Season 2 / #40-A fine Mess



Messages: 307

Inscription: 04 Juin 2005, 18:59

Message 07 Oct 2005, 00:32

Season 2 / #40-A fine Mess

A Fine Mess, this is NOT episode 38. We weren't supposed to see this episode for a few weeks. Hahaha. This is hilarious. Hahahaha. That scene with Odd's bra was hilarious. How are they going to...their voices are so off. Hey, Odd's a pimp. XD. That voice thing WAS screwy. Man, how awkward for Ulrich. This episode is definately the funniest yet. Here's hoping this and Puck make it onto the season two DVDs they haven't announced. What's Yumi looking for? Hahaha. Kiwi had the 'boing!' sound when he hit the door. Hahaha. Yumi just got slapped. Hahaha. Hiroki. Woah, Yumi's hand is fading. Kiwi has the jaws of an alligator. Nin hau? Hahaha. That means how are you. Gosh, is Odd being a slut or a cosplayer? I'm surprised they're actually going to class. This episode is hilarious. That sword thing Ulrich did was awesome. Odd can't walk. Hahaha. Catwoman. Hahaha. Sector five, me likey this episode. Creeper action, nice, nice. Screwy gravity room! Nice, Awesome! There's that shield again. I like that schiphizoa. It's cool. I dunno why y'all don't. Taking a couple of snaps, XD. Hahaha. Good ending too. This is now my second favorite episode of season two, right after Mr. Puck. Seems Season two has lots of bad to mediocre episodes, but then it has two or three great episodes now and then like this episode, Puck, or Common Interest.

Démolisseur de Mégatanks

Messages: 1563

Inscription: 01 Juil 2004, 01:55

Message 07 Oct 2005, 04:09

Now THAT was a funny episode! I don't think there's been a funnier one!
[spoiler]Odd is such a troublemaker! I love the outfit he was wearing while as Yumi! So. Funny. And the fork thing? That was great! I've been liking Odd more and more in season 2. It's episodes like this that make me happy.[/spoiler]
Clem! You're not happy with an Ulrich/Sissi combination? hahahaha

Batman + Kiwi = Chauve - Souris

Messages: 1203

Inscription: 08 Mai 2004, 07:24

Localisation: Le Arizona ou le désert de Lyoko: Ils sont pareils.

Message 07 Oct 2005, 04:18

Geez, they MUST be running out of ideas, to resort to this old turnip! The episode title is taken from the Laurel and Hardy movies, but I doubt that Stan and Ollie ever tried this gimmick. Well, I shouldn't rant and rave, because I just do not like this theme, and lots of other people do.
Anyway, there is the ABSURD (which is fun in animé productions) and there is just-plain-STUPID (as in brain-trade stories.) A logical person finds the myriad flaws in the latter rather distracting, and tedious.
Our CL people made the one, biggest mistake that everyone makes (and virtually every cartoon series ever made has included an episode of brain-trade.) They always have the characters' voices jump with the personality into the other body. But the pitch and timbre of a voice is physical, determined by the sex and morphology of the body. It would stay WITH the BODY!
Other matters:
Someone made the remark that Odd is going steady with TWO girls?
Ulrich might want to mess with a female partner, but why would Odd's personality be so anxious to mess with a MALE partner? (Don't answer that!)
The creepers looked completely different to me. Didn't they used to have bigger heads, less pointed tails, and cylindrical arms? I must check my early-seas-2 recordings. Jer referred to the creepers with a name ending in ...illa, I think, but I couldn't get the whole word.
A brief look at my beloved slot-elevators again. Neat-o!
[/spoiler]Overall rating: I could have done without it.... :cool:
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Tueur de Blocks

Messages: 473

Inscription: 22 Juin 2004, 07:43

Localisation: U.S.A and my own little world.......

Message 07 Oct 2005, 06:43

I liked this one. i don't know why. It was amusing. ^_^

[spoiler]But yeah. The voice thing was kind of off.

The odd and ulrich thing is funny....(It'd be even funnier if there turned out to be an odd/ulrich pairing. lol. ^_^ jk. ^_^) Actually, now that you mention it, Odd sure does wear a lot of purple and :D

They don't really have much reaction to being in each other's bodies. I mean, where's Yumi's "What is THAT!?" Or Odd's, for that matter. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Or some smart comment to Odd or something. lol. Ah well. I guess they can't do that. It's a kid's show. *sigh* :lol: :lol: :lol:

If you think about it long enough, it is so wrong, on so many levels. :lol: But it's hilarious.....^_^[/spoiler]
"Disorganization forces you to think fast and deal rationally with unusual situations and problems."


(Signature picture done by Kystrel)

Batman + Kiwi = Chauve - Souris

Messages: 1203

Inscription: 08 Mai 2004, 07:24

Localisation: Le Arizona ou le désert de Lyoko: Ils sont pareils.

Message 07 Oct 2005, 11:31

I am just a grouch on this subject -- I know most people find it amusing.
The one thing that I did find hilarious was when Yumi took off Odd's shoes.
And, Kystrel, you are obviously worried about the same thing that bothers me. Two young kids who find themselves in a body of the opposite gender for the night. Tricky situation!
Geez, what next?, I wonder.... :sm27:

Démolisseur de Mégatanks

Messages: 1563

Inscription: 01 Juil 2004, 01:55

Message 15 Nov 2005, 08:19

Some random thoughts:

A Fine Mess? Come to think about it, that doesn't begin to describe the problem in that episode... Probably the funniest episode, though!

I love the way James Finson's movie ends! It's so corny; the guy with the girl in one hand and a gun in the other.

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