Season 2 / #33-Final Mix



Messages: 307

Inscription: 04 Juin 2005, 18:59

Message 28 Sep 2005, 03:34

Season 2 / #33-Final Mix

Final Mix was even worse. Mr. Puck was awesome, but now the possessing is overused. Season one had very original plots, but now it's all just X.A.N.A. possesses someone. Next episode? Mrs. Hertz? On an even angrier note, this was a PERFECT opportunity to use Sam again, if not on Valentine's day, but no...the writers are getting bad at this, but I applaude Mr. Puck's writer. Next episode is "Missing Link"

Edit: By the way, is "False Start" the only episode with monsters virtuallized on Earth? That's no good! Lyoko team needs to stop the over-used possessing, and bring on the expected virtualized monsters as shown in the season one finale.

Démolisseur de Mégatanks

Messages: 1563

Inscription: 01 Juil 2004, 01:55

Message 28 Sep 2005, 04:26

[spoiler]What was up with Jim splitting in two? And phasing through the door!
I'm with exo; there's too much human posession. Although, maybe it's a trend:
season 1 - controlling electrical devices
season 2 - human posession
season 3 - materialization? Although they did that in False Start, too. Maybe the writers changed their minds. I thought season 2 would have materialization and Jim helping them out.
[spoiler]Also, William. He was just hanging out with them like nothing, despite being a rival for Yumi's affection. And Sissi kept butting in when Ulrich and Yumi were dancing, but they didn't seem annoyed. Is Sissi becoming nice? Is she becoming part of the group? Is she abandoning Herve and Nicholas? Aaarrg![/spoiler]

Batman + Kiwi = Chauve - Souris

Messages: 1203

Inscription: 08 Mai 2004, 07:24

Localisation: Le Arizona ou le désert de Lyoko: Ils sont pareils.

Message 28 Sep 2005, 04:36

exo a écrit:Final Mix was even worse.
Edit: By the way, is "False Start" the only episode with monsters virtuallized on Earth?

On the latter question, I believe that is so, unless you want to count that extremely cool glue-spraying movie monster. But that was more of a possession than an official monster.
I thought #33 was approximately the same "worseness" as #32. More possessing, and more medusa. Was it just me, or was the possessed-Jim no more nasty than the normal Jim?
Kiwi to the rescue! Yay!
I've never noticed before that the over-vehicles can be "killed" just like the Lyokids. And apparently they cannot be re-born in a given episode, also like the kids.
Aelita always holds still for the medusa, even before it gets to her. Irritating!
Well, there was some good "soap" and some good fighting in #33, so we shouldn't complain too much. It's still pretty great, even if not up to the standards of the first week. :excite:

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