Lyoko Gundam Style
Lyoko Gundam Style
I got the idea by changing the words to Gangnam Style (Gundam and Gangnam sound so much alike).
The line art is from someone else, but I edited and colored it.
Odds Kiwi symbol was edited from a screen shot of the original show found online.
All editing and coloring was done with MS Paint ( Old School! ^_^ )
Odd Gundam Style

Aelita Gundam Style

William Gundam Style

Not as dark as he should be, but it was hard to decide how to color such a dark uniform.
Most of the color was already done, but I added the red based on William's new uniform and I also colored some other parts.
Ulrich Gundam Style

Pixel by pixel editing The Ulrich Gundam was really kicking my butt.
I ended up downloading some software to help.
My Coloring Book (might not exist anymore).
It helped me get some decent black lines from the grey lined original I found online.
It still took a lot more pixel by pixel editing, but it was a lot easier.
I had to fight the urge to fix the whole picture.
I used a picture of Lyoko Ulrich from the "CL Presentation MIPTV 2012.pdf" file and the Garage Kids Xanadu Ulrich concept art for color ideas.
Kankrelats or Roachsters zaku.

I edited the head of a Kankrelats onto the zaku line art I used for Aelita.
Kankrelats or Roachsters zaku.
Developed with a laser in the head as backup to easily lost weapons.
If you want to try something like this I recommend searching for line art or coloring pages. Maybe use options to search only for Black and White.
I got the idea by changing the words to Gangnam Style (Gundam and Gangnam sound so much alike).
The line art is from someone else, but I edited and colored it.
Odds Kiwi symbol was edited from a screen shot of the original show found online.
All editing and coloring was done with MS Paint ( Old School! ^_^ )
Odd Gundam Style

Aelita Gundam Style

William Gundam Style

Not as dark as he should be, but it was hard to decide how to color such a dark uniform.
Most of the color was already done, but I added the red based on William's new uniform and I also colored some other parts.
Ulrich Gundam Style

Pixel by pixel editing The Ulrich Gundam was really kicking my butt.
I ended up downloading some software to help.
My Coloring Book (might not exist anymore).
It helped me get some decent black lines from the grey lined original I found online.
It still took a lot more pixel by pixel editing, but it was a lot easier.
I had to fight the urge to fix the whole picture.
I used a picture of Lyoko Ulrich from the "CL Presentation MIPTV 2012.pdf" file and the Garage Kids Xanadu Ulrich concept art for color ideas.
Kankrelats or Roachsters zaku.

I edited the head of a Kankrelats onto the zaku line art I used for Aelita.
Kankrelats or Roachsters zaku.
Developed with a laser in the head as backup to easily lost weapons.
If you want to try something like this I recommend searching for line art or coloring pages. Maybe use options to search only for Black and White.