Season 2 / #45-Déjà Vu

Batman + Kiwi = Chauve - Souris

Messages: 1203

Inscription: 08 Mai 2004, 07:24

Localisation: Le Arizona ou le désert de Lyoko: Ils sont pareils.

Message 28 Oct 2005, 06:18

Season 2 / #45-Déjà Vu

Notable quote:
Odd: "...a date with Sissi -- can you think of a worse dream?"
Chauve-Souris, Garooob, exo, Pesme, "WE SURE COULD!"
"Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" (actually Mozart) played by Franz on just the black keys -- that ain't easy to do!
Mrs. Hertz is talking about mercury, but there are no "Hg"s on the blackboard -- only organic chemistry diagrams. But at least it was something different....
Jimbo on the girls' floor in the middle of the night, in his undershirt and shower-clogs. Suuuuure! It looks like we are going to get a bunch of running gags about Jim's past occupations. This time: salvage diver!
Odd's room suddenly migrated to the girls' floor too. Luckyyyyyy!
Yumes rode on the back of Ulrich's wheel for (I believe) the first time. Very nice!
Aelita is now able simply to ignore Jérémie's most emphatic commands. Good for her!
Air-to-air missiles! Now the fece-grenades can zero in and follow their target. Crikey!
I read a rumor in the French kids' forum that the English language translator of Season-2 is adding jokes to the dialog that aren't in the French versions. If so, he's doing a good job of it....
The Guide says that we will see #45, "Cold War", again tomorrow. Twice in the same week -- how screwy is that? :sm27:

Message 28 Oct 2005, 21:35

Unfortunately I haven't gotten to see any of the new ones......*sigh* I hope they play again! (I missed them cause I've been doing "tech" for a play at my school. Really all I do is one spotlight.)

At any rate, I can't wait to see them! ^_^



Messages: 307

Inscription: 04 Juin 2005, 18:59

Message 28 Oct 2005, 23:11

I didn't like Deja Vu too much. There wasn't much of it except Hopper's voice. It was just a haze of unanswered confusion as an attack really. Maybe it'll make more sense on Monday. Well, my tv guide says Tip-Top shape, so here's hoping.

Message 22 Juin 2006, 00:34

Actually it is kind of cool.

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