Season 2 / #44-A bad Turn



Messages: 307

Inscription: 04 Juin 2005, 18:59

Message 26 Oct 2005, 22:13

Season 2 / #44-A bad Turn

According to tvtome, A Bad Turn (episode 39, right?) is supposed to be on today. Then Deja Vu and Tip-Top Shape. I think they did this so they'd show Franz Hopper on Monday, those sneaky bastards making us wait. Tuesday's epidode is "Is Anybody Out There?" and then we finally get to episode 38, Temptation. Hopefully this is true, it'll be confirmed in nearly two hours.

A Bad Turn. Oh-ho I just had an awesome overload. It took how many episodes for more monster virtualization? Aelita's scenes were superb, she can really manage. I just wish the thing with Yumi could be resolved. It probably was, but not shown. Also, why the heck was William being nice? Maybe Ulrich did better driving this time. Very good, very good. It's what I've been waiting for.

Batman + Kiwi = Chauve - Souris

Messages: 1203

Inscription: 08 Mai 2004, 07:24

Localisation: Le Arizona ou le désert de Lyoko: Ils sont pareils.

Message 27 Oct 2005, 07:03

exo a écrit:...Aelita's scenes were superb, she can really manage.....

Can she ever! She was really some-thing on that 'Board!
Yeah, CN is listed in DirecTV's Guide as showing "Deja Vu" tomorrow, so your information looks right. Poor episode-38, the lost child....
Episode 39: A Bad Turn -- WOWWWWW! That was IT!
The extended depiction of Aelita on the 'Board drove me out of my skull! My all-time favorite episode!
Crabs on Terra -- how wonderful. I thought they looked really great in 2D. And it was great fun watching them raise a ruckus in civilized, urban surroundings, instead of the desolation of Lyoko. Oh, my gosh! What a show!
Dead crabs on terra don't explode (shucks!) Was that a clever way to get an epee into Ulrich's hands, by bringing back the Samuri costume? Brilliant, I tell you!
I wish they would make up their minds whether ZANA wants to kill Aelita or not. Today the hornets and tarantula were going for blood, but the medusa helped her get away. Confusing, but wonderful!
I really liked the way Odd and Willy settled down and worked out a way to stop their crab. Odd's attaching the rope reminded me of the phrase, "belling the cat", and he was great at it!
Geez, 2D crabs ON TERRA, at least one tarantula, Ulrich blocking lasers with an epee ON TERRA, Aelita bypassing the medusa, and, most of all, the most amazing aerial display in the history of animation, by the gorgeous Aelita. I'm ready to die now....
Oh, my garshk, I repeat: what a show! Image



Messages: 307

Inscription: 04 Juin 2005, 18:59

Message 27 Oct 2005, 22:54

The episode should have happened earlier. I mean, after False Start ended on that cliffhanger...

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