Season 2 / #36-Marabounta



Messages: 307

Inscription: 04 Juin 2005, 18:59

Message 30 Sep 2005, 20:29

Season 2 / #36-Marabounta

Yeah, the plot was good, but it's the possessing that messed it up. If X.A.N.A. had another plan it would've been a genuinely good episode.

Marabounta. That was a good episode. I missed the first episode, Ulrich didn't admit his love to Yumi yet, but it still didn't have possessing. I'm glad there's another episode with a good plot after all the other ones this week besides maybe the last episode were way off what I expect of Lyoko.

Batman + Kiwi = Chauve - Souris

Messages: 1203

Inscription: 08 Mai 2004, 07:24

Localisation: Le Arizona ou le désert de Lyoko: Ils sont pareils.

Message 01 Oct 2005, 02:05

[spoiler] Jer was sorta dumb again, hein? What did he expect of a reproducing system with no checks?
Ulr to Yum: "What I need is for everyone to leave me alone -- ESPECIALLY YOU!"
Odd, while being chased by globs, switches from calling Jer "Einstein" to calling him "Frankenstein". Beautiful!!!
(Sorry, ya can't hide graphics in the "spoiler" blackout.)
Bill lays it on the line for Ulrich -- the first time I have taken a liking to Billy.
Sissi's "entrance" at the swimming pool was pretty impressive, oui?
The whole "reproducing blobs" thing was sort of stupid (by what function were they killing everyone -- chemical? osmosis? smothering? embarrassment?) but I enjoyed it anyway.
Crikey, no CL for the next two days!
Dernière édition par Chauve-Souris le 01 Oct 2005, 03:01, édité 1 fois.

Batman + Kiwi = Chauve - Souris

Messages: 1203

Inscription: 08 Mai 2004, 07:24

Localisation: Le Arizona ou le désert de Lyoko: Ils sont pareils.

Message 01 Oct 2005, 02:21

Here're two picky items:
1: Ulr's machine is officially called an "overbike", but the "BI" in the word "bike" stands for "two", as in two-wheeled vehicles. ...Which the overbike AIN'T.
It should have been called the "overwheel", or the "overcrotchrocket", or something else like that.
2: The episode title of #28 was listed, quite appropriately, as "Uncharted Territory". Correct for an unknown area. But upon reviewing #28 I noticed to my surprise that the episode title in the opening credits is actually "Unchartered Territory". How extraordinary -- that's an actual word, but not a word applicable to the episode. Must have been a translation mistake that no one noticed. :NRV:



Messages: 307

Inscription: 04 Juin 2005, 18:59

Message 01 Oct 2005, 03:19

The Frankenstein thing was hilarious. And what's with you calling him Bill?

Forgot to mention: William and Sissi make a good couple. Methinks they eventually give up on Ulrich and Yumi.

Démolisseur de Mégatanks

Messages: 1563

Inscription: 01 Juil 2004, 01:55

Message 01 Oct 2005, 04:39

Well, there you go. Marabounta means "a bunch of ants coming to ruin your day."
[spoiler]That was another good episode. There's certainly a lot of conflict in season 2... I'll see you in the "couples" thread in a minute!
Yes! No posession!
Jérémie had a good idea there, but it doesn't look like he tested it. I wrote code for 4 years in college (and hated it), but I know the importance of testing your program before you run it for real. Oops.
X.A.N.A. was cool today! I totally guessed that first crab was going to help them! I was so excited.
And because X.A.N.A.'s monsters helped Aelita 'n' co., I thought the following:
This isn't the first time the monsters have not attacked Aelita. Aelita has a close connection with Franz Hopper when she was real the first time. Aelita was virtual and lived in Lyoko. X.A.N.A. lives in Lyoko. X.A.N.A. needs Aelita. Maybe X.A.N.A. is really Franz Hopper! If that's the case, he's not quite himself, because I don't think the real Franz would hurt the real Aelita. What do you think of that?[/spoiler]

Batman + Kiwi = Chauve - Souris

Messages: 1203

Inscription: 08 Mai 2004, 07:24

Localisation: Le Arizona ou le désert de Lyoko: Ils sont pareils.

Message 01 Oct 2005, 07:58

garooob a écrit:...I don't think the real Franz would hurt the real Aelita. What do you think of that?

Say, Rooobs, that's an interesting idea. Those monsters sure do stand around a lot without taking easy shots at Aelita. :blase:

Message 01 Oct 2005, 09:22

[spoiler]Wow. I love Marabounta. ^_^ I got all excited when the monsters where helping Aelita. And the bowing thing that the monsters did at the end.....that was cool. ^_^ Aelita's "they're protecting me" comment was kind of funny for a reason I don't even know. ^_^

Yeah. He didn't set parameters on how much each one was supposed to multiply. I think he created a worm......^_^ Or a Lyokoian form of nanotech. ^_^
(After having read a book called Nano, I realize the importance of this parameter setting... :lol: :lol:) Of course, the whole scenario was a tad bit predictable, though. I guessed, and rightly so, that this new monster created by Jeremie would wind up attacking our heroes. ^_^ But X.A.N.A helping them was a big surprise which made me squeal in glee. ^_^ :lol:

At any rate, that's an interesting theory, Garooob. ^_^ I had a similiar one myself.

Jeremie's comment that went along the lines of "Franz Hopper is a genius, Franz Hopper can do no wrong." got me thinking......:lol: It seems to me that maybe good ole Franz created the super-computer or something....which led me to believe that the comments made by Jeremie and later by Odd ("Frankenstein") were a form of foreshadowing...

And another thing I was wondering as I was watching this was, what was X.A.N.A thinking as he was watching these marabountas take over Lyoko? ^_^ Another one was, would he use what he'd learned or observed from the marabounta program to create a new kind of monster...Or would his programming see that as a failed attempt, and not try to duplicate it. (As seems to be the case for all of his attacks....)[/spoiler]

Batman + Kiwi = Chauve - Souris

Messages: 1203

Inscription: 08 Mai 2004, 07:24

Localisation: Le Arizona ou le désert de Lyoko: Ils sont pareils.

Message 02 Oct 2005, 03:38

Kystrel a écrit:[spoiler]And another thing I was wondering as I was watching this was, what was X.A.N.A thinking as he was watching these marabountas take over Lyoko?[/spoiler]

[spoiler]I think XANA would want to avoid Lyoko's destruction, as that is his base for destroying the world, his one and only purpose for existing. He can't possibly care about Lyoko's welfare AFTER the world is torpedoed because Lyoko will crash too, but, before that, don't mess with it![/spoiler]



Messages: 307

Inscription: 04 Juin 2005, 18:59

Message 04 Oct 2005, 00:24

Common interest, watching it now, even if it has possessing, it's still a good plot making for a good episode. I like. Didn't they see Kankrelats in Marabounta though? It reveals the super calculator is nuclear. Tarantulas! Yes! Peter something looks like my former drug dealin' former cult member favorite uncle Kenny. Good way to start off the week. Plus we saw Aelita in her underwear. XD. Peter Duncan. Duncan. That's the name. Oh, that teacher is Mayer! Yeah, that's cool. Episode credits.



Messages: 307

Inscription: 04 Juin 2005, 18:59

Message 04 Nov 2005, 00:57

In the begining of Marabounta Aelita seemed really pretty I noticed. I missed it the first time.

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