Season 2 / #29-Exploration



Messages: 307

Inscription: 04 Juin 2005, 18:59

Message 22 Sep 2005, 00:48

Season 2 / #29-Exploration

Goshdarnit, my mom doesn't know how to use the VCR so I only saw like ten minutes of the third episode.

Batman + Kiwi = Chauve - Souris

Messages: 1203

Inscription: 08 Mai 2004, 07:24

Localisation: Le Arizona ou le désert de Lyoko: Ils sont pareils.

Message 22 Sep 2005, 04:39

Well, I finally noticed in the opening credits today that I have been assuming the wrong episode-numbering system, soooooooo:
Goshk, it really does keep getting better:
1: So those butt-dragging monsters are called "creepers", eh? Not very impressive....
2: Yumi's brother? As Benny Hill used to say, "Biggggggggggg, deeeeeeeeeeeal...."
3: "FLEA-BITTEN MANGY MUTT"! "FLEA-BITTEN MANGY MUTT"? Well, look who's talking -- the scroungiest, worst-shaved, bandaid-encrusted, bullying crumb in western Europe. That guy's going back to the sewer if Kiwi and I have anything to say about it! Flea-bitten mangy mutt, en effet!
4: I thought that the last 1/3 or so of this episode was especially good, with Yumes and Ael messing around in Terr.5 The interior views nicely conformed to the spherical geometry of the structure, and there was plenty to see in there. Mme S. and the guys oughta get some awards out of this!
5: For moi, the best thing in season.2 so far has been that magnificent elevator operating in vertical and horizontal slots on the inside of the sphere. Geez, what a beaut! I yam twitterpated!
6: Great, I tell you!!! :confettis:

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