestało być aktywne 3 miesiace temu. Rownoczesnie z zakonczeniem emisji serialu administracja zadecydowała by zwinać interes. Piosenka to małe demo z sygny Lyoko Computera ktora mial odkad pamietam. Gdziekolwiek jest grana mysle o nim i TL. Dlatego zadecydowałem by dodać ją całą specjalnie dla was.

[Change Log]

- Added a remix sent by Mylinda Antoinette.
- Added a remix sent by CodeLyokoDreamer.
- Received ( ... ersion.jpg) Album Art contribution from NTOWA.
- Received ( Album Art contribution from Steeveclm.
- Added a remix sent by QuinSeparable.
- Received ( Album Art contribution from Adrimarie.
- Added a remix sent by TB3.
- Added a remix by ccbtimewiz.
- Added a remix by YHChaosBdon
- Added a remix by ccbtimewiz
- Added a remix by Mylinda Antoinette
- Added Album Art contribution from Hakurei
- Released BETA tracks
- Added a remix by ccbtimewiz
- Added a remix by Astro-Xana
- Added a remix by psion
- Added CL DS remixes/extracts
- Added Multi Language AWWD Remixes
- Released Code Lyoko Remixed Project: Super Nova!

French - Ixam and Ericou
Polish - Omasz
English - ccbtimewiz
Dernière édition par ccbtimewiz le 29 Juin 2008, 04:58, édité 2 fois.

Futur Lyokophile

Messages: 100

Inscription: 18 Avr 2007, 09:25

Message 23 Avr 2008, 09:33

Though I've never been a fan of the Subdigital/Show Theme music, the 'Remembrance of Tech Links' and 'Generique Fin' songs stood out as the best by far. Are you planning on doing any more remixing?
Code Lyoko CCG
Testers Wanted!

Futur Lyokofan

Messages: 12

Inscription: 23 Avr 2008, 02:21

Message 23 Avr 2008, 16:41


We plan on releasing another album that is a bit more "polished". But I can't say when this would be complete. Not that many remixers are around the net that enjoy Code Lyoko. Took me forever just to find enough to put together one album. =)

Unless you know a good place where I can find remixers that enjoy Code Lyoko? =3

Futur Lyokophile

Messages: 100

Inscription: 18 Avr 2007, 09:25

Message 24 Avr 2008, 10:08

ccbtimewiz a écrit:Oui.

We plan on releasing another album that is a bit more "polished". But I can't say when this would be complete. Not that many remixers are around the net that enjoy Code Lyoko. Took me forever just to find enough to put together one album. =)

Unless you know a good place where I can find remixers that enjoy Code Lyoko? =3

Sorry, can't help you there. I have a very bare-bones knowledge of Audacity, so I might try something, but I can't make any promises. What is your policy on sampleing?
Code Lyoko CCG
Testers Wanted!

Futur Lyokofan

Messages: 12

Inscription: 23 Avr 2008, 02:21

Message 24 Avr 2008, 18:04

Just post a 40 second demo here. =)

Also, updates! You can now download the album in ZIP, RAR, and 7z. As well to that, you can download each individual track and I bug fixed some tags.

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